One Hundred Eighteen

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Weeks have gone by without any incidents
Fred had avoided me during these weeks too

  "He went from being sweet again after the ball, to this" I said pointing to him across the table
I was sitting beside Hermione for breakfast, he was with his usual group

"I don't know what's going on in his head really" she said eating her porridge

"Miss.Lupin you and Mr.Potter are to be escorted to the quidditch field" Professor Snape said from behind us

Harry sighed and got up
I got up slowly as well
I waited to see if Fred would look my way but he didn't

"Why the field?" Harry asked

"I didn't come with answers I came with a purpose to retrieve you two unfortunately" the Professor said snarky

"I'll see you later" I said to Hermione
I looked over at Fred again, once more before I left but he didn't so much as glance my way
Draco did though, I sent him a nod and he nodded back

Harry and I walked with the Professor to the field where Ludo Bagman was with Barty Crouch, who was looking rather unwell

"Are you ok?" I asked Barty Crouch

He just stared at me and didn't answer
I looked at Harry and he shrugged his shoulders

"Hello" Viktor said walking up to us

"Hi" I said back

"Hermione mentioned you would come with her to visit me in Bulgaria, I would enjoy your company there as well" he said smiling

I smiled back
"I will go with her definitely"

"Bulgaria?" Harry asked

"He invited Hermione and she asked me to go too, it's going to be a girls trip" I winked at him

"Interesting" he said back

"Hello all" Dumbledore said from in front of us
I didn't even notice he showed up
"Where we are now is the final spot for the third challenge that will be happening in a month. This field will be turned into a maze"

I looked at Harry
"Imagine if Wood was here, he'd be going ballistic"

Harry chuckled

"The only information you will know is this, it's meant to be the toughest challenge you've gone through. This maze will challenge you mentally and physically more than any of the others have. Cora we have tried to reschedule the day, but it's impossible. It's unfortunately going to be on a full moon, Madame Pomfrey is trying to come up with a way to avoid your suffering during the challenge, I have faith that she will figure something out"

"Will the public be able to attend this?" I asked knowing my dad wanted to come, but if it's on a full moon he won't be anywhere near us

"Yes, your father has other plans...but I know someone else who loves you and Harry who will be attending in his place. He would be going either way knowing him but he's going to be there to support you two"

I smiled and so did Harry
Sirius is going to be there for us, I know my dad would if he could. It's probably painful for him to not be able to

"That is all, please go back to what we took you away from. I will see you all again soon"
Dumbledore left with Ludo but Barty walked in a different direction
I thought it was odd but when I went to mention it to Harry Viktor interrupted my thoughts

"Hermione isn't with anyone is she?" He asked us

"No" I said confused about his question

"Ok, good" he said smiling "want to walk back to the castle together?"

Harry nodded his head and extended his arm to me
I took it and began walking with them
Fleur chose to walk with her instructor, she seemed to want to distance herself from us
I understood why, she didn't want to make friends this close to the end of the year

We were walking alongside the Forbidden forest when we heard something walking our way
We all three turned around and saw Barty Crouch staring at us
He looked worse than before
His eyes were almost milky, with no thoughts behind them
His face was paled and he looked to be shaking

"Mr.Crouch?" Harry said
Viktor grabbed me and pushed me behind his body as Harry walked closer to him

"Something is off about him" Viktor said placing himself in a defensive position in front of me

"He isn't feeling well it seems, I noticed it when I saw him a bit ago"

I watched as Harry approached Barty, who began talking to himself
"He's getting stronger" he whispered

"Who?" Harry asked

"So much stronger...he's coming back" he said pacing around a circle

Harry went to approach him but he stopped dead in his tracks
"I have to see Dumbledore" he demanded

"Ok, we will get him" Harry said trying to calm Barty down
He went from looking sickly to looking...psychotic
He put his hand in his hair and began pulling it roughly out of his skull

"Dumbledore I need him" he said bringing his fingers to his neck and clawing at it

Harry didn't take his eyes off of Barty
"Viktor will you go find Dumbledore" Harry asked

"I'm not leaving you with him" he said to us

"It's ok, Harry and I will be fine" I said placing my hand on Viktor's shoulder

He hesitated but ended up leaving, well running, to get Dumbledore for Barty Crouch

I had my wand out just in case anything strange happened
I didn't know if it was my animal instinct or paranoia, but he was giving me bad energy
I felt everything he was feeling
Sorrow, rage, fear
I never used to feel things from others, but this year I started to notice how my body reacted when someone around me felt off
And I could taste it this time
His fear tasted like...bitter milk

I looked to where Viktor ran off to
I hope he finds Dumbledore, Barty needs support from him desperately

"CORA!!" Harry yelled

I looked over and saw a light coming for me
I didn't have time to dodge it, the spell hit me directly in my chest
I passed out immediately after

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