Eight Two

143 8 8

A few weeks went by without incidents from Moody
Whenever I had classes with him he either ignored me or Draco glared at him long enough for him to back off

Currently I'm in the library doing homework with Hermione
I could hear laughter and sounds of explosions happening outside in the court yard
Hermione rolled her eyes whenever the room shook

"Do they have to be so loud?" She barked going up to the window to yell at the twins

I laughed and walked with her
When we looked outside I saw the twins surrounded by a group of students laughing with them
They were setting off fireworks they have been working on all summer, they made the ground shake and lit up brightly even in this bright sunny environment

"Hey!!" She yelled

They looked up at our window
I waved to Fred who winked at me

"What Granger?" Fred said

"Can you find another spot to be a nuisance??" She yelled down at them

George went into his pocket and began throwing water balloons at us
I laughed when one hit Hermione in the side of her head, then one hit me square in my chest

"Boys" she scoffed and walked back to our desk

I stayed watching them go back to having fun
They're so carefree
Fred told me he had a firework he made special for me, he said he's going to show it to me soon
Fred is so...handsome
In the sun his beautiful freckled face darkens and his hair turns the most vibrant red
He would make any girl lucky to have

I felt water splash me in the face again
I fell back with it this time and fell on my ass
I heard laughter come from below, I pushed back up and went to the window where I saw George belly laughing and Fred smirking at me

"You ok Love?" Fred yelled up at me

"Just a little wet" I said rubbing water off my face
I turned back to where Hermione was nose deep in Potions homework

"They're annoying" she said

"I wish I could relax like they do"

She looked at me and sighed
"They don't take anything seriously, you want to get good grades right? You'll need them to get the better classes in your sixth and seventh year"

"Hermione, what do you want to do after school?"

"Be minister of magic, I want to go to the top"

  "You'll definitely get there. You're so smart"

  "Have you decided on a path yet?"

I shrugged my shoulders and closed my potion's textbook
  "No, Fred said I should sing but I like it as a hobby not a career, which is why I haven't joined the choir here"

  "What about being a teacher?"

  "What would I teach?"

  "You're really good at potions, and transfiguration maybe one of those classes?"

I put my head in my arms and laid down on the table
  "I wish I had a set goal like the rest of you, Harry and Ron want to Auror's Fred and George have their shop you want to be minister...I'm lost"

Hermione closed her book and put her hand on my head
  "I'll help you find a path"

I went back to the common room with Hermione and met up with Harry and Ron who were staring at a parchment on the bulletin board
"Durmstrang and Beauxbatons will arrive October 30th, that's getting close" Harry said

They turned when we got close enough

"Drawing for Hogwart's champion will be a week after they arrive, who do you think will be chosen?" Ron asked

I looked around the room
"Angelina said she was going to enter I hope it's her" I said

"Cedric Diggory said he was too" Harry said
Ron rolled his eyes

"Problem with Cedric?" I asked curiously

"He's just too nice, and too much of a...a..."

"Hufflepuff?" I said

Ron nodded his head
"They'd just too nice, no backbones"

"He's handsome and sweet" Hermione said

Ron rolled his eyes again

"Keep doing that and your eyes will stay like that" I joked

"What do you think he's handsome too??" Ron asked

"He is, he's just not my type"

"What is your type?" Fred asked from behind me
I jumped and clutched my chest
I wasn't expecting him to be here I didn't even hear him come up

"Uh" I tried to think of my type
Red hair
Strong arms
"Well uhm..."

Fred stared at me and George began to laugh
"I bet your type is tall red headed and a quidditch player" he joked

I felt myself blushing and my heart began racing
Fred blushed too
"Uh it's uhm"
Fuck I can't think of anything to say

"My type is strong and smart" Hermione said changing the subject to herself
I could kiss her right now I am so thankful

"My type is someone who can cook well" Ron said

"So Mum?" George teased and Ron's face reddened

"No!" He said

"What's your type Fred?" George said teasing him now

Fred looked directly into my eyes
"She would be brave, beautiful, curly haired, smart funny—"

George cut him off
"So Cora?" He said looking at me

I might pass out

Fred looked at George and then at me

"Is that Hedwig?" Ron said looking at the window
Hedwig was tapping on the window trying to get in
Harry walked over to her and opened the window
She gave him a letter and then flew off to the owlery

"Who lettered you?" I asked trying to change the subject

"Sirius" he said
Harry opened the letter and gasped
"He's going to come here...he said he's going to stay hidden though. We have to find a spot to meet him, somewhere safe"

Harry and Ron walked over to the coffee table in front of the fireplace and began writing a letter back to Sirius
Hermione walked over to do more homework and George found Lee and began writing down more joke shop ideas
That left me and Fred standing alone still
I looked at him and he put his hand out for me to take
I did and he lead me to the couch where we sat together

I stared at the fireplace and listened to the sounds of my friends chatting away
Fred began rubbing my back
"You looked tired, you should take a nap" he whispered to me "I'll wake you up soon"

I nodded my head and laid on his warm chest
He took our blanket from behind him and laid it over our bodies
I don't know when it happened, but I am in love with Fred
I just wish he felt the same for me

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