Fifty Six

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Fred brought me into his home, he kept one hand under my legs and the other on my bleeding head the whole time
  "You're safe" he kept repeating

When we entered his mum used her wand to clear the dining room table
  "Place her here" she went to go get ingredients to help my wounds

Fred placed me gently on the table and then stayed next to me standing
He took my hand into his and rubbed it

  "I'll letter Draco" Ginny said grabbing a parchment and writing quickly
She handed it to their family's Owl and he went off into the night sky

  "I'm glad you're here" George said kissing the top of my head where my makeshift bandage was

  "Me too" Ron said coming to hold my other hand

Arthur came up to me next
  "What happened?"

  "When I landed at his house he beat and used the cruciatus curse on me"

Everyone in the room went silent
  "He did what??" Molly said coming back to me with her cauldron

  "He then told me to go to my room while he had a meeting at his house. I didn't hear any names or why they were there. I escaped through my window and walked here"

  "How did you know the way?" George asked

  "I uhm...I used to walk a trail from my house to here when I was a kid. I used to watch you all play quidditch and laugh with each other. It sounds creepy I know but it brought me happiness when things were the darkest for me"

Fred kissed my hand
  "It's not creepy, I'm so happy you did that. If it wasn't for that, you would have been lost out there and we would have never found you"

Molly took off my bandage on my head and applied a potion to it and to my scratched face
  "Where else does it hurt?"

  "I think my ribs are broken" I said

She asked me to lift my shirt so she could inspect my stomach
When I did I heard Ginny gasp
I looked down and saw my stomach was covered in bruises already, and I had a bone poking almost through my skin

  "Anyone who can't handle bones being fixed needs to leave" she said to the group
Ginny left the room but she was the only one

Ron and Fred held my hand as Molly rebroke my bones and then healed them together again
I winced in pain a few times but whenever I felt the most uncomfortable I looked at Fred's face and felt no pain
His beautiful freckled face that has healed me in so many ways

Once Molly finished healing me she offered me tea that I drank up to warm my body again
I was, like usual, completely shivering from my lack of body temperature

  "I'll get you a blanket deary" she said leaving the room

  "Did you bring your bag?" George asked and I shook my head no

  "I have nothing but what I'm wearing. I couldn't go back for my bag"

  "It's ok, I'll write to Dumbledore and ask him about retrieving wolfsbane potion for you" Arthur said leaving to write a letter

  "Cora I can letter Hermione and ask her to send clothes that she doesn't wear anymore to here, that way you have something" Ron said

  "No I don't want to trouble her"

  "Hermione won't care, trust me we want to help you it's no trouble" he said leaving to write a letter as well

  "George could you grab something warm of mine for her to change into?" Fred asked
George nodded his head and left too

Molly came back with a blanket for me to be wrapped in
  "Would you prefer a shower first?"

  "Yes please. Molly thank you for letting me stay here...I promise I'll help around the house and get a job to help with the bills I'll even—"

She walked up and hugged me
She held onto me, warning me up with her hug
A mother's hug, something I never experienced growing up
I sobbed onto her shoulder thinking about my own mother and how I wouldn't have been in this trouble if she was around

  "Shhh it's alright" she said softly patting my back
  "You'll be treated as one of my own" she pulled away from our hug "the shower is on the second floor in case you don't remember. Ginny's room has an extra bed that you'll be sleeping on, you don't mind sharing a room do you? Arthur has an office we can clear out if you prefer"

  "No please don't, sharing is fine really if Ginny doesn't mind"

She kissed my forehead
  "No she won't, she asked for it to be that way before we decided on living arrangements. Go take a shower and relax"

I nodded my head
Fred helped me down from the table and led me to the bathroom

When I reached the door I turned around and looked at him
"Thank you"

"For what?"

"For being there for me, for caring for me, I could go on and on"

He smiled
"You don't have to thank me, is there anything I can do for you while you shower?"

"No I'll be out soon, I won't take all of the hot water"

He looked at me confused
"We can just use mum or dad's wand to heat more water up, Ginny takes the longest shower in the house we have to do that often"

"At my old house, Corban would yell at me for being in longer than a few minutes"

"Take as long as you need" he kissed my hand

I opened the door and walked into the bathroom
I looked into the mirror as I undressed
I saw my long scar on my throat, something that I haven't been able to look at fully yet.
I looked at my body filled with bruises that were just starting to heal thanks to Molly's potions
I looked at my face and how bad my eyes looked, dule and lifeless
I'm sure they've been that way since I talked to my dad
Would he even care to know what happened to me

I got into the shower and turned the heat all the way up
It warmed me to my bones

I sat down on the shower floor and curled my legs up to my chest
I let myself cry until I had nothing left in me

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