Seventy Two

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The train stopped at Hogwarts
It was nighttime, usual for when we arrived here
Fred got up first, then he put his hand out for me
I took it and we walked together off of the train
George and him whispered something to each other, I tried listening again but the only thing I heard this time was
  "What does Ludo have to do with anything?" I asked annoyed that I'm being left out still

Fred looked at me
  "Nothing Love, I'll tell you later" he took my hand and kissed it

I rolled my eyes and took my hand back
  "You trust me don't you?"

  "I do, it's just..." he looked at George who shrugged his shoulders "we have a problem, it's just us two that have this problem and we are working on fixing it. I will tell you I promise"

We walked up to the carriages that everyone but first years take, they were always moving by themselves
  "Yeah yeah I'm sure you will" I said after Fred helped me onto the carriage

He winked at me
  "Dont be mad"

  "I'll be what I want to be" I said sitting down
George sat on one side of me and Fred sat on the other
They both squished me between their bodies
I put my hands up and pushed back but they were stronger
I started to laugh as I struggled to make room

  "Cora it's a small carriage, you see how tall we are" George said pushing more

  "What does being tall have to do with this?" I said in between laughing

Lee jumped onto the carriage and then laid down on our laps
  "This looks like a good spot to be" he said stretching out

I was laughing so hard I had tears falling down my face

When we entered the castle, I saw Peeves the poltergeist throwing water balloons at students walking in
Peeves looked at us and saluted, then continued throwing water

  "I'm glad I'm with you all" I said watching Pansy throw a fit over her drenched clothing
I laughed

  "You using us for safety from pranks? You know that doesn't get you out of ours" George said smiling with half his face

  "You wouldn't dare" I said

  "Would I?" He laughed going into his pocket but I put my hand on his

  "Do not even think about it"

Fred laughed
We walked to the great hall and saw it decorated for students returning this year
I looked at the front of the hall and saw all the newest wizards and witches waiting for their sorting
It feels like so long ago I was there praying to Merlin to be placed in Slytherin
I thought my life was over when I got into Gryffindor...little did I know it was beginning

I saw Draco sitting with Crabbe and Goyle
I waved to him and he waved back, smiling the whole time
Then he looked at his friends and started to scowl again
I love his tough face

I sat down in between Fred and George, across from Hermione Harry and Ron

The sorting happened and this year we didn't get a lot of 1st years, most of them went to Ravenclaw
Dumbledore went to the front of the hall and cleared his throat
  "Welcome all" he said smiling "to another fun year at Hogwarts"

The crowd began cheering and clapping

  "This year, Hogwarts will not participate in Quidditch" he said

The crowd turned on him and began booing
  "No Quidditch?!" Fred yelled

  "That's rubbish!!" George yelled

I looked over and saw Draco complaining too
The only one near me who wasn't was Hermione who didn't care for the sport

  "Silence!" Dumbledore yelled "Instead we are lucky to—"

He was cut off by the front door slamming open
I whipped my head around with everyone else in the hall
At the door was a grumpy gnarly looking male, with one fake eye
Mad Eye Moody

His fake eye looked around the hall and then landed on someone sitting in front of me
I looked over and it was Harry who he was in a daze with
I crinkled my forehead at him and then looked back at Moody who was now limping towards the front with his cane
He glared at students the entire way towards the front

When he passed by me he looked at my eyes, then down to my lap and then up again
  "Wolf huh" he said

Fred put his arm around my shoulder and when I looked at him he was glaring at Moody

Moody looked at Fred
  "Got a thing for wolves boy?"

Fred's hand tighten on my shoulder as he walked away
I looked over and Draco was standing up in his seat, he looked like he was on his way to intervene
I nodded my head and he sat back down, nodding his head back

  "Why was he looking at you like that?" I asked Harry after I turned back around

  "No idea, he's an ex Auror you all said?" He asked

We nodded our heads

  "Alastor, good evening I was worried you got lost" Dumbledore said when he walked towards the other Professors
He took out a flask from his jacket and drank from it
His body shivered and then he walked over to the wall, where he stayed instead of sitting down

  "Whatcha recon he's drinking?" Ron asked

  "Goblin piss" George said laughing

Peeves hovered over to where Moody was, he took out a balloon and went to throw it at him but Moody turned his wand to the ceiling and made it rain, thunder and lighting included
Lighting began striking around the students, one hit peeves that made him shake with electricity
Lighting struck above my head, I felt Fred push my head down and he covered me
Rain pounded down on all over us, until Moody pointed his wand at the ceiling again and made it calm back down
Peeves hovered away looking defeated

  "That was uncalled for" I said after Fred got back up

  "He's going to be fun" George said smirking

  "As long as he calms down around Cora" Fred said
I didn't know why, but when I looked at my hands they were shaking
Why am I terrified?

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