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No I can't be
I asked for Slytherin
I belong in Slytherin

I opened my eyes and looked at the Slytherin table, I saw Draco staring at me he looked concerned
He knows more than I've told him it seems

  "Miss.Yaxley please go to your house so we can start the dinner festival" Professor McGonagall said going up to touch my shoulder but I shrugged her away and began descending the stairs towards the first table now on the right

The table was cheering for me, including the Weasleys and the other two I learned were Hermione and Harry Potter
My dad told me I needed to befriend Harry, it was an important task but I refused him
That's how I got my arm bruises

I looked for an empty seat or a spot furthest away from anyone but there was none

  "Sit with me!" A friendly voice said
I didn't know his name and I didn't care to but I sat with him away from the twins and their stares and waves

  "Names Oliver Wood" he said giving me his hand

I nodded my head, tucking my hands into my lap

He put his hand back down
  "Play Quidditch?" He asked

  "No" I said dryly

He put his finger on his chin
  " you like Quidditch or did you grow up without it? You muggle born?"

I shook my head
  "Pure blood if that matters...I like watching quidditch and reading about it but I've never played"

He smiled
  "Your second year come tryout! Use this year to practice!" He put his hand on my shoulder and shook me
I flinched but he kept his hand there and smiled more

I let him keep his hand there, I was afraid to move it
Bravery is one of the traits for Gryffindor and I'm not brave...their also charming and I'm far from that

Food appeared in front of me but I ignored it
Oliver filled my plate with chicken and sweet potato mash after noticing I didn't touch anything

  "You vegetarian?" He asked noticing that I didn't eat after he made my plate

  "No I'm not hungry" I said back
I was being dry and boring but he still talked to me as if I was the friendliest person there

  "Strange but if you insist" he said pouring me juice "pumpkin juice? Is this your first time being away from home?"

I nodded and took the juice

  "It'll be ok Yaxley, you'll get used to being away from your parents"

  "Please don't call me Yaxley"

  "Do you have any other nicknames?"

I shook my head

  "Ok...." he thought for a few minutes "I'll figure out something for you is that ok?"

  "If you want"

He smiled but then got pushed into me which made me spill all the juice I was holding onto my lap

  "Really Fred" Oliver said using his wand to clean my uniform
Within a blink my uniform was dried again

  "Hello Cora" Fred said smiling, he lead into the table with his fist under his chin

I nodded my head and then placed my cup down
I'm making too many friends I have to be quiet again

  "Is Oliver better looking than me is that why you talk to him?" Fred joked "or did he bewitch you to speak?"

  "Quidditch captains are pretty great can't blame you there" George said joking back
he joined where we were seated

I didn't say anything I just kept looking at my filled plate

  "Don't like the food?" Fred asked being persistent

  "Did you fill up with the snacks on the cart? Had to stop my younger brother from doing that he would have spent all of our allowances on it if I didn't" George said

  "I'm not hungry" I said being dry again

They looked at each other and then got up
Thank Merlin I can go back to ignoring everyone
I saw a cup filled with a different liquid, this was almost maroon colored
I took it into my hand but before I could drink from the cup, I saw their bodies push students away from me, they made quiet a bit of room just to sit closer to me
They sat so aggressively that Fred's shoulder smacked into my own, making another cup of juice spill onto my uniform

  "Fred that's 200 laps around the field for doing that twice" Oliver said taking his wand out and cleaning his uniform of cranberry juice, then my own after seeing the mess I was dealing with again

Fred shrugged
  "Cora Yaxley huh, I've heard of your dad"

My heart began racing

   "Our dad works for the ministry and has told us about a coworker named Yaxley" George said "when we heard your name we recognized it right away and expected you to be placed in Slytherin for it"

Fred reached behind me and punched his brothers arm which made my body shake
Fred noticed it but didn't bring it up

  "But we saw you got into Gryffindor, we can already tell your nothing like him" Fred said "Cora Cora Cora" he said my name again and again

   "Yes?" I said back annoyed
Please leave me alone

  "Corey" he said instead this time

I looked at him confused

   "Good!" Oliver yelled "Corey is a good nickname"

  "Is that ok?" Fred asked

  "No one has ever called me that"

  "What do you usually get called?" He asked nicely

  "No one calls me anything"

  "Then your friends can call you Corey" George said to me

"Friends?" I caught myself saying

"Yes friends, we can be friends can't we?" George said

"No" I said back "I'm sorry I don't have friends"

"Now you do" Fred said waving over his brother and his friends "I have some for you to meet their your year"
I now understood all the extra room the two of them made

The three of them sat in front of me
"Hermione Granger" the fluffy headed girl said

"Ronald Weasley" the nervous red head said

"Harry Potter" the black haired boy said

"This is Cora Yaxley" Fred said to them

They put their hands out for me to shake but I kept mine to myself

"I didn't have friends growing up either" Harry said noticing how I hesitated

"You don't want to be my friend..."

"Why not?" Oliver said joining the conversation again

I've said too much
"No reason, just please leave me alone" I said getting up from the table and walking out of the hallway

"Miss!!" I heard a voice yell but I kept walking
I heard running behind me and when I turned I saw a red headed boy running towards me

"You can't leave the Great Hall yet" he said "I am a prefect of Gryffindor and I will escort you when the time is ready"

"I need to use the rest room" I said back

He looked awkward and then cleared his throat
"Be quick"

But I wasn't
I stayed in an abandoned bathroom and cried
He's going to kill me when he finds out

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