Thirty One

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It's been a week since Fred and I almost kissed
The whole week he's been avoiding me, which hurts but Ive been spending most of my time with Draco to help keep my mind off him

  "Everything ok?" Draco asked during lunch when he saw I chose to sit at his table again

  "Mhm" I said poking my lunch

He looked at me and then at Fred who wasn't looking my way. He always checked on me when I sat here
  "I'm here if you want to talk you know"

I looked up at Draco
  "I know, nothing is wrong though"
Nothing happened...why would anything be wrong

"If Fred did something you'd tell me right?" Draco glared at Fred's back "Did he do something?" He started to get up from his seat but I pulled him back down

"No he didn't. I promise I'll tell you if he does though"

Draco sat back down with me but continued to glare at him
"Ok, want to walk together to potions?"

I nodded my head

This week has been rough, it's the week of the full moon and Fred's been avoiding me
I took my potion, but the symptoms still show up with it

I was sitting in the common room on my single chair when I saw Fred walk in with George
George came up to me

"Hey Corey!" He said hugging me from behind the chair

"Hey George" I smiled at him but then dropped my smile when Fred avoided looking at me

George looked at me and then at Fred
"Well I have to go now"

Fred stared at him but sat down after his brother left

I was going to sit in silence but he broke it
  "Have you talked to Professor Flitwick?"

  "No, I don't know if I could sing in front of anyone else"
Or again

  "You have a beaut—nice voice" he said looking into the fire

  "Thanks" I said looking at the fire too

Hermione joined us in the common room
She looked at Fred and then at me
I had my knees up to my chest, something I found myself doing when I wanted to guard myself
I used to do this a lot when my father would beat me, now I do it at school when I'm uncomfortable

  "Cora can you help me with this?" She pointed to her transfiguration homework

I nodded and moved from my seat to where she was sitting at a coffee table
Fred left the common room, I'm sure on a hunt to find his twin

"What do you need help with?"

She laughed
"I don't need help, I just figured you wanted someone to talk to"

I faked a smile
"Fred and I almost kissed last week"

She looked up from her textbook
"Oh merlin is that why he's been so weird?"

"Yeah" I said discouraged "we were interrupted and when we were alone again he just got up and wanted to leave. I think I did something wrong, maybe he doesn't like me like that"

She turned her textbook page
"I don't think you did anything wrong, he's weird all guys are. But you don't need him, there are plenty of others here who would give you the time of day. I hear constantly how pretty and spectacular you are from guys when we walk around"

"I don't think I've ever heard anyone say that about me"

"Because you focus on Fred when we're walking, I don't think you hear me half the time either"

"I'm sorry"

"Don't be I understand it"

"It's just I don't want any other guy...I don't know maybe I should just avoid him too"

"I would, he'll realize he fucked up if you do"

I dropped my head
"He's never been this way before to me"

"I bet you he asked for advice and, knowing his circle, got bad advice"

"Should I talk to George?"

"That would be the easiest way to learn what is going on without asking him yourself"

I got up from my seat
"Thank you Hermione, really I don't know if I've ever told you this but I need you in my life"

She smiled
"I need you too"

I closed the door behind myself and began looking for George
If Fred was with his brother I would have to find him another time

I walked down a few different levels and hallways but I couldn't find them anywhere

"You forgive easy" the voice of Adrian said
I looked behind myself and saw him standing near a window "heard Draco offed you but I saw you sitting with him still...what can I do to get that sort of treatment?" He walked up to me

"Fuck yourself that's what you can do"
Be brave

"I'd rather you do it for me" he was inches from my face now "want some more alcohol?" He showed me his bag "plenty for the two of us, maybe we can go back to where we left off" he touched my shoulder but I shook him off

"Leave me alone"

"Why would I want to do that?" He started to play in my hair and imitate a wolf howl in my ear

I jumped back into a wall

He smirked
"I thought wolves liked to hear howling? Maybe werewolves are different"

I felt my heart racing
"What are you talking about"

He walked closer to me, pinning me to the wall I was against
"I know your secret and if you don't want it to get out you will do what I say" he whispered into my ear making my blood boil

"I don't have a secret" I tried lying but he slammed his hand next to my head

"But you do" he imitated a howl again "now the first thing you're going to do is stop talking to Fred, I see the way you are with him and I don't like it. Trying to make me jealous and shit"

He took a strand that was laying in my face and started to twirl it
"Next, you're going to sit with me during meals. Not with Draco not with Fred, on my lap would be nice but I'll leave that for you to pick"

Be brave

He placed his hand on my throat
"It wasn't a question"

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