Forty Four

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Pucey let me go
I didn't have time to begin falling, Fred had already moved over to me and caught me

Pucey went flying down though, he had been knocked unconscious
I didn't feel bad watching him fall, I knew someone would see him and catch him or levitate him to safety

My face was incredibly warm and when I touched it I found out that I was bleeding everywhere

"You are strong, but let me help you when it's needed" Fred ripped part of his jersey off to hold onto my nose "I'm sorry, I didn't see you for a while and that's when I looked up and saw you dangling. He was holding you by your hair..." he put his hand lightly on my head, where my pain was. He then looked at my now crooked nose "He hit you" Fred's face tightened with anger

"He did" I sobbed "he did"

"Let's get a timeout and heal your nose, and head again" he said putting the fabric onto my head now

"Fred I can't do this" I sobbed "I can't go back" I started to hyperventilate "I-I-I am afraid of him"

"Then let's go call a timeout and you can sit the rest of the game out, you did so well" Fred put his hand on my cheek

I shook my head softly
"No Fred, I'm afraid of Corban. Pucey made me have flashbacks, I'm afraid to go back there this summer. I can't go back I can't" I started to shake my head more aggressively

Fred put both hands on my cheeks, steadying my head in one place
"You aren't going to live with your dad?"

"He said I can't live with him...I can't go back" I put my head into Fred's chest and sobbed "he's going to kill me"

"Slytherin scores again, Slytherin is up 30 points" Lee said

I picked my face up and looked down
I saw a bludger hit Angelina straight in her right temple, George didn't make it in time and she was knocked unconscious

"Cora" Fred pulled my face lightly to look at his "I promise you, you won't ever have to go back there unless you want to. Come live with me over the summer? Mum loves you, my whole family does. Please come live with me, I'll protect you"

"Harry's found the snitch!" Lee yelled

I looked down to the field and saw Draco flying around looking for Harry
I heard fluttering of wings and then the snitch flew between our faces

Harry was behind it just barely, he flew around us
I watched him disappear into the clouds and then back to the field, Draco caught wind of him and flew beside the snitch too

I felt the wind pick up, and Fred's grip tightened too
"I promise you Cora" he said

I didn't know what to say
Live with him
How can I live with their family...I would be intruding

"You don't have to answer me right now, but let's go down. I'm worried you are going to pass out from blood loss, you're already paler than usual and your eyes look dule, they're never dule" Fred adjusted me and flew down with me on his broom

"They've lost it, back to points for now" Lee said "it looks like Wood is calling for a time out"

We all flew to the ground and Fred helped me off his broom
George passed me mine
"Here you go Corey I found it on the ground"

"Thank you"

"Can you still play?" Oliver asked

"Are you kidding me of course she—" Fred said

"I can" I said pressing Fred's jersey onto my nose

"She is bleeding she c—" he said

"Can be healed and play" I said
I looked at Fred
"Fred please I want to win"

He nodded his head and went to Madame Pomfrey
She healed my nose and head for the moment and we all flew back onto the field

Pucey and Angelina were both gone from the game, Harry knew he needed to finish this quickly

Another hour went by, Katy was knocked unconscious from Flint smacking her in the face with a beaters bat
I was the only chaser left

I had the Quaffle in my arms
I saw Flint and Montague fly beside me and squish me
They both howled

"What are they saying?" Lee said "are they all howling?"

I heard the whole Slytherin side begin to howl
Montague and Flint howled in my ears
"Werewolf werewolf werewolf" was being chanted on their side

"Be a good wolf and let go of the ball, you aren't strong enough for this game" Montague said

I saw two bludgers come for my sides, both hit Flint and Montague
Fred and George guarded me as I flew towards the hoop and made another goal

"Great job wolf!!" Lee yelled and howled

The whole stadium was howling now
I looked around and my teammates were joining in, smiling

Montague and Flint scoffed and went for the ball but I grabbed it before them and made another goal
And another

"Harry's found the snitch again!!" Lee yelled

I saw Draco flying beside Harry, both of them were reaching for the snitch
I was holding my breath watching how close they both were getting
I want to win, but Draco getting the snitch would be good too

"Harry caught the snitch!! GRYFFINDOR WINS THE CUP!!!" Lee yelled
I looked where he was and McGonagall was hugging him, they were both jumping up and down with joy
I heard feet stomping on the stadium, howling and the wind moving passed my face as my whole team did a victory round around the field

When we flew to the ground, I saw my friends and my dad all coming up to our group
I felt two strong hands come around my waist and pull me in tightly
"You did so well" Fred said so only I could hear. He used his fingers to move my hair behind my ear and away from my face "I am so proud of you for completing the game and showing everyone that you aren't afraid of being you"

I was beaming with pure bliss
Fred's face was filled with affection

He put one hand on my waist and the other on my cheek
He softly ran his thumb over a scratch I had from the game

I closed my eyes to his touch
I felt his body moved closer to mine and he pressed his lips to my forehead and stayed there for what felt like hours
Time stopped when we were together

He pulled back and then let everyone else hug me
George lifted me up onto his shoulders and everyone clapped for me and Harry

"You did so good wolf!" Lee yelled coming to our group

"I like that nickname" I said
I like it when my friends use it
I'm done being afraid of what others might think
My friends love me, that's all that matters

George let me down and then my dad hugged me
I didn't see the black dog anymore, I'll have to ask him about that later

"Congratulations Cora" he said "your mum is proud of you I know it"

Everyone was praising me for how great I did, even Oliver after he was done gloating in Flint's face
I looked around for Fred and noticed he never took his eyes off of me
He stayed watching me in my happiest state

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