Seventy Five

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The next morning I decided to write to my dad about Moody
I got up early and headed to the common room to write it
When I got down there no one else was awake

The fireplace was ashes, it burned all night long
The room smelt of burnt wood and cut grass, the windows were wide open
I sat down at the coffee table and pulled out my quill and parchment

Dear Dad,

I hope everything is going well for you since I've been gone
How is the house? I hope you two are getting things in order, I can't wait to see it. Tell Sirius I said hello
I'm writing to you in concerns over Moody...he seems to be targeting me.
I haven't even had class with him and he already seems to hate me, is there a past with the two of you that I am not aware of? Yesterday Harry and Draco were getting into a heated argument and Harry sent a jinx at Draco. I went to send one back at Harry, I know I'm sorry, but before I could get it out Moody used his wand and turned me into a wolf and began throwing me around the hall.
The first day he called me a wolf too, I know he's an ex Auror and is smart enough to figure it out but he also refuses to call me Lupin
He continues to call me Yaxley, I'm at a loss for him
I hope to hear from you soon

I love you

I closed up my parchment and sat back up
No one was up still, so I began walking up to the owlery
The hallways were quiet too, not a lot of people get up this early
Especially before classes, but I wanted to get this out today before I had my first class with him

I walked up the stairs to the owlery, the sun was beating down on my back
The weather was still warm, next month that would be different

When I went through the doorway I saw beautiful owls everywhere
Most of them belonged to Hogwarts but students kept theirs here too

I saw Hedwig, Harry's owl and I walked up to her
I pet her softly
  "Good morning Hedwig"

She chirped and then rubbed her head against my hand
She put her leg out for me
  "No, I don't want you to go to my dad's Harry might need you"

  "It's ok I'm writing to Sirius, it'll go to the same spot right?" I heard Harry say behind me "plus you can use Hedwig whenever you want Cora you know that"

He walked up beside me and gently took my letter and his
He placed them in her holder and off she went

Harry watched her fly away
  "I'm sorry about yesterday" he said still watching Hedwig "I don't like Draco, it's no secret but I know how much you do. I can try to be better, I don't want to lose you as a friend"

I pulled Harry in for a side hug
"I don't want to lose you either, thank you for apologizing...I'm sorry I tried to jinx you"

He laughed
"What was your plan with that?"

"Drooling that wouldn't stop for a few hours...Fred taught it to me"

"Of course he did" he laughed again "but what is Moody's deal? That was uncalled for"

"That's why I lettered my dad, I want to know if he has an issue with our family name"

"He keeps calling you Yaxley, it's annoying"

"I know...and we have him for first period today"

"Well if it makes you feel better he has a weird thing with me too"

"Yeah but yours is more like protecting you, mine is like he's out to get me"

"Let's go to breakfast and deal with him during his class. Don't let him control your emotions like that"

"Yeah you're right"

Harry and I walked down to the Great Hall together
Breakfast was in full effect, porridge and fruit was covering the dining tables
I looked at Slytherin's table and waved to Draco who smiled at me and then went back to pushing Pansy away from him

I looked towards our usual seats and saw Fred, George and Lee hushed over each other again
Ron was eating while finishing homework that I'm sure is for defense class and Hermione is talking to Neville with their herbology books out
I took my seat beside Fred, who when I got closer moved from Lee and George and made room for me beside him

"Hello Love" he said to me "where did you head off to?"

"The owlery, I sent a letter to my dad about—" I looked around and saw Moody staring at me "about him"

Fred looked to where I was staring, Moody changed his glance to where Graham was with Adrian
They were both pushing each other back and forth
"Hey!" He said to them
He threw a jinx at their food that made it explode in their faces

Fred and I both laughed watching them wipe porridge off their clothing

"I had class with his yesterday, he's interesting that's for sure" Fred grabbed my hand on the table "if he bothers you, talk to Dumbledore he'll listen"

I nodded my head
"Yeah I suppose"

"Well we better be getting to class" George said grabbing the hand that was placed on mine and lifting Fred off his seat "let's go to the owlery first"

"See you later Love" Fred said after he kissed the top of my head

I watched them leave, Lee caught up with them
They went out of the hall, they weren't laughing for once

"Anyone know what they're up to?" I asked

"No, I was curious too but I didn't ask. I figured you would have known though" Ron said

Hermione looked up from her book
"I'm sure it's some sort of prank"

"Want to walk together to class?" I heard Draco ask from behind me

I turned around in my seat and saw him put his hand out for me

I looked back at my table, Harry was looking at Draco but he wasn't saying anything
He's keeping his word

I turned back and took Draco's hand and walked to our defense class that we shared first period

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