One Hundred Twenty Eight

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"You're not real" I choked out

He began dragging me away from my spot
"I'm sure you wish I wasn't"

My heart was racing
Every part of my body was in pain, both physically and phantomly
"But h-how" I felt blood pooling down my shirt from my hip injury and my neck from my mouth

"Don't worry about the how" he said
He dragged me to where a large cup was
The Triwizard's a portkey

I tried to fight him off but couldn't
His grip on me was too much, and by this point the moon was fully in effect and my body couldn't take it anymore
I went limp in his hands, my last resort going dead weight
But I weighed nothing
I knew he'd have no trouble dragging me to the portkey
And he didn't
He touched it and I felt the familiar pull of magic swirling us around until we hit cold ground

Draco's POV

"That bastard!! What is he doing?!" I yelled

I walked to the front of the stadium and held onto the railing

"Run Cora!!" I heard Hermione yell
I looked over and saw Fred was in the same spot I was
He made eye context with me and then back to the screen

"I'm going to fucking kill him" I said

"Why is he...oh Merlin" Hermione said

I walked over to where she was sitting, beside a black dog I knew to be Sirius Black
"What??" I said
I tried to hide my panic but my words were laced with it

"He's under the imperius curse..." she said "look at his eyes"

I looked back at the screens and saw what she was saying
His eyes were glazed over, and clouded

"He has no control over his mind" she said "someone used an unforgivable curse"

"We need to get her out" Fred said looking back at us and then at Dumbledore

"We can't interfere unless someone sends a flare, it's magically binded" He said

"I'm going in" I said walking to the front

"You can't" Professor Snape said holding me back "no one is allowed in, there isn't any way for us to help"

I shoved him off and stood beside Fred
Neither of us said anything to each other
We just watched as Cora was beaten again and again by Viktor
I felt my eyes stinging and when I looked at Fred his were watering too
I can't help her
I'm useless

But then he disappeared into the maze again, leaving her bloodied and broken
"He's gone" Fred said

"But why" I said back

Cora's screen was broken but we could see glimpses of what she saw still, and hear what she heard

"Harry?" She asked

"Someone is coming to help her" Fred said

"No" I said back " can't be"

He looked at me and then whipped his head back to the screen

"You wish someone was here to save you" the voice of Corban Yaxley said

  "It's a boggart right...?" Fred said in disbelief

  "It's not" I said clutching the railing "it's that fucking bastard"

He grabbed her and forced her to be eye level with him
He took the camera and destroyed it

  "" Hermione said clasping her mouth
Sirius began barking uncontrollably when the camera cut off

My body began moving again but Snape grabbed hold of me
  "Sit" he demanded

I looked over and Fred was being restrained by Moody
I could have sworn I saw a smile on his face

  "She needs help" I said desperately

  "No one can enter unless someone finished the challenge" he reminded me

  "Then how the fuck did he get in?!" I yelled looking back at the broken camera screen

  "Portkey I would assume...why I don't know" he said

  "Then let's get one to go in" I said

  "It would have to have been set up already..." he looked at Moody and then back at me "sit"

Cora's POV

The area we were in was unfamiliar to me
But it was damp and cold...
we're in a graveyard

  "What do you want" I said pushing myself off of the ground

  "I was fired from the ministry because of you" he kicked my stomach, knocking me back down "they FIRED ME" he yelled

He began to pace around the gravestones
I knew my wand wasn't with me but I still tried feeling for it
I'm defenseless

  "Did you place the portkey i-in the maze?"

  "No" he said "stop asking questions"

He took his wand and pointed it at me
  "Crucio" he said

My body began spasming
I was screaming, loudly and bloody
I felt on fire
It felt like the moon was damaging me, but I knew that it was internally from the curse

It hurts
It hurts so fucking bad

He stopped and my body became limp
He grabbed me and dragged me to an unmarked stone
  "Stay here" he demanded

I couldn't move even if I tried
I was forced to stay where he left me
Forced to stay by his side again...
Someone help me

Time went by
I wasn't sure how much, my vision was going in and out
I passed out a few times waiting for anything to happen to me
I heard a voice
It was wormtail
And Harry...

They were arguing
Then I heard a thump against something hard and heard Harry start to yell
I used all my strength to pull my body closer to him
  "H-h-Harry" I said softly
I couldn't yell

I crawled close enough to see he was being restrained on a tomb stone that read
Thomas Riddle
And a few other names that I couldn't see
Thomas Riddle..Tom Riddle's grave

I watched as Wormtail held onto something in a towel and drop it into a cauldron
Harry began screaming in pain
I felt my eyes watering and tears running down my cheeks
"Harry" I tried to yell again but it was no use

Wormtail went up to Harry and began saying something that only he could hear
He used his wand to summon bones from the gravestone, and then he cut Harry to use his blood for the potion he was making
There's no he bringing Tom Riddle to life...?

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