Eighty Six

121 7 1

My mouth dropped
Everyone in the Great Hall looked my way
Fred and Draco were staring at me in shock
Hermione looked up from her homework and her mouth was dropped open like mine
I began slouching in my seat, trying to hide my face

"Cora Yaxley" Barty said again

"That's not my last name" I said "so I don't have to compete right?"
I know I said I would have loved to but legally
I'm not old enough...

Barty looked at Dumbledore
"What is her last name?"

"Lupin, but Cora did you get it officially changed?" Dumbledore asked

I audibly gulped
"Not yet..."
The only person here who calls me Yaxley is Moody
Did he put my name in the Goblet...

Dumbledore began whispering with Barty and Ludo
I felt everyone's eyes on me still
No one was cheering
Mostly everyone looked at me with green envy

"She's not old enough" someone said
"What a cheat" another yelled
  "This is bullshit"
"What happens if there is a night challenge and there is a full moon?" Adrian yelled out
Graham howled
Slytherins surrounding them, who were on the team, started to do the same
Laughter was heard around me

"Shut the fuck up" Draco barked back at them
Fred wasn't saying anything he just stared at me
George looked worried alongside Harry Ron Hermione and Lee

"Why don't you make me" Adrian yelled back at Draco getting up from his seat

Draco jumped from my side and tried walking over to him but Dumbledore yelled out
Draco stopped halfway
"Cora, please go join the other champions while we discuss this" Dumbledore said

I looked at Fred again and he still wasn't saying anything
He just stared at me

Hermione squeezed my hand before I got up
Draco watched me walk passed him and behind the Professors
McGonagall put her hand on my shoulder and fake smiled at me
Moody glanced at me when I walked passed him, he raised his eyebrows at me
I wanted to yell that he put my name in the goblet but I didn't have proof

I heard students yelling again but I tried to block it out as I walked through the champion's door and downstairs to where everyone else was
Fleur looked at me confused but Viktor smiled at me

  "What are you doing here?" Fleur asked in a French accent "I didn't think you were old enough"

  "I'm not...I don't know what happened"

Viktor came up to me and put his hand on my shoulder
  "Well you're here now" he said in his Bulgarian accent "I see you around another female a lot, can you introduce me?"

I raised my eyebrows
  "She won't be interested trust me"

  "Why's that?"

  "She's focused on school work, she's a genius who barely has time for anything but that"

He smiled
  "I love a girl who has a brain, I promise I'm a nice person I just want to talk to her"

  "I'll ask her first" I said
  "How did you get passed the age line?" Fleur demanded

  "I didn't put my name in the goblet" I said to them

I heard the door open and I saw Harry walk towards us
I looked at him confused
  "What's wrong Harry?"

He got all the way to the bottom of the steps before he answered
  "My name was drawn too"

I put my hand on my chest
Fleur threw her hands up in the air and started yelling in French
Viktor went and introduced himself to Harry
I heard him asking the same thing he asked me but Harry was extremely uninterested
Instead he walked over to me
  "What is going on" he said "I didn't put my name in"

  "Neither did I"

The door slammed open and this time Dumbledore, McGonagall, Maxine, Karkaroff, Barty and Ludo all came racing down the steps towards us
Moody followed behind them

Dumbledore walked up to Harry and I and asked calmly
  "Did you put your names in the Goblet?"

We both shook our heads no

  "Liars" Karkaroff spit "why would they tell you truthfully, they don't want to get expelled"

  "We aren't lying" Harry said

  "We promise we didn't do it"

They all looked at us and then went back into a huddle to discuss our enrollment
Fleur stood beside Madame Maxine and Viktor stood next to Karkaroff

Dumbledore looked disappointed and Professor McGonagall looked worried

Barty looked at us
  "What the goblet says goes, they are both entered in the competition. If we interfere, you know what will happen"

  "That is not fair" Madame Maxine yelled "Hogwarts has TWO champions?!"

  "I knew you would try something slick" Karkaroff yelled at Dumbledore "we should have held it at Durmstrang. I demand you let us pick two other students as well"

  "We can't do that" Ludo said "it's been chosen, the flames are out now. What's done is done...we tried to avoid younger students in the competition" he glared at us
I glared back at him
I won't let the likes of him make me feel bad

  "Nothing we can do now except prepare them for tasks" Moody said joining the conversation "I'll take both of them under my care"

I looked at Harry and then back at Moody
  "Can't we pick who mentors us?"

  "It has to be your defense teacher" Barty said "there are things in this competition that can and will try to kill you. It's best if he helps you"

Moody looked at us and I could have sworn he smirked

Everyone left the room, except for Harry myself Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall
  "Professor I think Moody entered us, well me at least" I said

They looked at me curiously
  "What makes you say so?" Dumbledore asked

  "I was entered with my old name, I don't use that name anymore and the only person who does is him"

  "It's your legal name unfortunately...it doesn't mean he entered you. Why would he?"

  "I'm not sure...I know he doesn't like me"

  "I don't think he wants you dead" Professor McGonagall said "we will do what we can to support you two, but this competition has killed students in the past...you will need a lot of training for what's to come"

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