One Hundred Thirty

91 4 2

We took another portkey
I wasn't sure where we were again
This wasn't Corban's home, my childhood home
It was in the middle of nowhere
When I looked around, I didn't see a single living plant or creature
All the trees were dead or barely hanging on
The house, if you can call it that, was a shack at the very least
It was molded brown on the outside, smelling of mildew and rot

Corban threw me onto the ground and began walking towards the shack
  "Coming?" He asked

I didn't move from where I was seated

He walked over to me and snapped my arm up
  "Wrong answer"
He dragged me towards the shack and threw me into the hardwood floor
Inside there was a kitchen, barely
A stove and a refrigerator that was all
Not even a sink
A small table, made for two with rotten chairs set beside it
And a couch
It was big enough to be a studio that was all

  "This is where I've been living since I was fired" he spit out at me "you got me fired"

  "I didn't do shit" I said feeling brave

  "Oh you didn't? You lived with the Weasley's for a summer didn't you? Guess who ratted me out about your childhood...Arthur"

I pulled my legs into my chest and began humming to calm my nerves back down
I want to gag from how badly my mouth taste
  "Why bring me here?"

  "Isn't it obvious?" He asked "you have one purpose for me. To help the dark lord is all. He said he has a plan for you, and I was to get you back at all cost. "Moody", Barty Crouch Jr, helped set our meeting up"

My eyes opened wide
  "He wasn't Alastor Moody?"

  "No, Barty Crouch Jr had a problem with Lupin from back in the day, so he was glad to help me get you back"

  "Whats his problem?" 
I pushed my back against the wall, the bleeding stopped from my side and face but all my adrenaline from the graveyard was gone
I couldn't bare to be awake right now

"He hated Remus in Hogwarts, hated him. He hung out with everyone that Barty envied, specifically Remus for Coral. He knew she was off limits because she was mine, but he hated Remus for loving her, just as much as I did. When I killed her, Barty blamed it on Remus, and since then he's wanted him dead. I want him dead too" he stared at me "just like I want you dead. But until the dark Lord gets what he wants from you, I won't kill you"

"What does he want with me?"

"You'll find out" he sat down on his couch "good luck living until then though. I told him I wouldn't kill you, that doesn't mean I will help you live either. You won't get any food or healing potions from me"

"I don't want anything from you"

He smiled manically and then went to sleep
I stayed by the door, looking around the area
He had his wand in his pocket, unless he was in a deep sleep there was no way I would get that from him
I saw no knives in the kitchen, I can't kill him that way
I didn't see a single weapon I could use
The best case I have for survival was to wait until he left, and then leave as well
If I leave while he's asleep I won't make it far, not with how badly I'm injured...

Draco's POV

I stormed home
I got there as fast as the floo network could get me

When I arrived I saw my mother waiting for me at the door already
"I heard what happened" she said to me going for a hug but I pushed her back

"How?" I demanded

She looked behind herself and then pulled me in close
"He was there, he saw her. Corban took her away, he doesn't know where she went. I already tried asking him. Draco please don't interrogated him, he's in a foul mood..."

I walked pass my mother and went straight into our house
He wasn't there
I could tell by how quiet the house was
"Where is he"

My mother came up behind me and placed her hand on my shoulder
"In a meeting with you know who...Draco I don't want this either. I especially don't want her to go through what she's going through right now, but I don't know how to help her. He won't tell me where she is, even if he finds out. We have to wait for Dumbledore to find her, it's our only option"

Fred's POV

"We need a search party" I said in the burrow
My family was there, along with Harry Hermione Sirius Remus the real Moody and a few other members of an organization called The Order Of The Phoenix

"We have one, of Wizards and witches who are old enough" Moody said pushing me to sit down "ones that aren't in school still"

"You can't expect me to sit here while you all look for her??" I said agitated

"I'm going too" Harry said

"None of you are" said my mum "if you all ran into you know who, he would kill you on the spot. This is a situation that is bigger than all of you, let the adults handle it"


"But nothing" Remus said
The full moon ended this morning and he was able to show up for tonight's meeting
Sirius ran home to tell him what happened
Remus doesn't look well, which is to be expected after turning for a full day
But even his energy is depressing
I was hurting, but I know he was worse
"Sirius is going alone in his Animagus, I will be going with Moody, Arthur is going with Tonks, and that is our search party"

"But the more help the bigger an area we can search" Harry said
Hermione hasn't said a word since the challenge
Neither has Ron
But I know that if they allowed us to look too they would be active in this conversation

"Harry, we will find her" Sirius said holding his shoulders tightly "trust me"

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