Twenty Three

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Everyone was going to Hogsmeade this weekend for Halloween
Harry skipped going, he told us he wanted to meet with Lupin and I decided that was a good idea to do as well
It was also the anniversary of his parents death, I knew Harry didn't want to be around a lot of people but he told me he didn't mind that I went with him
Fred wanted me to go with him but I told him I would next time
Him and George were going to go to Zonko's joke shop and told me they would bring back some fun pranks to pull on people here

I walked with Harry to Lupin's office, he told him to meet there for tea
Harry told me he wouldn't care if I came along, I wanted to ask him if he was the one who gave me my new broom
The only two I told about my problem were him and Hermione

"Hello Harry and Cora too" he smiled when we walked closer to him in his office

"Hello Professor" I said "I hope you don't mind me being here"

"Of course I don't" he used his wand to summon another cup of tea for me "Didn't want to go to Hogsmeade?"

"Neither of us have permission slips" Harry admitted
I wouldn't have told a teacher that, what if he catches us when we do go

"You're not missing much" Lupin said "just shops and pointless things to spend money on"

"Well I have none so better to not go I suppose" I said nervously

"If you need money I have plenty to share" Harry said making Lupin smile

"No no it's ok thank you" I said shyly
I wish everyone would stop trying to give me money

We sipped tea and chatted for a little while before Harry brought up a question that has been bugging him for a while

"Sir, why did you stop the boggarts before I got the chance?"
This was haunting Harry since that class

"I was worried you would see You-Know-who"

"I'm more concerned about the dementors that fly around then him honestly"

Lupin chuckled
"Fear of fear itself, very wise Harry"

"Professor" I said "did you send me a broom?"

He nodded his head
"It was a broom I had in my possession from when I was in school, I wasn't good at quidditch but I was given a broom for when I tried to play. I gave up after a year, Harry I was good friends with your parents and your father kept trying to get me to play more but I told him it wasn't for me. I gave you that broom, it can be a starter one, I know it's not the best—"

"No it's wonderful thank you so much"

"You knew my parents?" Harry said

"Your dad was one of my best friends, James Sirius and Peter, the four of us were an inseparable group. Your mother was wonderful too, she would study with me often. She was a very brilliant witch"

Harry smiled
"Sirius escaped Azkaban" Harry said "is he after me?"

"Thats what the rumor is isn't it, I doubt he is though" Lupin seemed to want to avoid this discussion

"Did you know my mother?" I asked feeling brave
I know nothing of my mother, if he even knows a little I would love to learn about her

He looked hurt when I asked him
"She was beautiful. She was in Gryffindor and loved being around Lily. She was incredibly smart and a wicked Quidditch player"

I smiled brightly
"What was her name? I know nothing of her"

"Coral, you were named after her"

"How did you know that?"

Lupin moved in his seat uncomfortably
A knock happened on his door
  "come in" he said relieved

Harry and I turned around and saw Snape walking towards us
He glared at the two of us and then passed Lupin something in a vile

"It's stronger than what Pomfrey was giving you" he said "try this and then tell me if it works"

Lupin nodded his head and then Snape left

"Sir what's in the vile?" Harry asked concerned "poison? He wants your job you know"

Lupin laughed
"No I have something coming up in a week that I need a potion for"

One week
That's when I'll be needing my potion

"What is it for?" I asked

"Nothing to be concerned about, I think it's time for you two to go back to the dining hall. I'm sure your friends will be back by now" Lupin got up and walked us to his door "good night"

Harry and I walked from his office to the Great Hall for the Halloween feast
"What do you think he has in his vile?"

"I don't know" I said confused

No one knows about my trips to Madame Pomfrey
No one but Draco knew that I went to her monthly for potions
Whatever I have wrong with me he does too, maybe I can figure it out if I ask him about it enough

Harry and I made it right as food was being set down
I waved to Draco who smiled and got up to meet me
"I got you something at Hogsmeade" he said passing me a broom kit "it's to help that broom of yours, I can teach you how to clean it"

I hugged him tightly
"Yes I would love that, thank you"

He smiled at me and went back to sitting down
I walked over to where Fred was sitting with George and Lee

"Hello Corey" Lee said

Fred turned around and made room for me between him and George
"Did you find out if Lupin gave you the broom?"

I nodded my head
"He did"

  "That was nice of him" Fred said looking at Lupin who was sitting beside Snape
They were talking about something amongst themselves

  "It was, Draco got me a broom kit he said he's going to teach me how to use it"

  "Really? That was thoughtful" Fred said putting his hand beside him "I got you something as well" he pulled out a small bag for me

I opened it and inside was a long sleeved Jersey with my name on it

  "Thank you!!" I said pulling him in for a hug

I felt his cheeks rise up
  "You are going to need it, the sky gets really cold. This one is warm enough to keep most of the chill out"

  "Thank you, really so much"

  "Anything for you" Fred said

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