Twenty Six

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I ran as fast as I could to Dumbledore's office
I didn't know the password but I would figure it out when I got there

I passed by a few students running in the opposite direction and from the smell of it they were running form dungbombs but I couldn't stop to see Fred or George
I needed answers

I reached the main hallway and stared at the opening for the spiral staircase leading to his office
I tried taking a deep breath but I found myself shallowing breathing instead
I wasn't out of shape, I played quidditch now, but my anxiety was making me hyperventilate

I put my hand on the wall and fell to the ground on my knees

The stairs opened up and walking down was Professor McGonagall
  "Miss.Yaxley are you ok?" She put her hand on my shoulder

  "I need to see Dumbledore" I said through my panting "please it's urgent"

She pulled me up to my feet and walked me up the stairs and to a seat in front of Dumbledore's desk

She sat beside me

  "Miss.Yaxley what is wrong?" He asked concerned
His Phoenix flew onto my lap and pushed its head into my chest
I instantly felt my breathing going back to normal and my anxiety left

  "I'm a werewolf" I said softly "Professor Snape made us learn about lycanthrope today..."

Professor McGonagall pulled me into her chest
Dumbledore put his hands under his chin
  "Not exactly"

  "What do you mean??"

He looked at McGonagall and then back at me
  "It's not my story to tell, when Professor Lupin is well again you can talk to him"

I sat up, his Phoenix flew onto my shoulder
  "No I need answers" I demanded

He motioned me to sit back down
I let McGonagall pull me back down onto my seat

  "You aren't in danger. You are not a danger to anyone. You won't fully transform, you only have symptoms of a werewolf it seems. You get extremely hot and cold, you feel sick to your stomach, you have body aches, you have all that the week of the full moon, Madame Pomfrey said she has been giving you wolfsbane potion the week's helping yes?"

I nodded
  "But why not tell me my first year? Maybe then I wouldn't have bothered getting close to anyone here..."

McGonagall looked at me
  "That's the reason we didn't tell you, you had a hard life at home. We didn't want to make it worse. You need friends in your corner, no one can go through this life alone" she said "we tried getting you out of Yaxley's house when you were younger, but he has a pull at the ministry and we couldn't help you because of that"

I scoffed
  "But how do you know I won't be a danger to anyone?  I just read that there are no studies of children born with this disease, I could fully transform one day"

  "We are giving you wolfsbane in hopes that you won't get that far. Be without it for too long and you might..."

  "But I didn't have this issue growing up"

  "Your father didn't get infected until his 1st year at school, that could be why" he said

  "My father is Corban Yaxley, he's never shown signs of being a werewolf"

Professor McGonagall squeezed me into her side

  "Talk to Professor Lupin when he's well" Dumbledore said

  "How am I supposed to focus on anything but this for weeks" I said frustrated

  "Hufflepuff is playing Gryffindor this weekend, that is a start" he winked at me

I left his office with McGonagall
Waiting out in the hallway was Draco

  "What's happened?" He asked walking to me

I shook my head
  "I'm fine nothing is wrong"

Professor McGonagall left me and went back to his office
Draco took my hand and held it
  "Tell me, I'm here to listen"

His grip was tighter than usual, it almost hurt

I took a deep breath
  "I have an illness that I didn't know about until now"

His face tightened
  "What is it?"

  "There is no cure, it's lycanthrope"

He let go of my hand
  "Werewolf? You transform into one?"

I started to bite my cheek
  "Madame Pomfrey has been giving me wolfsbane, unknowingly to me, it's supposed to help keep my transforming at bay. I've never transformed fully, Dumbledore thinks I won't ever. But the potion helps with symptoms that come with this illness. I didn't know any of this until we had class today"

  "So you're a creature?" He said rudely "a filthy werewolf"

I tried to go back for his hand but he backed up
  "No I mean yes but no" I said panicking
Draco's never been this rude to me

  "I need to think about this" he said walking away from me

I ran up to his side but he shoved me into the wall
  "Draco please don't leave me" I begged "please you're my best friend"

  "I need to be away from you right now" he said
Crabbe and Goyle came into the hallway and looked at me sobbing and Draco walking away "I should have known you were a freak in first year. The only one to have no friends"

I felt like I got stabbed in my heart
I looked down and my chest was fine
I wasn't bleeding but it felt like I should be

"You know, thinking about it don't come near me ever. Dont ever fucking bother me again"
Crabbe and Goyle looked at each other confused but left with Draco

I fell to the ground clutching my chest
My breathing became erratic and my body was trembling

"Draco please...don't leave me"

He scoffed and turned around
"You are as worthless as your father says"

That was the last breaking point for me
I got up from the floor and ran as far away as I could from him

How could he say that to me
I ran passed Seamus and Dean who looked at me concerned
I ran passed Oliver and Lee who tried running after me
I ran until I found an abandoned classroom and heard the footsteps of those who followed me go passed the room I was in

Once I was alone I cried uncontrollably
I'm worthless
I hate myself, even more now
"I'm a filthy creature, as if my pathetic existence wasn't bad enough" I said to myself through my sobbing

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