One Hundred Twenty Nine

97 4 4

I faded out again
This time when I opened my eyes I saw Harry standing in front of some creature
It was tall, pale and reeked of death
Floods of emotions poured into me, but the one I felt the most was fear
My throat was closing up from it
The sensation felt like someone was choking me, I placed my hand on my throat to be sure that no one was

  "Harry!" I yelled
I was actually able to yell

He twisted his head in my direction but Corban blocked my path to him
  "Shut the fuck up" he said to me

I pushed myself off of the ground
I swayed around for a few seconds before I steadied myself again

  "Cora?!" Harry yelled
He pointed his wand towards Corban but the creature from before shot a spell at Harry
He dodged it and hid behind the gravestone he was attached to before I blacked out

Corban walked over to me and dragged me to where more people were standing
I recognized a few of them
Lucius Malfoy specifically
He looked at me with disgust

  "Welcome" the creature said to me
My dad threw me forward and I stumbled into the ground beside it

  "What are you" I asked

The people who surrounded me began laughing

  "The Dark Lord" Corban said from behind me

I looked up at the creature and felt bitterness from it
He's filled with anger

He took his foot and placed it on my head, pressing me down into the dirt
  "Lord Voldemort is who you will address me as"

  "Voldemort..." I said in disbelief

He took his foot and smashed my head into the ground
  "Did you forget your manors girl? Have you taught her nothing??" Voldemort asked Corban

  "My lord I'm sorry, she's difficult..." he said glaring at me

  "Get off of her" Harry yelled coming back into the area

Voldemort chuckled
His followers did the same but then he raised his wand up at them
Everyone silenced
  "Harry Potter..." he said

Harry began walking towards us
  "Harry stay b-back" I begged "get out of here"

  "Not without you. I left you once already, I'm not doing it again" he said determined

Voldemort took his foot off of me and threw me back to Corban who grabbed my arms and held me tight
  "Don't even think about doing anything stupid" he spat at me

I felt myself blacking out again
Not now...

I came too and saw Harry and Voldemort dueling each other
I saw their wands colliding
Sparks flew in every direction from their spells
I could tell that the one Voldemort used was the killing curse
  "Harry!" I said again
He looked my way and then back at Voldemort

Their wands stopped their spells and I saw a blinding light go towards Voldemort, blinding him temporarily
The light turned towards his followers as well, blinding everyone but Harry and I
Corban tighten his hold on me

Harry went to run towards me but I shook my head
  "Please go"

  "I cant" he said "not without you"

I smiled at Harry
  "I love you, tell the rest that I love them too"
I stretched for Corban's wand
I grabbed it and pointed it at Harry
  "Imperio" I said

Harry looked stunned
And I felt bitterness from his as well but I told him mind to mind
Go to the portkey

He tried breaking free
I knew it wouldnt hold for long so I repeated my command again and again
Even if Harry was able to grab me, this light wouldn't last long enough for us both to run away
I was too far away from him...

  "Accio portkey" I said as a command for him

He followed it with tears in his eyes
Voldemort yelled and picked up his wand but the cup was quicker
It touched his back, taking him to the same location he came from
Leaving me behind and no one to know how he escaped

Fred's POV

A thump was heard in the middle of the field
I saw Harry was clutching the Triwizard Cup, crying

I ran
I ran as fast as I could alongside Draco and Sirius

  "What happened??" Dumbledore asked Harry

The last scene we had of Harry was touching the portkey
Then his camera shut off as well
He disappeared and we knew he was in trouble too

  "He's back" he said in between tears
Sirius was on top of Harry, growling at anyone who tried to get too close
He snapped at Moody when he tried to grab Harry

  "Who??" Dumbledore asked

  "Voldemort" he said "Cora is still there"

That was my undoing
Harry said the words we feared
He returned without her...

  "What do you mean she's still there..." Draco said
I felt heat pouring from Draco
He was looking at Harry with such hatred...

  "She used the Imperio curse to send me away...I was too weak to fight it...she's there we need to save her" he said crying still

My hands were shaking
  "Was Corban there as well" I said

  "He...he was. He has her"

I fell to the ground
I felt a set of hands in my back and knew it was George
A second set belonged to Lee
I didn't know what to say
She's trapped with the worst two wizards

  "Where is she?" Draco demanded
He went to grab Harry but Sirius snapped at him
  "I'm going to get her where is she?!"

  "Dumbledore we need to get Harry into a safe spot, we have a crowd forming" Cornelius Fudge said

I whipped my head towards him
  "We have more important things to worry about, forming a crowd is the least of it"

He stared at me
  "This won't be discussed here"

Moody grabbed Harry again
Dumbledore whispered something to Sirius and he took off

  "With me boy" he said to Harry who reluctantly got up with him

I watched as they left the scene
Hermione was with us now, being held by Ron
She was crying
I felt hot tears pouring down my face
When I looked at Draco he was gone
I wasn't sure where he went off to but I was frozen in my spot
He's going to kill her

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