One Hundred Thirty Two

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"I don't understand how you found me" I said to Sirius
I knew he couldn't answer me while a dog, but it felt nice to talk to someone I loved

He looked at me as we walked away from Corban's hut
I felt his emotions even as an animal
Sweet treats filled my throat, and warmth
I smiled at the happy emotions
"I've only tasted bitterness since I've been gone, it's nice to not feel that right now"

He wagged his tail and then brushed up against me
We were walking for hours until we took a break in a cave
I saw articles of clothing scattered, this was a cave he used as a midway point it seemed

Sirius transformed and I turned away to give him privacy as he changed into clothes
I didn't have time to turn before he twisted my body around and pulled me in for a long hug
"I'm so sorry you went through all of this" he said softly

I cried
I gasped for air as I let out my emotions I've held in for so long
I might have yelled and screamed while with Corban, but I never let him see me cry
"There there" he said to me
He kissed the top of my head and held me until I stopped crying
"I knew I'd be the one to find you"

"How?" I asked through my sobs

"Animal instincts, I have some of your clothes that I used as a scent to find you. They're here if you want to change, you're clothes look well...youve been through a lot I know" he held me even tighter
To the point of wincing
"Did I hurt you?" He asked letting me go

I shook my head
"Don't let me go please"

He pulled me back in and stood with me in his arms until I felt safe enough to be let go

Hours went by
For once sleep found me
I woke up to Sirius in his dog form, sleeping on top of me
Protecting me from whatever could come during the night
"Sirius?" I said

He transformed and threw on a few articles of clothing
"What's wrong dear?"

"Has anyone...missed me?" I asked insecurely

"Of course, we've all been out daily looking for you. Even the ones who were told they weren't allowed" he chuckled "I ran into Fred more times than I can count on my paws"

I smiled
"Thank you for rescuing me"

"You're like a daughter to me, I would do anything for Harry and you. Remus will be so happy to have you back"

"How is he?"

"Not well, the last time Corban took someone he cared for...well you know the rest "

"I do" I said solemnly "he told me that Voldemort had a plan for me...I never found out what that was. He was at meetings daily, but I never heard of this plan"

"Don't fret over it now, let's just go home ok? Can you walk again?"

I nodded my head
Sirius transformed back into his dog form, and I collected the clothes that were scattered around the cave
After getting all of the items into his bag, we took off again
I was in pain, but knowing I was going home kept me going
I could make it until then

I saw it
I saw the house that we were supposed to live in this summer
We arrived in London finally after taking a few more breaks in between
Sirius stayed a dog, he had to
He couldn't get caught by the ministry, he would get sent back to Azkaban

I took a deep breath and followed Sirius to a large black house
It was normally hidden, I could tell from the marks on the ground but it showed itself for us
I wasn't sure why, I'll have to ask Sirius about it after

I walked up to the door and felt my hands shaking
Sirius nudged his fluffy head against my hand, calming me back down
I went for the door knob, but before I could touch it, it opened up
Revealing my dad

We stared at each other for a few moments
"D-dad?" I said feeling myself about to sob again

He looked from me, to Sirius, then back to me
He grabbed my arm and pulled me into his chest, where he cried for me
"I was so worried" he said

I felt his tears soaking my hair, I'm sure mine were soaking his shirt as well
He let me go, and then held my hand as he pulled me into the house

It was dark and dusty, but it was home
The home I was told about countless times in letters
One that would house all four of us, Harry included

"Welcome home dear" my dad said

"Dad I was so scared" I confessed

He turned to look at me
"But you were...are so brave. And alive, that's all that matters"

He led me to the kitchen, it smelt of fresh baked pastries
Sirius transformed back into himself and sat at the chair beside me
My dad sat next to me on my right
"You don't have to tell me what happened, I can see you are hurt" his face scrunched looking at the pathetic state I showed up in "let me show you to your room, you can rest there. I'm going to call the Order for a meeting tomorrow, tonight will be for relaxing and healing"

"I don't want to be alone" I said "please don't make me sleep alone"

He grabbed my hand and Sirius grabbed my other
"Sounds like a sleepover" Sirius said "now we can either sleep in your room, or I can call someone over...which would you prefer?"

I thought about it for a moment
But I knew there was only one person who could keep me calm during the night
One person who was there for me after everything that went wrong
"Can...can you call Hermione?"

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