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We arrived at the burrow, it was bright outside now
The sun was fully out here, at the campground it was dark and gloomy
Molly ran over and hugged both of us tightly
  "I was so worried when your father sent me his Patronus explaining what happened...Fred if the last thing I said to you was how I wished you got better grades or that you should be thinking about a better future... I don't know what I would have done" she started to tear up but Fred hugged her again

  "It's ok mum, we're ok"

She pushed back her tears and then took my hand
  "You ok deary?" She asked

  "I'm ok" I said

I heard the front door slam open
I looked in that direction and saw my dad rushing towards me

  "What do you want?" I asked feeling upset
He hasn't responded to me all summer, why is he here?

He ran up to me and then stared at me

  "Yes?" I asked annoyed

He wiped his face and then pulled me into his chest
I felt his chest move in a way that made me think he was sobbing
I looked up at his face and he was
I felt my eyes burn alongside him

  "You're alive" he softly said
I heard footsteps walk away, Fred and Molly went back to the burrow

  "Not like you care" I said feeling hurt by his disappearance all summer

He put his hand in my hair and tighten our hug
  "I do care, I care about you so much. That's why I stayed away. I couldn't live with the fact that I scarred you" he said pulling out of our embrace "I didn't want that to happen again...I got scared that it would"

I felt hot tears fall from my eyes
  "It hurt me when my letters came back, every fucking time they came back I felt my heart shatter"

  "I'm so sorry" he said hugging me again "so so sorry. Molly sent me a patronus about what happened at the cup, I panicked. I came here right away, I expect you to come back last night but you didn't. I waited on their couch all night, I couldn't sleep until I saw that you were alive and well"

  "I'm fine" I said "I'm fine" I repeated, trying to make myself believe it

  "You don't have to be fine all the time, it's ok to not be" he said leading me to the patio
We both sat down on a step "Corban attacked you again?" He asked

  "I think so"

  "This isn't good, if he's a death eater we have a lot of things to worry about. Though it wouldn't surprise me if he was one. He's as awful as they get, death eaters are psychotic"

  "How's Sirius?" I wanted to change the subject

  "He's well, he misses you and Harry. His house will be ready next year though, he has a lot of things to fix with it before we can live there"


  "If you want to still..."

  "Are you going to take it back again?" I asked raising my eyebrows

He looked at the ground
  "I deserve that, no this is a permanent offer. Cora, I want to be a dad to you. I want to be a family"

"And I'm just supposed to forgive you for ignoring me all summer?"

"No, but let me make it up to you by being here now. I'm new to this Cora. I didn't know you where alive, your whole life I missed out on. Please let me be in your future, I want to be your dad. Nothing would make me happier"

I wiped my eyes
"I wasn't scared when the death eaters where attacking the campground...does that make me a bad person dad?"

I saw his cheeks rise when I used that word but then his face went back to neutral
"No, it just makes you a strong person. Strong people can hold their emotions together in dangerous situations, you've been through a lot my dear" he pulled me close and kissed the top of my head "Let's go inside, Molly has stress made a bunch of food. I brought chocolate" he said going into his pocket and picking out a piece for me

I smiled and took it
"Thank you"

We walked into the burrow together
This is what I wanted
I hope it lasts

It's time to go back to Hogwarts, my dad has spent almost every day here with me since the incident at the World Cup
He's kept up his promise about being there for me so far, and he even signed a permission slip for me to enter Hogsmeade this year
Though sneaking around with Fred was more fun

"Here are your dress robes I picked out for you" Molly said to Fred, George, Ron and Harry
We were all in the living space, sitting on the couches

Fred and George had nice all black ones, Harry did as well
Ron on the other hand had a lacey one with purple accents on it

"What the hell is that" Ron said as his mum passed him his robe

"It's second hand I'm sorry, but I think it'll look nice on you" she said putting it up to his face "it makes your eyes pop"

Ron pushed it aside
"I'm not wearing that"

"You all have a special—uh event happening this year, you need a dress robe"

"That thing is ugly" he said "why does everyone else get a nice black one??"

"Because I can't afford all three" she said
I watched her cheeks turn bright red
I looked away and so did the rest of our group

"Ron I think it's nice, honestly I do" I said trying to help the issue "I would take you to a dance in that, is that what is happening this year?"

"I can't say dear, Ron you will wear this or nothing at all. I can't win" she stormed off

"She's mental I'm not wearing that" Ron said sitting back down

"Ron, I can buy you a new one" Harry suggested

"No I don't want your money" he said

If there is a dance happening this year, I wonder if Fred will ask me to it
I looked at him
George and Fred were discussing something softly to each other, it was the first time I wasn't included in their conversation
I did hear a few words
Mostly I heard them talking about getting back at someone
I sank into my seat and just hoped that this year would be a good year

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