Ninety Six

171 9 7

"You've got to be kidding me" Draco said to me during lunch

I wrote eating my salad

"Cora" he put down his fork and turned to me "just like that he's forgiven? Just because he swooned you with fireworks? I know you love him but you didn't even give him time to make it up to you"

What was I going to say no? I love him, I've been waiting for this for a while

Draco rolled his eyes and looked over to the Gryffindor table
Fred was sitting beside George and Lee who were teasing him about how long it took for us to get together
"I don't like him"

I sighed
I know

"I'm never going to"

I know that too

"You will tell me if he hurts you again right?"

I will, but he won't

Draco scoffed
"Mhm ok. I'm keeping my wand ready"

I tried to laugh but my voice was still gone completely
Ok tough guy

"Slytherins don't forgive, ever" he said fixing his tie

So you won't show up to our wedding in the future?

"I'll go to any occasion you invite me to, even the ones you don't I'll gate crash. I wont be happy that it's him but I will always support you. You not him"

I love you

"I love you too"

I kissed his cheek
Charlie Weasley is supposed to be coming here in a few weeks. Ironically when the first round is, I think it's dragons

"Dragons?? Merlin Cora I'm going to die of heart failure this year"

Not if I get eaten by a dragon first
I smirked

"Not funny"

I didn't mean to get put into the tournament but now that I'm in I can't wait. It's the Gryffindor in me getting competitive

Draco looked at Harry who just got a tomato thrown at him from a hufflepuff next to Cedric
Draco laughed
"Potter's not doing as well as you"

I feel bad
I looked at Harry who got up from his seat and left the hall
no one is attacking me but they are to him, why is that?

Draco laughed
"Because Fred and I threatened anyone who so much as looked at you wrong. It's the only good things he's done recently"

I looked at Draco and then at Fred
What do you mean?

"After you left the crowd went insane yelling about how both of you were the worst. When the teachers left I got up and threatened the whole room to shut their mouths before I showed them what messing with you looked like. Fred did something similar, Pucey and Montague made up "Creature" pins with your face on it, Fred and George both beat the shit out of them it was fantastic. They came into the common room silent bruised and bloody with pins sticking in their body on every inch"

I wrote smiling

"They've also been pranking anyone who was left behind, savage things like jinxes and dungbombs that last for hours"

Thank you for doing that for me, I'll have to thank them too

"The only house that didn't get messed with was yours. Except some don't care for Potter still"

The lunch bell rang and everyone began getting up from their seats
I hugged Draco and walked over to Fred
"Hello Love" he kissed my lips

I smiled brightly

He matched my smile and pulled me close to his side
"Have a good lunch?"

I nodded my head
He kissed the top of my head
"Charlie wrote to me, he said he can't wait to see us when he visits and he's excited that you and Harry are the champions for Hogwarts"

I took out my parchment
Thank you for all you and George did behind my back. Beating up Slytherins and pranking anyone who talked bad about me

He laughed
"How'd you find out?"

I pointed to Draco and Fred stopped laughing
"Is he ever going to forgive me?"

I shook my head no
For now no....I hope things change in the future

"So you expect us to have a future? Good me too" he kissed me again

"Gross" George said coming up to my side with Ron

Ron came over and hugged me
"I'm sorry I've been a git Cora, I'm sorry about your voice too"

It's ok, thank you. Have you forgiven Harry yet?

Ron sighed
"That's a harder one to forgive..."

I rolled my eyes
You two need to talk

"Yeah I know Hermione and Ginny say the same thing" he said scratching his head "speaking of she went off to her muggle study class, ready for our Divination class?"

I nodded my head and he took my bag from me
"I'll carry this"

I looked at him suspiciously but allowed it
Fred kissed me deeply
"I'll see you after class, we're going to defense"

Divination was just as awkward as it was the last time
Ron sitting with me and Seamus while Harry sat with Neville and Dean

"Have you had any strange dreams since you've lost your sound?" Professor Trelawney asked me

I shook my head no but then she looked disappointed
So I made up a dream
I've seen creatures coming up to me in my dreams
They sing with me and dance around a fire
They are fluffy but one of them is hairless

She gasped
"A hairless creature?! Like a werewolf??"

The class looked at me
Yes like a werewolf

"Oh dear oh dear" she paced back and forth

Ron chucked next to me
"That's all she's going to think about now"

I know
I wrote smiling to him
The big bad werewolf

"You're not safe dear not safe...and this tournament coming with that danger in your dream?!"

What does it mean?

"Death despair heartbreak it could be any of those!" She yelled grabbing her crystal ball "what do you see??"

I looked at Ron and Seamus who were silently laughing

I see...a frog

"A frog?? That means good seems like you'll need it" she said going back to the front of the classroom

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