Eighty Five

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The next day classes went by quickly
All but Defense class

I sat beside Draco per his request
He usually wanted me to choose who I sat with during classes, knowing that I'm friends with him and my other group but during Defense class he asked I sit with him
He didn't like Moody, and even if one day I could forgive him he would never

"Imperius curse" he said looking at the class
"A forbidden curse. We saw what it's effects were the day with the spider" he said looking at me
Draco glared at him, I saw his hand go on top of mine
"But now we will study its effects on the human body"

The class went silent
"You're going to use it on us?" Hermione asked concerned
We haven't done anything...risky like this since the spider incident

He nodded his head
"My job this year is to teach you students about defending yourselves. I just happen to be an expert on curses, so that is what you will be learning about. If anyone has a problem" he said in my direction "you are dismissed from this class"

No one in the room moved
No one wanted to make him an enemy by excusing themselves
Draco looked at me and then whispered into my ear
"If you go I'll go with you"

"No let's stay. I don't want him to think I'm afraid of him"

Draco looked apprehensive about my decision but stayed by my side anyways
Moody cleared his throat and pointed his wand at Neville

Neville got up from his seat and began making monkey noises at Seamus who was sitting beside him
He then went to Ron and began picking invisible "bugs" from his hair
"That's enough" Moody said releasing Neville from his spell

Neville fell to the ground and touched his head
He didn't say anything else, he just went to his seat and sat down quietly
Moody looked at Pansy

She got up and began singing opera
Or attempting too anyways
She was screeching out notes and holding her chest high
Moody released her and some of the students laughed
I knew Draco wanted to but he stayed still
She sat down and covered her face with her hands

Moody used the curse of a few other students before he looked at Harry
Harry got up from his seat
But nothing more
He didn't do anything funny he just stood tall
Then he sat back down without a word
"Excellent" Moody said to him
He then pointed his wand at me

I felt him enter my mind
"Come to my desk quickly"

I felt my body moving on its own towards him but I restrained myself from moving quickly like he requested
"I want you to scream"

I didn't open my mouth
I glared in his direction

"No" I said out loud

Moody looked at me and smiled
"Wonderful. Potter and Yaxley both figured out how to get out of an Imperio curse. 30 points to Gryffindor"
I walked back to my seat where Draco looked strained
When I sat down he started to rub my back

"Are you alright?" He asked me

"I'll be ok" I answered "he never gives points out"

"Most of the students couldn't undo his spell, you deserved it. You not Potter"

I chuckled
"Will you guys ever be friends?"

"Fat chance of that happening"

I looked over at Harry and he was looking my way
He nodded his chin up and I did the same back
We both broke his spell

The next day came and it was time to pick champions
I sat beside Draco and behind Fred
He scooted himself in between my legs and I played with his hair while we waited for the ceremony to begin

"Who do you think will be Hogwarts champion?" I asked

"I hope Angelina is" Fred said

"I just hope Pucey and Montague don't get it" Draco said "other than that I don't really care as long as we win in the end"

I looked over and Adrian was with Graham, talking to a few Durmstrang older students
Blaise entered the room and sat beside Draco
"Hello Cora" he said to me

I took my focus away from the Slytherins and looked at Blaise
"Hello Blaise"

Draco rolled his eyes and placed his head on his knuckles

I looked at him puzzled but I left it alone because Dumbledore, Madame Maxime and Karkaroff entered the room
Behind them was the minister of magic Barty Crouch and Ludo Bagman
Maybe if I corner Ludo I can get him to pay up

"Hello all" Dumbledore addressed the room "it's time for the minister to pick the names of those who are lucky enough to be in this competition"

"Remember if you are picked there is no going back...the goblet chooses and then it's final. It is under a magic contract, and if you break it, it means death"

Draco got close to me
"Ooooooo" he whispered in my ear which made me laugh
Moody was in the room and glared at us
I stopped laughing and felt uncomfortable again
I'm going to have to write to my dad about his lesson today...Sirius is supposed to visit us maybe I'll just wait to talk to him
Or maybe I shouldn't...he might lose it on him

"For Beauxbatons, the champion is Fleur Delacour" Barty Crouch said after catching the blue parchment with her name on it

A beautiful blonde girl who Ron pointed out at the beginning of the year stood up
As she walked I watched all the guys and a few girls in the room follow her with their glances
All but Fred and Draco
I turned to both of them
"Not smitten?"

Draco scoffed
"She's average"

"Not the best looking in the room" Fred said turning his head to me

"Now, for Durmstrang...Viktor Krum" Barty said, Durmstrang had red parchments

Durmstrang began stomping their feet and cheering for their champion
When he got up he looked at Hermione who was behind me and waved to her
She turned her eyes towards me
"Don't even start" she said

I was smirking at her
"I'll get you later" I said

He waved at me too and I waved back friendly
Fred and Draco both looked at me
Fred looked disappointed and Draco looked disgusted
"What I'm being nice" I said to them

"Dont be nice to all the guys, they only want one thing" Draco said

"Yeah yeah" I said to Draco sticking my tongue out

"I'm protective of you is all" he said making eye contact with me
He had such passion in his eyes when he talked about protecting me

I nodded my head
"I appreciate it"

Fred stayed silent

"You ok Fred?" I asked going back to playing in his hair

"Yeah" he said monotoned

I looked at Draco and he shrugged his shoulders
I'll have to ask him about that later

"And for Hogwarts champion" Barty said
A piece of white parchment flew into his hand
He gasped while looking at it

The crowd went silent after cheering for Hogwarts
"What's it say??" Lee yelled

"Don't leave us hanging" George yelled next

Dumbledore walked over to Barty and looked at the parchment
Madame Maxine and Karkaroff did the same thing
All four of them looked in my direction
"Cora Yaxley"

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