One Hundred Twelve

97 3 5

  "What about your date?" I whispered to Draco as we walked together behind Harry who turned around and saw who stood beside me
I watched as Harry gave me a concerned look but I ignored it

  "She'll be alright. I can't let you walk alone" he whispered back

I looked around the room and that's when I spotted Fred finally
He was beside George and Lee
Fred looked angry
I turned back to Draco
  "Fred's finally here" I whispered

  "Want to walk with him?"

I knew if I said yes Draco would let Fred walk me the rest of the way


I felt Draco's hand tighten and when I looked at him he was smiling brightly
  "Good, let him stew on his stupidity"

We walked to the center of the room
I heard an orchestra begin playing music around us and the champions all began dancing
Draco let go of my hand and bowed lowly to me
I bowed back playfully
He laughed and then put his hand on my waist
I placed one of mine on his shoulder, he's gotten stronger since I last danced with him

Last time we danced was last year
We walked around the quidditch field after a game and heard music playing
He took my hand and began spinning me around him
I laughed loudly as my best friend showed me how to be happy
I looked into Draco's eyes
I saw his grey blue eyes sparkle with joy
We then locked our other hands together again and began ball room dancing

He gracefully swung me around the ballroom floor, and picked me up into the air a few times
At one point I noticed more students began filling the space
We played switch partners and I noticed that Hermione began dancing with Draco and I began dancing with Viktor
Hermione and I began dancing together as well
I felt happy
I danced with multiple friends of mine, and even people I didn't expect like Fleur danced with me too
All was well except for my sulking boyfriend sitting down with his arms crossed at a table with Ron and Harry who refused to dance with their partners too

I sighed and walked over to Fred
"You sure you want to go there?" Draco asked me concerned "don't let him ruin tonight"

"I want to talk to him" I said "I'll be ok"

Hermione switched to dancing with Cedric Diggory when I let her hands go

  "Where were you?" I demanded when I walked up to him

I looked around for George and he was dancing with Angelina and Lee was dancing with Ginny who came with Katy

  "I was running behind I'm sorrrrry" he said
I could smell alcohol

  "Are you drunk?" I asked accusingly

  "No" he hiccuped

I crossed my arms and looked at Harry and Ron
  "Leave" I demanded

They both got up, not wanting to be a part of this conversation clearly

Fred went into his jacket and took a sip from his flask
I ripped it from his hands and smelt it
  "When did you start drinking?"

  "It was to loosen up that's all" he said taking back his flask "why do you care you're having so much fun without me"

  "I'd be having more if my boyfriend actually showed up on time and not intoxicated. You know what alcohol has done to me, why would you show up drunk?"

"So I'm supposed to avoid it because you can't have any?"

I stared at him dumbfounded
I can't believe he's being this way

"You've changed" I spat out

"People change"

"You know what" I said feeling my cheeks heat up

"What" he asked

"I'm breaking up with you"

I could tell that hurt him
He flinched as if I hit him

"What do you mean?"

"I mean what I said. You've been a prick to me these passed few weeks. Have you even bothered to ask me about the second round? If I figured out the egg yet?"

"No..." he said looking down at the ground "did you—"

"Don't you dare try asking now. You just assumed I'd go to the ball with you without asking me, we WERE together I know but you know how Katy and Ginny are together? Katy ASKED her to the ball still"

"I didn't know it meant so much to you"

"A little normality for me would have been nice. I am so stressed from this tournament, school work and all the bullshit you've been laying on me, don't you think I would have appreciated you being sweet to me??" I felt my eyes burning

I looked around and saw a few people looking at us awkwardly
One being Draco who I saw staring at me intensely
I knew if I nodded my head or showed him any sign, he would be here in a heart beat
But I needed to handle this alone

"So what are you proving? That I'm the worst boyfriend?"

"Yes" I said flatly "but you used to not be"

He looked down at his flask and threw it across the floor

"When did you start drinking?" I asked

"After your first tournament" he said "this whole shit with you and Draco has caused me stress"

"Really?" I said annoyed "he's my best friend"

"Yeah well he doesn't want just that"

"Fred, you need to figure yourself out before you deserve me again" I took off the necklace that he got me and shoved it into his hands
He tried to reach for my arm but I pulled away

I began walking outside of the hall, anywhere to get fresh air
I had a tournament in the morning to deal with, I couldn't let myself be stressed from Fred's drama

But I am
I am hurt from his actions, and I am allowing myself to feel that

I curled into a ball, closing my knees into my chest and I cried

I cried alone for a few minutes until I felt a set of hands pull me into their chest
I didn't recognize the scent of cologne, when I looked over I saw it was Blaise

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