Forty Five

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Classes were coming to an end, it was the last two weeks of school
We won the cup, and Oliver has dragged it around everywhere gloating to the other captains...mostly Flint
At one point he showed up during breakfast with it and jumped onto the Slytherin's side of the tables, kicked fruit into Flint's face and then drank pumpkin juice out of it
We lost 20 points for our house that morning, but the look on Flint's face was worth it

Buckbeak's sentencing was scheduled today after classes, Harry Hermione Ron and myself were going to try to be there for him
I wasn't as close to Hagrid as the rest of them, but I enjoyed his company and teaching. I loved Buckbeak as well, and felt he didn't deserve the treatment he's receiving.

Today in Care of Magical Creatures we were finishing up our exams on Flobberworms
The most boring creature

"I know he's afraid of someone else getting hurt but this is awful" Hermione said inspecting her worm

My work was just sitting on the ground, motionless
"I think mine's dead"

Ron picked up a stick and poked it
It curled into a ball and then laid flat again
"Definitely alive as it could be I guess"

I knew it wasn't Draco's fault, I felt just as bad for him. He didn't want this to happen either
I left my group and walked over to him
He was still sore about losing the cup this year, not to me but towards Harry definitely

"Hey" I said kneeling beside him
He was poking his worm with a stick to make sure it was alive too

"Hey Cora" he said pushing it around now "it's definitely dead"

"I think yours is" we both got back up "I can't believe it's almost the end of the year"

He looked up at the sky, tonight would be a full moon
I hadnt been by to take my potion, I was planning on doing that after class today
Madame Pomfrey has been out of the hospital wing this last week, I would just have to stay inside after Hagrid's and deal with my pain as best I could

"Are you in any pain?" He asked me knowing what today was

"My head hurts and I feel like I'm on fire, nothing more than what I usually expect this time of the month"

He nodded his head
"You're living with Lupin this year right?"

"No, he said I can't right now"

Draco turned to look at me
"You're not going back to Yaxley's are you??"

"I don't know...I don't have much of a choice I suppose"

His face tightened
"Why won't he let you live with him??"


"He knows what happens when you are there right?"

I nodded my head and subconsciously wrapped my arms around my chest

"Come live with me over the summer, my dad won't be home much he never is. But mum would love to have you over, she enjoys company"

"I don't want to burden you" I said feeling guilty
I shouldn't have to find a place to dad should just want me with him

"You won't be and you've never been, today tomorrow any day of the week you are welcomed at my family's manor. Or what about the Wealsey's? I'm sure they wouldn't mind"

"Fred offered but I don't know...I just wish I had a place of my own. I don't want to depend on anyone anymore"

Draco put his hand on my shoulder
"We're here for you to depend on, but also you feel extremely hot I can't believe you deal with this monthly" Draco said moving his hand off my shoulder but then pulling me in for a hug

"The price I pay for the life I was given I guess"

He let me go and then looked into my eyes
"You were given a life that you're strong enough to handle"

The class ended and I left Draco to go with Harry Hermione and Ron to be there for Hagrid during the execution
Harry brought his cloak with him, so when the rest of the class headed off we made our way to his hut
We were going to use the cloak to hide in while the order was being dealt

We knocked a few times before Hagrid opened the door
"Ello" he said sadly

He moved over and let us into his hut

We all sat down at his coffee table
"Tea?" He asked

We nodded our heads
Hagrid grabbed his pot of boiling water and began filling our chipped mugs
"He doesn't deserve this. That Lucius Malfoy is a real piece of work"

"He's an ass" I said
Hagrid nodded his head

"You can't be here when the ministry arrives" Hagrid said

Harry brought out his cloak
"We won't be seen"

Hagrid looked at the cloak and then went to get a milk jug for our tea
He dropped it and it shattered onto the ground, exposing Scabbers Ron's rat

"Scabbers?!" Ron said going for him
I backed away to the window
I love all creatures but that rat is so...disgusting

"You owe someone an apology" Hermione demanded sitting up from her seat

"You're right...where's Crookshanks I'll say sorry to him" Ron said sarcastically

"Ron you ass" she said going to smack him but he dodged
His rat jumped out of his hand and ran over to me

I moved out of the way but it followed me
"Ron..." I said moving away from it "get that...that thing away from me"

Ron grabbed his rat
"I thought you liked creatures" he said trying to hold the rat steady

"Not that.." I hid behind Harry but then I got pelted by something on my head "hey!" I said looking around but no one was behind me
I walked towards the window and saw another small object come flying for my head "what in the bloody hell"

I looked outside and saw the Minister and an executioner coming our way with Dumbledore
"Shit we have to leave"

Hagrid jumped up and began ushering us to his back door
"Put that cloak on and Ron get a hold of your rat" he began pushing us out the door

Harry threw the cloak over all four of us and we began walking to a safe distance from his hut
I looked at Buckbeak the entire way
this beautiful creature doesn't deserve the ending it's receiving...I'm so sorry

We walked up a hill and took the cloak off, we were far enough away that no one would see us
Hagrid's garden was filled with pumpkin's and cabbage, all things his creatures loved to eat

We all turned around as the axe the executioner used was brought up into the sky and then thrown back down, chopping off the head of the Hippogriff
We all heard a thump hit the ground

I turned to Harry and he pulled me into his chest
Hermione put her head on Ron's shoulder
I'm so sorry Buckbeak

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