Eighty Nine

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I walked into the Great Hall with Draco for lunch
He kissed my cheek before heading off to his group
  "Let me know if you need my help, I'll be keeping an eye on things"

  "What do you think it's going to happen?"

  "Who knows, I just want to be prepared for anything when it comes to you"

I saw Fred sitting with George and Lee
My usual spot on his right was taken by Katy Bell, a chaser on our team
I felt my chest tighten up
Maybe I should keep avoiding him
I saw her talking to them, mostly to Fred

I walked over
I am brave
I am Gryffindor for a reason

George looked my way
  "Hey Cora!" He said
Fred didn't look over, he actually looked back at Katy who was laughing with him

  "Hey George, Lee, Katy, Fred"

Katy looked at me
  "Hey Cora"

Lee motioned for me to sit beside him on the opposite side of the table, so I did
It was directly in front of Fred

He didn't look my direction, instead he began only speaking to Katy
  "Dont be so shy" he said to her "anyone would be lucky to have you"

  "You really think so?" She said smiling at him
There it is again, my blood boiling

  "Of course" he said softly
Don't let him see my jealousy

  "Have you heard about the first tournament yet?" Lee asked
I wish he hadn't brought that up

  "Not yet, we were told we wouldn't discuss any of it until the day of"

  "Charlie is coming next week did you know that?" George asked

  "Is he? Does that mean the first round is about dragons?"

  "I bet he would tell you, we can find him when he visits" George said "right Fred?"

Fred continued to ignore my presence
Lee frowned at Fred, along with George

  "There's the cheater" a student yelled
I looked to where that voice came from and saw Harry walking into the hall
He was occupied by Hermione and Ginny, Ron was already here with Seamus

  "Why is everyone giving Harry hate but not me?" I asked my group

  "I think they accepted that you were the champion for Hogwarts. They think Harry is stealing the limelight" Lee said

  "But that day it seemed that everyone hated me too"

  "Maybe someone did something to change that opinion" George said staring at Fred

  "Did you do something?" I asked Fred

He ignored me but I saw his arm twitch, as if he wanted to move to comfort me
  "Fred?" I tried again

He looked at Katy
"I want to help you out however I can"

"Fred" I said getting more agitated

Katy looked at me and then at him
She tapped his shoulder
"She's talking to you"

He ignored her attempt too

I took a deep breath
I could feel every nerve in my body getting tense

He continued to stay silent
I can't take it anymore

  "Fredrick Gideon Weasley answer me" I demanded, slamming my hand down on the table
Our whole table went silent

He turned his head to me in shock

  "Full name huh, she is pissed" George said

  "Cora Belle Yaxley?" He said back "Lupin, Yaxley, which do you go by? Your name came out of the goblet as Yaxley so I guess that"

"What the fuck is your issue??"

He put his head on his fist and closed his eyes
I saw his jaw twitch

"Why are you ignoring me I didn't do anything wrong" I said agitated

"Of course you wouldn't think so" he said

Katy looked uncomfortable
"I'm going to go now" she said sitting up "I'll talk to you later Fred"

After she left I focused my attention back on Fred
George and Lee stayed silent
"I wouldn't think so because I didn't do anything"

"You're telling me your name just magically entered the goblet??" He said
I saw his cheeks turn red from frustration

I got up from my seat and stood tall
"Have I EVER lied to you??"

He stayed silent

"No? So why would I now?!"

"You grew up poor just like us, figured you'd want that money to yourself"

I felt my jaw drop
"You IDIOT all I ever talked about was IF I was to enter the tournament I would have given you the fucking money because I knew you had a dream. I don't, I'm barely alive as it is"

He stayed silent again

"Everything ok?" I heard Draco say from behind me
I turned and when I looked at his face his muscles were all tense
His glance at Fred was filled with anger, his normally blue eyes were completely grey

"It's fine" I said looking at Fred again

"No it's not" Draco said stepping beside me "I heard him yelling at you, what's that about?" He demanded from Fred

Fred stood up
George and Lee watched uncomfortably
"It's none of your damn business" Fred barked

"If it has to do with Cora it is, Weasley"
The look being shared between the two of them could kill

"Malfoy, I don't care what you think you don't own her. Her problems aren't yours"

"I know I don't own her. She is her own person" he looked at me and then him again "but I'll be damned if I stand by while you make her feel like shit for something she didn't do"

"How are you so sure huh?"

Draco laughed
"Because she fucking said so, you're a bastard if you think otherwise. She told you she didn't enter, and instead of helping her through this you want to be a selfish prick"

Fred walked around the table and got up into Draco's face
Draco didn't back down
"Selfish prick? Funny coming from the worst this school has ever seen. You're the biggest prick I've ever met"

"Fred" I yelled

Draco laughed, his laugh was filled with promise of violence "You don't want me to go further, I'm being nice believe it or not, only because Cora is here. I won't keep holding back though"

"Draco please"
I pushed my way in between them
"Stop arguing"

Draco pulled me behind his body and pulled out his wand
Fred did the same thing
George and Lee got up and went to pull Fred back but he pushed them off
"Fuck you Malfoy"

"Fuck you Weasley"

The both pointed their wands at each other
I heard both of them send a jinx to one another but I pushed myself in between them, taking both of the jinxes head on

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