Fifty Seven

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I heard a few knocks on the door
  "Yes?" I answered back still on the floor of the shower

  "Mum made something for you to eat if you're hungry" Fred said "are you doing alright?"

  "No" I answered "if you want me to be honest"

  "I always want you to be, can I help in any way?"

  "You can come in" I said

I heard the door handle click and he walked in
  "Do you want to talk?"

  "No, can you keep me company though...I don't want to be alone anymore"

I heard him come to the shower and sit down on the floor
He put his hand in the shower, careful to not move the curtain

I took his hand and held it
  "How did you know I was sitting down?"

  "I heard you crying, I haven't left the hallway. I was sitting down waiting for you to be done so we could sit in the living room together. Mum came and told me about food"

  "Oh" I said squeezing his hand "will things ever get better for me?"

  "Yes" he answered quickly "you're here now, and you're never going back there. If I have to tie us together so I can keep you from his house than I will, but you're going to stay here until you want to leave for another safe house"

  "What if I don't want to leave" I confessed

  "Then you don't have to ever, mum loves having another daughter around"

I felt my cheek twitch into a smile

  "I was worried about you" he said to me

  "I was terrified when I got to his house, I thought he was going to kill me then"

  "Me too. I didn't think I'd ever see you again"

Fred stayed with me in the bathroom while I washed my body and hair
He let go of my hand to do so, but he stayed near the curtain in case I needed him

When I shut it off I saw he threw a towel over to me, I grabbed it and wrapped it around my chest

I got out of the shower and he had a brush in his hand
  "Can I brush your hair?" He asked sweetly
I nodded my head and sat down on the ground

He sat behind me and brushed out my hair, gently

  "Remember when we would talk about our favorite things?" He asked


  "I love brushing hair, I used to brush mum's growing up. I help Ginny with hers a lot too, it's something about the motion that calms me down"

  "I love my hair being brushed"


  "Now I do"

He got out of the bathroom so I could get dressed
He left a sweatshirt for me to change into and a pair of sweatpants I had to tie tightly
Everything was baggy on me but it smelt like him so I didn't mind

I got out of the bathroom and saw he was standing by the door waiting for me
He took my hand and we walked down to the kitchen together
Molly had a plate set up for me to eat, it was filled with vegetables and what looked like chicken

  "If you're hungry deary I made some food for you" she said pouring me a cup of tea as well

  "Thank you" I said sitting down to eat

Fred watched me eat my whole plate and when I was finished he was smiling

  "Is there something on my face?" I asked confused

  "No, you haven't eaten that much since you were released from the hospital. It's nice to see you eating again"

I felt a warm blanket get placed on my shoulders
  "Here you go" Molly said "I'm going to go to bed, whenever you're ready I'm sure Fred will show you your room" she smiled at him

He nodded his head and she kissed both of us on our heads
She left up the stairs to go to sleep

Fred got up from the table and grabbed my teacup
  "Want to sit at the fireplace with me?"


He held his hand out for me and we walked together to the living room
The couch was behind us but we just sat together in front for the fire
Fred wrapped the blanket around me completely but I opened it up and turned my body to him

  "Would you like to join?"

His face lit up
  "I would"

I put the blanket around his shoulders and he sat closer to me
He put his arm around my body and pulled me in close to his chest

  "Fred, without you I don't know where I would be"

  "You would be with Draco's family" he said snarky

I chuckled
  "I love Draco, but he couldn't pull me out of my darkness like you did. You showed me true happiness and showed me how to laugh"

  "I love hearing you laugh"

  "I love being next to you"

  "A thought for a thought?" He asked

  "Ok, you first?"

He smiled
  "I'm thinking that you make me feel alive, like I can't get enough of your presence. My mood lightens the minute I see you and when you're gone I feel incomplete. You make me vulnerable, but stronger at the same time"

I felt my stomach twist and flutter
  "I'm thinking that i was lost before I met you. That I had no idea how to experience life, I was stuck in darkness. You brought light to my life. And that scares me, I don't want to stop feeling this"

He kissed the top of my head and we went back to watching the logs in the fireplace crackle

I wasn't sure how long we stayed in silence
It could easily have been hours, time with him is nonexistent

Fred every once in a while reminded me he was there by kissing my head, which gave me butterflies everytime
I could see myself falling in love with him, but it wouldn't be fair for him

I don't even know what love is
I'm a mess, I'm worthless
Who would want to be in love with me?

I wasn't sure when, but at some point I fell asleep
A comforting sleep that I haven't gotten in a while

I heard him humming while I slept, and he continued to rub my arm and back while I was asleep

I don't deserve him
I won't ever
But I'm happy to be here tonight with him and if this is the happiest I'll ever be, then I will enjoy every second of it
If this is all that I'm given in my pathetic existence, I will savor every moment of it

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