Seventy Six

138 6 3

I walked with Draco into our defense class

Hermione was behind me, she was talking to Draco the entire walk. Unlike Harry, she was trying to be his friend which I appreciated

Last year the classroom was filled with wonderous things, plants that brought energy into the room for when we faced dementors and magic portraits. My dad even had a table filled with chocolate for students who felt unsteady after our practices
But all that was gone and in place was jars filled with creatures in some sort of liquid
The walls had wanted posters everywhere
Even the room smelt...disgusting

  "This is...different" I said to Hermione who I sat beside

  " least the textbook for this year is good" she said bringing it out of her bag

I grabbed mine as well and placed it on the table
Harry and Ron chose to sit in front of us, Draco sat beside Blaise who I caught staring at me a lot during classes this year already

The door slammed open, making me jump
I turned around with my hand on my chest and saw Moody stumbling in with his cane in one hand and flask in the other

I heard Dean and Seamus whispering about him
Apparently so did Moody, because he threw his empty flask at them
  "Quiet" he demanded

He grabbed it out of Seamus's hand after he picked it up and walked to the front of the class
He glared at me for a moment and then looked at Harry
  "Alastir Moody, ex Auror. Put away your books you won't be needing them for my classes"

I heard Hermione gasp
  "Problem Granger?" He asked

  "If we aren't using our books, then why did we buy them?" She asked annoyed

I nodded my head in agreement
  "Something to add Yaxley?" He said looking at me

I stayed quiet

  "Yaxley" He demanded

The whole class turned to look at me but I didn't answer him
He stepped away from his desk and stumbled over to me
He slammed his hands down on our desk, Hermione jumped but this time I didn't
I glared right back at him
  "Yaxley, if you're being called on you need to answer"

  "That's not my name" I said

  "Oh? What makes you so sure?" He said testing me

  "I'm a Lupin, not a Yaxley I renounced that name last year. Call me by my real name or don't speak to me at all Professor" I said

I watched a bead of sweat drip from his face and land in front of his shaking hands
I looked back at his face
  "Something wrong?" I tested back

  "Detention. Tonight with me" he straightened up "Yaxley"

He walked back over to his desk, losing his balance the entire way
I saw Harry and Ron look at me confused
Hermione put her hand on my leg and squeezed tightly

Draco looked at me concerned
  "Hey Asshole" he said out loud "Sorry I meant Professor Asshole"

I let my mouth drop open
What is he doing

Moody turned around and looked at Draco
  "If you know what's good for you, I would stay silent" he threatened

Draco didn't
  "Or what? This class is already a joke"

  "Detention, both of you meet back at 7pm. It will end at 10pm"

  "That's past curfew" Hermione said

He glared at her
  "Want to join them?"

She closed her mouth and I placed my hand on her leg now, squeezing comfortingly
Moody went back to writing on the board

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