Twenty Four

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The feast ended and we were all heading back to our common rooms

I hugged Draco before I exited the Great Hall
Fred waited for me at the entrance

"Goodnight see you tomorrow" I said to Draco

"Goodnight" he said back

I walked over to Fred
"Ready?" He asked sweetly

"Yes I'm kind of tired"

"Oh?" He smiled

We began walking down the hallway, following the Gryffindors to our tower

"Yeah! I don't know what did it but I think I'll actually be able to sleep tonight"

"Good" he put his arm around my shoulder
George came up beside me with Lee

"Think anything spooky will happen? It is Halloween" George said making Halloween styled noises at me

I lightly pushed him away
"I mean we are in a magical school anything could happen" I said laughing

"And we have dementors flying around outside, nothing is spookier than that" Lee said joking with us

We were almost at our common room entrance when we heard yelling and commotion happening further up the stairs
I looked at Fred and we ran up with George and Lee

When we made it to the top I heard their older brother talking
We were in the middle of the crowd, I was too short to see so I went to the handrails and looked around the group

"I'm head boy move over" he demanded
Dumbledore came up the stairs with McGonagall and they both looked at the portrait that usually held the fat lady

She was gone
And slashes from claws were in her place

"Where is she?" Dumbledore asked looking around

The crowd all looked too, trying to see if they could spot her
I looked in each painting trying to find her
"There!!" I heard someone yell and point up another stairwell

People began pushing and shoving to get to where she was
Someone shoved me aside and I tripped over the step and went falling over the railing
My body was halfway over before someone grabbed my arm and pulled me back up

I looked and saw Fred's face
He looked riled up

"Are you ok?" He asked looking into my eyes and then inspecting me for any spot that looked hurt

  "I'm ok, thank you"

  "Stay close to me please, this crowd is rough" he pulled me into his chest and held me close, even when we found George and Lee again he held me tightly

"Who pushed her?" George asked agitated "I didn't see who did it, but when I looked over she was almost over the edge. Good catch" he looked at Fred

"McLaggen" Lee said equally agitated "I watched him shove her and then move up the stairs. Sour about not getting the position I would assume"

"Let's deal with him later" George said pointing to where the headmaster, McGonagall, and Percy were

"He's in the castle!" The Fat Lady yelled crying

"Who? What happened?" Dumbledore asked

She looked back and forth
"The one they all talk about...he's here..."

The poltergeist known as Peeves began cackling and flying above our heads
"Sirius Black that's who!" He said then he threw water on most of the students "I saw him with my own eyes! He's here he's here!!"

He didn't touch me, maybe it was because I was with Fred and George who he actually likes

I looked at Fred who was looking at me already
His arm tighten around me and I could hear his heart beating fast
Sirius Black...I heard he murdered Harry's parents
Is he here for Harry?

We were all moved to the Great Hall, every house was put there
The long tables we usually ate at were gone and in place of them were bedrolls
The Professors and Headmaster wanted to check every section of the castle for him, no one was safe for now

Even though the tables were gone it seemed most students stayed in the house areas
Except I saw Draco had a few empty bedrolls laid out next to his
He ushered me and Fred over to him

I waved to Hermione and the rest of my friends
"Good night" I said

"Stay safe" Hermione said back

Ron her and Harry all went to where most of the Gryffindors were laying
Draco was in the middle of the floor with a small group of other students who didn't care where they laid

He got up when I got close
"You alright?" He asked hugging me

I nodded
"Yeah I'm fine, no one was there when it happened"

He sat back down and Fred sat on my opposite side
I was sleeping in between Draco and Fred

"Now that I know you are safe I can sleep" Draco said pulling his blanket up to his face "goodnight Cora" he looked at Fred and nodded his chin up

Fred did the same

An hour went by and I still wasn't able to sleep
I saw that both Draco and Fred were passed out

"I was really tired, now I don't know if I'll be able to sleep" I whispered to myself laying down in a new position, this time I faced Fred

I watched as Fred's hand moved closer to mine
"Are you awake?" I whispered

But he didn't answer he just moving his hand over to mine
I wanted to hold it

I moved my hand closer to his until just the tip of my finger was touching his
Did he just do this to stretch out
Did he even want me to hold his hand

I let my hand go closer
His hand stopped moving
Maybe I should pull back
I pulled my hand back to my side

But I want to touch his hand
I inhaled deeply and then moved my hand back to where his was
I placed my own on top of his, my heart was racing
He then moved his hand on top of mine and squeezed gently
  "Cora" he said sleepily

The sound of my name coming from him was heavenly
I could hear him say my name again and again and never tire of it

I looked at his hand on top of mine, he interlaced our fingers together
His palms were callused from playing quidditch for so long, but the feeling was comforting
He wasn't soft, he was strong and athletic

He gently made circles with his thumb on the back of my hand
I felt myself smiling at the sensation

I heard footsteps approaching so I pulled my arm back and put it under my blanket again
I closed my eyes, pretending to be asleep

The footsteps stopped by my head

  "You took this job so you could be closer to her, but why don't you just tell her the truth?" The voice of McGonagall said

  "I would ruin her life and make it harder. She would be outcasted by both sides just like me. She doesn't need me" the voice of Lupin said

  "She already has a hard life, do you know what Yaxley does to her? We've tried getting her out of that damned house but he has a pull in the ministry"

  "I know what he does...I didn't before but when her boggart showed up I figured it out. He's lucky I'm here, the next time I see him he won't be"

  "She would be safer with you"

  "No she wouldn't"

Both footsteps left and continued walking around checking on students
I laid on my back and looked up at the star filled sky that was enchanted above my head

What does he mean he would ruin my life...
What am I

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