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I hated seeing Draco fight with Fred, I felt like I could trust Fred like I did with Draco
But I knew he was protective of me, he was my best friend
My only friend

"Draco I'll be ok, I promise I'll come find you if I'm not"

He seemed satisfied with that answer because he nodded his head and then hugged me
I hugged him tightly back, but I could feel his glare on Fred as if it was burning my back

When I let go we headed over to where the Gryffindors usually sat on the train, I was with Slytherin's every year so far
The two houses hated each other, but no one batted an eye when I chose to sit with Slytherins or Gryffindors
Maybe they did and I just didn't notice
No one paid attention to me normally so maybe they just didn't care

"Cora did you have a nice summer?" Ron asked walking with us into the train
Fred looked at me, waiting for my reply

"I'm glad to be back in school"
I didn't answer his question but I didn't give him a reason to ask anything further about my summer

"Me too, I love my family don't get me wrong but they are a lot"

I faked a smile at him and then waved him and Harry goodbye
"If you see Hermione tell her I said hello"

I never usually cared if someone got my message, but I really liked Hermione
They nodded and left to find their own compartment

Fred showed me the way to his, that had George himself and their friend Lee

"Hello Corey, you don't mind if I call you that too do you?" Lee asked

I went to place my bag above my head but I was struggling because I was using just one arm
Fred noticed and gently took my bag to place it on the shelf there for me
He was a foot taller than me, i usually struggled putting my bag away even with both arms, so it was nice that he did that for me

"I don't mind" I said sitting down near the window across from Lee
George said beside Lee and Fred sat next to me

"Good! I don't know a lot about you, you seem too reserved can we change that?" He asked nicely

I started to chew my lower lip
"Actually I prefer you didn't know a lot about me"

He looked confused, his eyebrows twisted
"Why's that? I like your company I figured you wanted to be friends too"

"I do...but I uhm..." I looked out the window and then sighed "I've never had friends until I started school and even then I just have one friend"

"Well you've got three of them right here. I know Malfoy is your friend, but I'm sure Hermione is right?" George asked

"Draco is, Hermione I dont know if she considers us friends...I don't know how to be a friend"
Why am I doing this
They're just going to hate me

"We can start of easy, what do you do in your spare time?" Lee asked
Fred began rubbing my back gently

"I don't do anything"

"What do you like to do for fun?" George asked

I shrugged my shoulders

"You gotta give a little information about yourself if you wanna be friends" Lee joked and laughed but I didn't

"I don't have hobbies and I don't do anything for fun, it's the truth really"

"What do you do all summer then?" Lee asked "you must have done something interesting to get your arm broken. How come your family didn't take you to get it fixed?"

"Lee did you see the letter George and I wrote to you about the newest invention?" Fred changed the subject and kept rubbing my back
Thank you

I felt myself starting to fall asleep after listening to them talk about their future shop so I laid my head on the window, but soon felt it too uncomfortable so I subconsciously moved my head onto his chest where I laid the entire time I slept
Before I let my mind shut down I heard Fred talking about inventions he was creating with his brother and best friend
I also heard George tease Fred about me but I must have heard him wrong
Fred doesn't really care about me
Why would he
He's just being nice

A few hours went by and I felt unbelievably cold
I opened my eyes and began shivering

"Here Corey" Fred said passing me his sweater "it's really cold for some reason" he said looking at the window that began to ice over

I put his sweater over my head
It was home made definitely, it was the warmest sweater I've ever had on. The most comfortable too

I heard running down the hallway and then the lights shut off
George Lee and Fred all jumped up and Fred pushed me behind him

"Whats happening?" I whispered

"I don't know" Fred said
He kept one hand around on my back and the other he had on his wand

I heard our door slam open and Draco was standing in it

"Malfoy what are—" George began to say

"Shhh" Draco said "Cora?"

I looked around Fred's body
"Draco what's wrong?"

He pushed passed George and Lee and stood next to Fred who was still in front of me

"Dementors are on the train I don't know why" he said holding his wand out in front of us

"Dementors...but they are only in Azkaban why would they—"

"Cora...shhh please" Draco said looking at me "we don't want to draw attention our way"

I heard screams coming from the hallway and ice began forming on our door

"Shit" George said "it's coming"

Fred and Draco pushed me into the wall behind us and held their ground in front of me
I felt my heart racing and my palms sweating
I can't even use my's packed away
I looked up at my bag
Fucking idiot

Our door slammed open and a Dementor looked around the room
He spotted me and then he spirited over to where I was standing but from behind it I heard a Patronus spell being casted

I felt Fred push himself into me more and Draco covered my side
The dementor flew away from our compartment and then the lights came back on

"You all alright?" Said a male voice I didn't recognize but I felt like I should for some reason

"We're good thank you...Uh" George said

"Professor Lupin, newest Defense Teacher. Need any chocolate?" He asked

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