One Hundred Thirty One

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The only thing helping me monthly was the lotion that Fred and George made me
I had it in my pocket when I was in the final trial, it's the only thing I took with me that day
I was able to find medicinals in the forest when Corban left for meetings, so my wounds were fine for now
Though I could use an actual healer, I had plenty of wounds that would not heal with any plants I found

I was also able to find food around here, berries and mushrooms mostly
Even though I didn't want to eat
I wanted to die
But what almost killed me monthly was the full moon
The first full moon without wolfsbane was hard, extremely hard
It wasn't something that would kill me though, it was something that made my bones break again and again
But because I have the lotion it's making the pain a little less
I was almost out of it though...

I know it's been a few months since I was kidnapped
I've been marking days outside by a tree
My legs been broken and a few ribs have been too, I've gone as far as I can without being caught daily to try to find a way out of here
I tried getting his wand, but the first and only time I tried he almost killed me
He barely held restraint while beating me
But I egged him on, I wanted him to kill me
But he wouldn't
He just brought me to the point of dying, he refused to kill me completely from fear of what Voldemort would do

I decided my best chance is to find a spot to hide, and wait until someone finds me or I die
Whichever comes first...

I wonder if anyone misses me
Or cares that I'm gone...
No they do
They definitely do, I have friends
But if I had friends they would have found me by now surely...
Does my dad care that I'm gone?
I'm better off dead...Corban reminds me daily of that
Maybe he's right

School is starting in a month
Am I able to go back?
Probably not, Corban knows I won't be caught again if I go back
He'll keep me here until Voldemort is through with me I'm sure
I'm just thankful he hasn't come to this place, it seems all of the meetings have been held in actual homes
Not dumpsters

I havent been sleeping, maybe 30 minutes each night
I can't sleep, not with him so close to me again
When I open my eyes and see him, it terrifies me
It reminds me that I'm still here, in hell

Tonight was no difference, he fell asleep hours ago
I've been sitting here staring at him for an hour
Waiting for him to die in his sleep, praying to Merlin that I will get rescued soon

I got up silently and went outside
I saw my sign's star, Pisces, that I sent wishes to nightly
Please get me out of here
I saw Aries, Fred's sign, and Gemini, Draco's and said the same wishes to those stars
Hoping that they would hear me

I stayed outside until my bones were as cold as the rest of my body felt
Maybe I'll die from hypothermia
I can tell we're still in England by how cold it is, I would say we're close to Ireland
That meant we were furthest away from London as we could be, but we must be close to Hogwarts if we're near the Ireland border
That was just my assumption I could be completely wrong
We could be in another country for all I know

I sighed and lifted my body off the cold ground and back inside
I didn't die tonight, maybe tomorrow I can

When I went in I saw that he was still sleeping
So I sat down at my usual spot, and closed my eyes
I dreamt of Hogwarts
I imagined a life without Corban in it
A life where I was in a relationship with Fred still, Draco was by my side and didn't hate him
I dreamt of holidays spent with my dad, Sirius and Harry
We would go see the Weasley's and Molly didn't hate me for what was wrongfully written about me
I dreamt that I had enough money to send my loved ones gifts
I dream that I was a dragon tamer with Charlie, and I was riding Cor my fireheart Dragon in the blue skies
I dreamt of a better life than what I was given

But those were just dreams
When I opened my eyes, I was still inside his fucking house
I was still broken everywhere
Still dying from hunger
Still wanting to die

A few hours of night went by and I heard rustling outside of the house
  "Odd" I whispered

Since I've been here not even a rat has come by
I got up slowly
Maybe it was a deadly creature and it would end my misery
I walked to the door
I was about to open it when a large black dog came charging through the window in the living room instead

It woke up Corban, who went for his wand right away but couldn't reach it in time
The large black dog went for his throat and began ripping it apart
Blood went splattering everywhere

  "Sirius?!" I said shocked

He released his grip on Corban and turned to me
His mouth was filled with blood, and his soft black fur was mangled and dirt filled

He went up to me and lightly grabbed my hand
I nodded my head and let him lead me outside
Leaving the bleeding corpse of Corban behind us

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