Thirty Three

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"Aren't you?" He turned my face to him

"I am"

He smirked
"Good my little creature, I have a warm spot for you to sit" he motioned to his lap

I clenched my fist and slowly got up

"You're mine" he said loud enough for his side of the table to hear

"I am"

"The hell you are" Draco yelled from beside me
I turned my head and he was walking towards us, his face was filled with rage

"Fuck off Draco" Graham said pulling me back down and keeping his hand on my shoulder, clenched

"Dont fucking touch her" Draco said coming to my side "what the hell are you doing sitting here??"

Adrian howled and Graham laughed
Draco's eyes widen and his jaw clenched

"I know a fun secret" Adrian said getting up from his seat "a creature walks among us"

Draco looked intensely at Adrian
"You fucking bastard" he went to punch Adrian but Graham grabbed him by the arms and held him so Adrian could hit him

"Draco!!" I yelled getting up but Adrian grabbed my collar and threw me to the ground

Adrian punched Draco in the face
I watched as he got hit again and again
I got off the floor and grabbed Adrian's hand before he could hit Draco again

Adrian turned around and looked at me
"Learn your place"
He went to grab me again but this time Fred ran over and grabbed Adrian's arm before he could hurt me

Fred's face was tightened and red
"Dont fucking touch her"

Fred didn't hesitate after that, he began attacking Adrian
Fred was stronger by a long shot

Draco spun around and began punching Graham as Fred laid into Adrian

Hermione ran up to my side and helped me up
"You ok?" She asked

I shook my head no
I saw Draco, Fred, Graham and Adrian get hit with spells that sent each of them flying into different directions of the hall

"What do you all think you're doing?!" Snape yelled walking over with Professor McGonagall

"This is outrageous what happened??" She asked Hermione and I

"Nothing" I said

She glared at me
"You two are coming with us to the headmaster's office, so are the four of them" she used her wand to levitate them onto their feet and used her wand to point them towards the exit

Draco waited for Fred and walked with him while Adrian and Graham walked together
Hermione stayed behind with me, we waited for the guys to lead the way

"What happened?" She whispered to me
We were walking behind the group

"Adrian cornered me yesterday, he threatened to expose me unless I did what he said..."

Hermione's eyes widen
"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't want to bother you, or anyone about it..."

"And suffer alone??"

"That's what I was used too..."

She hugged me from the side and held my hand as we walked into Dumbledore's office

6 chairs were sitting in front of his desk
Hermione took the one on Fred's right
I was in between Fred and Draco
Adrian was on the furthest left and Graham was beside him and Draco

"Who's going to explain?" Snape demanded

We were all silent

"No one? A little truth serum will fix that" he said walking towards the door

I took a deep breath
"I started it"

Everyone in the room looked at me

"You?" Snape said

Professor McGonagall stared at me

"I did, punish me not everyone else here"

"I was the one who started it actually" Fred said beside me

"We watched to you get to the fight last" Snape said annoyed "don't lie"

"It was me" Draco said "I started it"

Snape rolled his eyes

"It was me" Hermione said

Professor McGonagall rolled her eyes now too
"We know that's a lie"

Snape looked at Adrian and Graham

Adrian shrugged his shoulders
"They started it"

"Pucey and Montague you will serve detention will me for the next two weeks" Snape said

They both groaned

"We didn't do anything" Graham fought back

"I think it's obvious who started it" Professor McGonagall said

"If I can have the room with Cora" Professor Dumbledore said "if this is all settled"

"Can we stay?" Draco asked

"Please" Hermione added

Dumbledore looked at me
"If Cora is comfortable with that"

I nodded my head and watched as Snape escorted Graham and Adrian out of the office
They both glared at me before they left

The room closed
Draco held my left hand and Hermione reached over to hold my right
Fred was rubbing my back

"Cora dear what happened" he asked softly


He looked at his Phoenix who came to sit on my lap
"Fawkes is quiet fond of you" he said looking at his bird

"I like him too"

"He typically goes to who needs him the most, who's hurting the most usually"

"Why did you let me live in that house for so long"

My friends stayed silent

"I tried getting you out, but Corban Yaxley has a lot of pull in the ministry"

"Why did my real dad not want me..." I said sniffing softly and letting my head drop "no one ever wants me" I whispered the last part

"I don't think that's true at all" Dumbledore said looking at my support "you have done well at making friends"

"But I'm a burden to them" I felt my throat closing up

"You aren't" Draco said

"We will tell as many times as you need, you are not a burden" Fred added

"Cora, being a werewolf isn't as bad as it was when your father was a kid. You are less worrisome than him because you don't transform and even he made friends, just like you did"

"I'm afraid to be an outcast again" I said letting a single tear run down my cheek

"No matter what we will be here for you" Hermione said

"Anytime you need someone to talk to, or just need a space to be alone my office is available. My password changes often but for you, a special password will be created so you can access this at any point. That password will be...wolf"

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