Forty Two

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"Are you excited?" My dad asked me
I was visiting him early this morning before my quidditch match at 1pm

"I'm pumped!" I yelled clutching my bicep "we're going to win the cup I can feel it"

My dad laughed
"I'll be there in the stands watching the game, it'll be the first one I actually get to see since the full moon won't be here"

I smiled brightly and hugged him
"I'm really happy I got to know you and have you in my life now. You're already the best father I could ask for"

He smiled
"I love you, go kick some ass"

I met up with my teammates outside of the field
The stadium was going wild
I could hear stomping from the stands and yelling from the watchers
"Go Go Gryffindor" was being chanted for us

This whole week has been filled with dodging jinxes sent by Slytherins
I was expecting some of my teammates to show up broken today from it
Fred and George narrowly escaped Montague and Pucey's tactics but them being them they got revenge with pranks and jinxes on top of those
I'm surprised they were able to show up after being hospitalized for so long
But Katy Bell got hit and so did Angelina, both were in the hospital wing for a few days from it
Fred didn't leave my side and when he had to because of classes Draco or Harry took over

"I don't think I have to tell you all how important this game is" Oliver said looking around at the team "but I'm going to anyways. It's my LAST game in Hogwarts, I need to win the cup for our house. Harry you have a fantastic broom there is no reason you can't catch the snitch early, Fred George I don't care who but I need one of you watching out for him"

"I've got it" George said

Oliver nodded
"Katy Angelina Cora, points are still important. Get as many as you can just in case Malfoy catches it before Potter does. I'm counting on all of you"

We put our hands together and then group hugged
Fred and George sandwiched me

"Let's fucking do this" Oliver said throwing his fist into the air

I walked beside Fred and George onto the field
I clutched my mother's broom
Help me win this...give me the courage to face Montague and Pucey

We met in the center of the field
Tension was extremely high, I could tell by looking at Flint's face this would be a rough game

I mounted my broom and flew into the air
Katy was above me and so was Angelina, I was middle just above Oliver
Fred was on my side as usual and George was opposite, Harry stayed near George

I looked at who I was facing, Pucey of course

He looked at me and smirked
"When you're tired of mounting a broom I'll give you something else to mount"
Montague laughed above him, they both imitated a howl

"Don't you get tired of hearing your own stupidity?" I asked
I heard George laugh

"Don't you have a moon to howl at?" Montague asked
He was above me facing Katy, he was closest to Fred

"I've got a game to win I know that"
I looked over at Fred and he was swinging his bat in his hands staring at Pucey
George was glaring at Montague

"Things are already heating up for today's game" Lee said "hello all and welcome to the final quidditch match of the year, Gryffindor" majority of the crowd went wild "versus Slytherin" their side cheered "how many players will end up in the hospital today!? Ouch McGonagall why'd you hit me?"

I looked up where the Professors were sitting and saw my dad, with a strange black dog sitting beside him
Is that...

"Hey Yaxley or is it Lupin now" Pucey yelled to me

I glared at him

"You're mine in this game" he threatened

"Don't even think about getting close to her" Fred said back

"Pucey leave her the fuck alone" Draco said from above

"If you all are done let's get this game going" Madame Hooch said "captains"

Oliver walked towards Flint
Every one of us got quiet

I watched as Oliver grabbed Flint's hand to shake but they both just gripped each other's aggressively
Neither backing down

"Let's play a fair game" Madame Hooch said looking at Flint

"Fat chance of that happening" Lee said "what McGonagall I was just saying what we're all thinking!"

I took a deep breath
And then another

I looked around the sky
It was perfect playing weather
The wind was calm, the sun was shining, not a cloud in sight
I wore my short sleeved jersey today, knowing how hot it was going to get

I could smell fresh trimmed quidditch grass and treats that were being bought for the game

I knew how much winning today meant to Oliver, but it meant a lot to me as well
If I could face the two guys who have been giving me hell all year, I could do anything
I wasn't going to let them define me

I was going to be strong
I have people here routing for me and protecting me if need be
But I was going to win this today for myself

Madame Hooch grabbed the box and opened it
She released the snitch
It flew straight up to Draco, then to Harry
It took off into the sun

She then released the Bludgers
Both of them went ballistic, ramming into the stadium walls as if they too could sense the atmosphere here
One flew towards my head but I ducked and it went by me

She looked at the Captains
Oliver got to his position at the hoops and Flint got into line with Pucey and Montague

"You've got no chance at getting it before we do" Flint said staring at me

"You've got no chance at winning today" I said gripping my broom

I took another deep breath
They both howled again and smirked at me

Madame Hooch grabbed the Quaffle and went to the middle of the field
She looked at both teams and threw the ball into the air

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