Twenty Nine

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It's the day of the Quidditch match

I told George Lee Hermione Ron and Harry about my condition last night
They promised me to keep it between us only, and I trust them
Everyone I told I trusted to keep the information to themselves

"You excited?" Oliver asked me during our meeting before the game

I nodded my head and clutched the broom that Lupin gave to me

The wind was hallowing and the rain was coming down in sheets on our walk here, we knew the storm would stay with us the entire game, it's been raining since we woke up

I was already cold from my own body temperature and the rain but the long sleeved shirt that Fred got for me was definitely helping

Fred walked up and pulled me into his chest
He used his hands to rub my back up and down, creating a friction to help warm me up

I looked around and saw the other two girls on the team shaking like I was
George walked up to Angelina and pulled her in to warm her up too, Katy just kept jumping up and down to create warmth

"Glad I got you this jersey?" Fred whispered to me

"Yes I'm even more grateful now" I smiled onto his chest
He was always so warm

We were all in the locker room under the stadium, I was one of three girls so we met in the boys side

  "Right, Diggory is a wicked captain. Dont let their niceness or humble attitudes throw you off, they can be ruthless when they want to be"

Oliver was giving us a speech before the game but all I could focus on was the steady beating of Fred's heart

"Harry catch the snitch before we all freeze to our brooms got it??" He yelled in Harry's direction
He nodded his head

"Corey you are new to the team, I expect you to get some nasty shots in today ok? This is my last year I will be damned if we don't win the cup"

I nodded my head
Oliver put his hand in the middle of our group
"Let's kick some ass"

We all put our hands together and then left
We walked out onto the field but the wind was blowing worse than before

Katy and myself are the smallest of the team and we were being blown back by the wind
A large gust came in my direction and threw me back but Fred caught my arm and held tightly to me

He smiled as he walked alongside me
"I've got you"

With Fred's support I was able to make it the center of the field

I mounted my broom and flew up onto Oliver's right side
Angelina was to my left and Katy was behind Oliver
Fred was on my right side and George was on my left
Harry was above all of us

Cedric smiled at me through the rain and I smiled back
He shook Oliver's hand, who was squeezing his hand aggressively
But instead of intimidating him it only made Cedric laugh

"First game of the year! Hello all my name is Lee Jordan and I will be your announcer throughout this year again" he cleared his throat "today we have Gryffindor" chanting could be heard over the wind's roaring "against Hufflepuff" I saw the Hufflepuff side get up and do the wave "awful weather of course but what would quidditch be without a little chaos to start?! Good luck to both teams and to Gryffindor's newest player Cora Yaxley, you've got this Corey!!"

"Let's have a good game" Madame Hooch said to both of our teams

I clutched my broom, the wind pushed me but I held on
This is going to be brutal

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