One Hundred Fifty One

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  "N-n-n" I couldn't get his name out of my mouth
I lifted my head to look at him
His eyes were almost white

He lifted his hand towards my face and cupped my cheek into his palm
His grip is so weak
"Y-you have bl-blood on your face" he began wiping my lips clean of blood "what h-happened?"

I gripped his hand into my own
"You're worried about me? You are the one hurt" I felt tears coming again at the sight of his open eyes

"Who hurt you?" He said with a dead serious tone

"That's not important, how are you feeling?"

"It is" he said closing his eyes

"Nico" I said panicked

"I'm ok my sweet Corey, I'm ok"

"You promise?"

He didn't say anything

"Nico, you promise..?"

Alec opened the tent
"Nico?!" He closed the tent and I heard him calling Charlie over

Charlie ran over faster than I could speak again
He sat down on his knees before Nico
"What happened how are you feeling?"

Nico tried sitting up but fell back down
"Please rest" I said running my hand through his hair
I looked at his chest, finally able to breathe seeing him awake
The holes from the arrows were closed thanks to the potion Charlie placed on him, but he was covered in red blood
And black blood

Nico took a deep breath, he looked pained while breathing
"After I told Cor to take Cora, I turned around towards them. I wanted them to follow me not her" he looked at me "did they find you? Two of them took off that way"

"No I was safe"

He smiled at me and squeezed my hand, the best he could, that was resting on his chest
"Good, so how did you get hurt then?"

"I was training to learn how to fight, so I could come help you"

"Who hit you?" He asked

"Don't worry about it please" I said kissing his lips
So cold

"What happened after?" Charlie said, redirecting the conversation

"Majority of them followed me, knowing who I was. I took them to an open area and landed. They landed in front of me, the 10 who followed on brooms and tried interrogating me about the location of our baby dragons and all the others. I refused to tell them, I even laughed at their attempts to get it out of me...until"

Charlie looked at him confused
But Nico wasn't sour, his emotion was bitter
"Until they told me they found you and were going to kill you if I didn't start talking"

Charlie sighed
"You didn't say anything did you?"

"I didn't, but they almost got me...I had to believe you were ok" he said looking at me "Kai began attacking them but...they shot him. Again and again. Kai tried protecting me but he went down, and when he did I felt it in my heart. I fell to the ground and that gave them the in for attacking me, they shot me multiple times before I blacked out"

"So how do you feel now?" Charlie asked "we have someone coming with the remedy"

"I feel—" he began to say but instead he jumped up from laying down, and began throwing up
Charlie's emotion turned anxious, along with my pain

"Nico" I said rubbing his back "what's wrong?"

"It's the poison" he said

"He should be here soon, he ran into poachers on his way here. It was only two, the two that were probably looking for you" Charlie said "he lost them before coming back though"

Nico threw up more blood, this time it was in the form of blood clots
I looked from Nico to Charlie who looked filled with sorrow
"Cora" Charlie began to say

"Please don't say it" I said feeling my hands began to shake "please don't...he's going to be fine"

I moved my hand from his back to his shoulder, where Nico then placed his hand onto mine
"I'm sorry" he said out loud

"For what?" I asked

"For getting hurt, Cora I can't promise you that I'll be ok...we've seen t—" more blood poured from his mouth "this before"

I looked at Charlie and he put his hand on my shoulder

"No please no" I said begging to whoever would listen
The gods

Charlie got up from the ground and wiped his face
"Cora I'm going to give you and Nico some time...Nico I love you thank you for all you've done for the cause and for all you did for us"

Nico picked his head up from his lap
"I love you too Charlie thank you for what you did for—" blood, so much blood "for me"

"You're saying goodbyes...why" I said shaking

Charlie walked out of the tent and began talking to everyone who was outside
They all came in together and thanked Nico for the same reasons, and said their I love you's

The tent was now empty, except for us
"I wish I could have saved Kai" he said to me

"You did your best"

"It wasn't good enough in the end I still failed. I failed Kai and you"

"You didn't fail me" I said taking my bloodied hand from his lap to his hair again
His once soft hair felt like straw now

"But I am going to" he said solemnly "I'm dying Cora I'm sorry"

"No Jessie is going to come with the cure" I said panicked

I got up from ground, attempting to leave to find Jessie but Nico grabbed my hand with whatever strength he had left
"Please don't leave, I want your face to be the last I see before my end"

I sat back down
A great tremor took over my body and I couldn't hold myself together
"I don't want you to go, I need you"

"My sweet sweet Cora, how I wish I could spend eternity with you. You know, I've never fallen in love like I did with you. You weren't my first in either love or sex but you were my last and I will cherish that wherever I end up next in the cosmos"

I stayed silent as he spoke, it took all his energy to now
"You have a beautiful soul, you have the kindness this world needs more of. Move on from me, don't stay alone please. You deserve someone who will treat you the way I would have continued for the rest of your life. Cora Lupin I love you, yesterday today tomorrow forever. I wish it could have been lo-" again blood, bigger clots now "longer. You don't deserve what life has given you, but you are strong enough to live it. Take this" he said going into his pocket, he pulled out Kai's scale "it's the only possession I carry on me, it's yours please take it it's all I can give you now"

I took the pendant out of his red hands and held onto it tightly
"Nicolai Bogdan, I love you. I will always love you, thank you for all you did for me in the short time I knew you. Please continue helping me on the other side, I still n-n-need you" I barely got my words out before my tears choked me

He pulled my face to his and kissed me deeply
I felt his emotions, but the one that stood out the most was his love for me

But then I felt nothing

Not even his lips, as his body fell back onto his bed
His body turned limp, and when I touched his chest he was fully cold
I couldn't hold my hearbreak in, I fell to his chest in a disheveled heap as my emotions turned into uncontrollable tears
Goodbye Nico

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