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  "May I use the restroom"

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"May I use the restroom"

Professor Trelawney nodded her head and went back to the front of the class
I grabbed my bag and began walking out the door

I had no liquor stored anywhere on me, so I couldn't drink but maybe just walking around would help my mood

I walked down the spiral stairwell and when I reached the bottom I heard guys laughing

I went around the corner and saw Adrian Pucey with Marcus Flint and Graham Montague
"If it isn't Yaxley" Adrian said walking up to me "care for a drink?" He showed me his bag and inside had 4 liquor bottles

I nodded my head and they lead me into a classroom that was unoccupied

I drank their bourbon with them silently, they laughed and goofed off the entire time shooting spells at one another but I just drank watching them
He let me have a bottle to myself, since each one of them did too

"If you ever want more I've got a source" Adrian said coming up to my face
I was sitting down on the ground by a wall

I nodded but kept silent

"For a pretty girl like you I'll get you as much liquor as you want" he said smirking

"Let's get back to class before we get caught" Marcus said "I don't need any of us getting kicked from the team"

Adrian got up

I shook my head
"No im going to hang out until my next class begins. Fuck divination" I said raising the bottle

He put his hand on my cheek
"If you insist princess"

He got up with his group and left me in the room
I drank until the bottle was empty then I used my wand to shatter it into tiny particles

Even the tea leaves know my future is fucked
But at least I know where to get more alcohol
I need to sober up before I leave
Fred would be upset if he found me like this, Draco would be too
He doesn't know of my drinking habit yet but once he finds out he'll be disappointed
I don't need the only two men I trust to off me

I waited for another half an hour, in time for divination class to end
I got up from my seat and felt myself sway but I was able to stay sturdy
Their liquor was stronger than what I normally drank

I took a deep breath and opened the door
I could smell the bourbon on me, maybe I could make it to the common room and shower before care of magical creatures class

I began walking to the common room
No one bothered me my entire walk there
I was able to go into the dorm room and shower before my next class
I was going to be late but it was better than someone smelling the liquor on me

I used my wand to dry my hair and sprayed my body perfume on
Peaches with vanilla
I grabbed my bag and headed downstairs to get to my next class

The hallways were quiet, everyone was in their classes by now
I went through the west wing archway and walked down to Hagrid's hut where the rest of my class was already

"Hello Cora! we were just discussing Buckbeak over here, will you come to the front of the class so you can get a better look"
The shower sobered me up so I was able to walk fine to the front
As I walked I found Draco near the back of the group so I stayed next to him instead of going to the front

"I was worried where did you go?" Draco whispered to me

"I wasn't feeling well so I took a shower and then laid down for a few minutes"

He took the back of his hand and placed it gently on my forehead
"You feel a little warm, want me to bring you to Madame Pomfrey?"

I shook my head
"No im ok"

He looked apprehensive but let it go when Hagrid began talking again

  "Buckbeak over here is a Hippogriff! They're very prideful creatures and you need to bow before approaching them. Who wants to come closer?!" Hagrid said excitedly

The whole class backed up, Draco took my arm and pulled me back with him
Harry was the only one who didn't get the hint

  "Harry! Good" Hagrid said delighted

I looked at Hermione and Ron and they were both nervous for Harry, but he went with Hagrid and bowed at the creature

It took a moment but Buckbeak bowed back

  "Well done Harry!!" Hagrid said excited and we all clapped, except for Draco and his friends "he'll let you ride him now"

  "What?" Harry was going to argue back but Hagrid picked him up and placed him on Buckbeak's back
They took off together leaving the rest of the class behind to discuss Hippogriffs

Draco looked at the sky
  "Potter always showing off"

  "Why do you not like him? He's nice"

  "He's a show off it's annoying"

  "That's fair, I don't think he does it on purpose though"

Draco pulled me in for a side hug
  "You know Professor Trelawney is looney right?"

I didn't say anything

  "She predicts someone dying every year, and none of them have. I can't imagine your prediction is correct"

  "But it matches with the theme of my life"

Draco tighten his hug
  "Everything will be ok" he tried comforting me

But it never felt like things were going to be ok
Once I started letting myself feel happy, something else always brought me down

Harry returned after ten minutes of flying
Hagrid helped him off and then looked at the class
  "We still have time who wants next?!"

Pansy looked at me after Draco stopped hugging me
  "I heard Cora wants to"

I looked at Pansy who was snickering
  "I'm ok"

  "None sense it's easy!" Hagrid said ushering me over

I took a deep breath and began walking towards them
Harry gave me a smile and thumbs up
If he's brave enough so am I
I can do this

I walked next to Hagrid and noticed that Draco made his way to the front of the class alongside Crabbe Goyle and Pansy who took my place next to him

  "Ok Cora bow"

I bowed lowly to the Hippogriff, not making eye contact

I felt the creature hesitate but he bowed after me
  "Good!" Hagrid said

  "Pathetic" I heard Pansy snir

I had my eyes on the Hippogriff now, he was staring at me with respect
I walked up to the creature and pet his head
  "He's really cool" I said to Hagrid

But then a rock went flying for the creatures face and it spooked him
I saw his hooves raise above my head, about to hit me
But a body pushed me to the ground and took the damage of the hooves instead

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