Sixty Three

172 8 1

Arthur Weasley led our group to a single plot of land in the middle of all the chaos
Tents were being set up around us and families were loudly talking about their excitement for tonight

"Alright time to set up" Arthur said going into his bag

I watched as he used his wand to set up two small triangle tents on the open plot of land with "Weasley" written on it
After the tents were pitched I looked at them confused but I've grown up around magic I knew that they would be more impressive inside

"Let's go in" Ginny said pointing to the one on the right

Ginny went in, then Hermione and then myself
When I walked inside I saw that it was separated into different sections
On the left was a side with multiple bunk beds, the right side had a kitchen and a seating area

"This is for us, the boys have the other one" Ginny said "dad borrowed these from a friend at the Ministry"

"There is so much room in here" Hermione said "I like that we have our own"

I walked back outside and looked around our area
It was bright now, around 7am
The game was tonight with the mascot show at 6pm and the game at 6:30

  "Hi my name is Nora!" A little girl who ran up to me said

  "My name is Cora, our names rhyme" I said smiling and going down to her level

  "Why do you have a scar?" She asked pointing to my neck

I put my hand on my throat
  "It's a long story"

She put one of her hands on my own, the one that covered my scar
  "I have one too, it's on my leg" she lifted her pant leg to show a deep scar she had running down to her foot. She put her pant back down and then passed me a flower she had in her hair
  "I picked this, it's yours now"

She placed the flower behind my ear and giggled softly

  "It's beautiful thank you" I said touching the flower

She smiled and then ran back to her family who waved at me
I waved back

The air smelt like explosives and butter-beer
There was a time in my life I couldn't be around alcohol
This summer has been so good to me mentally, it's all thanks to Fred who made sure I was always ok
He never left my side, all summer he hung out with me
It's all thanks to him that I am where I am today
I closed my eyes and lifted my head up to the sky
I felt the warmth of the summer sun hit my face, though the rest of my body was cold my face was filled with warmth
I heard brooms flying passed my head and felt the breeze that followed them

I felt a hand go on my shoulder
  "A new friend?" Fred asked

I opened my eyes and looked into his
  "She was really nice, but I should grab my scarf" I said putting my hand back on my throat

Fred stopped me halfway
"Don't hide, I think you're beautiful with your scars"

My cheeks felt hot and I knew this feeling wasn't coming from the sun
Compliments from Fred always did this to me, he was just being nice though I knew there wasn't anything more to his words

"Cora!!" I heard a voice yelling from behind me
I turned around and saw Draco running towards me

I saw Draco's smile and I felt complete again
My best friend

I left Fred and ran to meet Draco
He opened his arms and I jumped into his hands
He caught me and placed one hand on my back and the other on my hair, while I wrapped my legs around his waist and arms around his neck

"I've missed you so much" he said into my hair, holding me tightly

"I've missed you too, so so much" I felt my eyes begin to burn

"Hey Draco" Fred said coming up to us

He let me go slowly and then shook Fred's hand
"Summers been good?" He asked

"Yes, very good" he said smiling at me "Cora has really enjoyed spending time at my family's"

"I did, we played Quidditch every week and I played the piano nightly. It's been relaxing"

Draco smiled brightly at me
"Good, I'm glad to hear that. You deserved a good summer after last year, I got your letter about you coming here if you want to watch the game together I would love to spend time with you"

I looked at Fred
I felt bad not watching the game with them, I came here on their ticket
"They got me my ticket, I feel bad not watching it with them" I said

"Then I'll sit with you all" he said back "if that's ok?"

"Of course it is" Fred said "I was going to suggest that too"

"Want to walk around with me for a bit?" Draco asked

"I'm going to go inside the tent and talk to dad, I'll see you when you get back" Fred said hugging me tightly and then waving us goodbye

"Where should we go?" He asked linking his arm into mine

We walked around the campground for hours, chatting about our summer and how we both heard a rumor that Quidditch was canceled this year
"They can't cancel quidditch" Draco said complaining

"It better be for something important" I said complaining too "I was just getting good"

"You were great last year, give yourself credit"

We stopped at a merchandise tent and Draco bought Bulgaria sweatshirts for us
"You didn't have to" I said putting mine on

"Let me buy you things, I love you and want to" he said putting his in a bag
It was hot enough for shorts and tank tops but the breeze from everyone flying around made it freezing for me
My legs had bumps from the cold all over them
Shorts were a bad idea I should have known

I smiled
"I love you too, and this is a really nice sweatshirt" I said fixing my hood

"How has your condition been?" He asked

"Professor Dumbledore had Madame Pomfrey make me more potions after mine got left at my—Corban's house" I said feeling my heart tug from the memory of that day

"Good" Draco said holding my hand "you want gloves? They have some nice ones in here" Draco said going back into the stall to grab gloves for me "I know you, you will need some for later. What did you do about clothes all summer? I should have bought you some I'm sorry" he said picking out clothing for me at the stall

"I have plenty of clothes, Hermione gave me a lot and Ginny had some to spare too" I said watching him grab sweatpants for me
We were both routing for Bulgaria to win
He looked at the other items that were wearable, he grabbed gloves for me and a scarf as well
"You would tell me if my scar was...ugly right?"

"I would and it's not" he said "nothing on you could be ugly"

The same sort of heat creeped onto my face that Fred's compliments brought
"Thank you" I touched my scar "for everything I know I say it a lot, but you mean a lot to me"

He pulled me in for a hug
"You mean a lot to me too"

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