Thirty Six

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"She didn't die giving birth to me?"

"No, he told the ministry that story but he killed her"

My chest started to hurt
"He's going to kill me too" I whispered
I looked down at my knees
"I can't go back there"

My dad was silent

"Can I come live with you...?"

He sat back in his seat again
  "I can't have you live with me"

  "But why not..." I tried to keep my voice from trembling "he's going to kill me, you don't understand the things he's done to me"

  "I don't understand, just like I couldn't understand what he did to your mother...but it's not safe for you to live with me"

  "Why?!" I got up from my seat "why can't I?! I'd be safer than I am now. You're telling me that even my real father doesn't give a shit about me?!" I let my emotions come out

  "I care about you more than you know"

  "Then why" I glared at him

  "Because I'm poor" he said softly and I sat back down "I'm too poor to keep you with me...this job pays well but it's the first one I've had for longer than a month. Typically employers find out about my secret and then I get fired for being a werewolf. I'm still paying things off and I've had this job for months. Plus I'm full werewolf, it's danger to be around me"

  "I don't care that you're a werewolf, I will stay safe. I can help with money, I'll get a job just please don't send me back there" I begged

He put his arms out and I walked over
He hugged me tightly
  "I promise you, I won't let you go back"

  "Where am i going to live if I don't go with you?"

  "When I have an answer I'll let you know, for now just trust that I would rather you never step foot in that house again. The same house that brought your mother pain"

  "Can I call you dad?" I asked softly

He released me from our hug and then put his hands on my shoulders
  "Call me whatever feels comfortable, but I would love it if you called me dad. The broom I gave you, was your mothers by the way. She used it during every game and was the only thing she ever kept during her time at Yaxley's"

I smiled through my tears
  "It's a great broom"

  "I'm glad you like are you and Fred..?"
He smirked at me

  "No nooo no" I said shaking my head "well...well no"

He laughed
  "Ok I was just checking. Do you have time to talk? I would love to get to know you more"

I looked at the door
  "Can I tell Fred that I'll go back to the common room later?"

  "Tell Fred I'll escort you back"

I nodded my head and opened the door
He was back to sitting at a desk away from the door

  "Hey" he said getting up "how was the meeting?"

  "Good, I'm going to talk to him for a little longer. He said he'll escort me back to the common room if you want to go back?"

  "Ok, I'll let you have your time with him. Promise me you will walk back together?"

  "I promise"

Fred smiled and then left the room
I went back to my dad's office

  "So...where do we begin?" He asked

Weeks went by and I visited my dad nightly to chat about our lives
I found out more about my mother during those nights too
Draco was happy that Corban Yaxley wasn't my real father
  "You have a father that cares for you, I'm so happy for you Cora"
He said during breakfast after I met with him for the first time

Fred was happy too, along with the rest of my friends. Everyone loved my dad as a professor, and surprisingly no one mentioned that I was a werewolf. I was surprised that Adrian and Graham didn't spread my secret out to everyone

I was in my dad's office after classes today
Fred joined me this time

Christmas was coming, I told my dad I usually stayed at school during the holidays and told him I would hang around him this time
But he told me Christmas falls on a full moon and he wouldn't be around

  "I just met you and now our first Christmas we can't spend together..." I tried to hide my disappointment but it was hard

He put his hand out for me to hold and I did
  "We will have plenty of holidays to be together"

I smiled
  "I can't wait"

  "You can come spend the holiday with my family?" Fred suggested

  "I don't want to intrude" I said

  "No you won't be, trust me"

  "Ok I will" I smiled

He smiled back
  "You will?? You never say yes, this is a good day I'm going to write to mum now can you walk her back to the common room?" He asked my dad and he nodded his head

When Fred left my dad poured me more tea

  "I have a question"

My dad looked up at my face
  "I'm ready"

  "Why did the dementor want to go after me on the train? It went right passed George Fred Draco, everyone in my compartment, and headed straight for me"

My dad's face dropped and he placed his tea down
  "Dementors feed off of misery and despair...they find whoever has the most in the room and favor them. Harry went through the same problem, in his compartment he was the one who was attacked. Your past was the worst in the room...I'm so sorry for you going through all that you did"

  "It brought me to where I am now it's ok"
I was finally coming to terms with my past

He smiled
  "You're just like your mother"

  "How so?"

  "She was brave too"

I smiled deeply

  "I told Harry I would train him on the Patronus charm because of that reason, after Christmas I am meeting with him I would love for you to come along. The Patronus charm is the only way to stop a dementor attack and since they are fond of you I would prefer you to learn it"

I nodded my head
  "I'll be there"

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