Seventy Nine

130 6 0

Fred's POV

I watched Cora leave with Draco
"Jealous mate?" George asked

I looked away from them after they disappeared from the doorway
"No" I said flatly

George laughed
"The hell you aren't"

"I shouldn't be...wait should I be?" I asked Hermione Harry and Ron

"They spend a lot of time together" Ron said eating a baked potato

"and she got really defensive when I sent a jinx at Draco" Harry said drinking his pumpkin juice

"Really? Can she not just be his best friend?" Hermione said rolling her eyes "if you're so concerned maybe you should ask her out before someone else gets the chance to"

"What do you know Granger?" I asked "has she said anything to you?"

She looked at the pin on the table and then back at me
"You know my requirement"

I grabbed the pin and put it on my cloak
"Now talk"

She smirked
"I have no idea, she doesn't talk about being interested in any guy but I know her and Draco are just very close. He was her first friend here, and like us has her back no matter the situation. She has detention tonight with Professor Moody, they both do. She got snippy with him when he continued to call her by Yaxley and not Lupin, Draco got detention to keep her company"

I looked back to where she left
"Detention? I'm glad she's sticking up for herself" I said feeling proud of her "what's his deal with her? Why does he keep calling her Yaxley?"

She shrugged
"When she asked what his issue was with her he denied having one. She wrote to her dad, so maybe that'll bring some insight to things"

I looked back at her

She smiled
"Thanks for wearing the pin"

"Let's go mail this" George said to me
I nodded my head and left the table with him and Lee
Maybe I'll wait up for her in the common room and we can spend time together then

Cora's POV

We walked to Moody's office
He was inside the classroom when we entered, ready for whatever punishment he deemed worthy for us
"Sit" he said

We both walked towards a desk and sat next to each other

He looked at Draco and then at me
"I'm not stupid I know you got detention to be together, so Draco you will be lead tonight by Filch. Cora you will be under my supervision"

Draco looked at me and then at Moody
"Why are you separating us??"

"It's not much of a punishment if you two can hangout the entire time now is it? Filch" Moody called over
Filch walked into the classroom with Mrs.Norris trailing behind
He had a bucket and scrub pads

"You'll be scrubbing the statues tonight" he said to Draco

"And what will I be doing?" I asked

Moody glared at me with his magic eye
"You and me will be heading outside, we have investigating we have to do in the forbidden forest"

Tonight was a half moon, it was a clear night too
I tried to not let my emotions show but I'm sure I was doing a shitty job at it
Draco looked at me and I saw his face scrunch with worry

"Trade my job with hers, she can't be under the moon" he said to Moody

"That's not your decision to make kid" he said to Draco "Filch you may take Draco and begin"

Filch walked over to Draco and grabbed his arm
"Dont touch me" he said shaking off the caretaker "Cora" he said worried

"I'll be ok" I said, trying to convince Draco and myself "I'll see you after"

Filch grabbed Draco's arm and dragged him out of the classroom
Moody looked at them and then back at me
"Well if you're done wasting my time let's go"

He went to grab my arm but I got up and began walking alone

We walked in silence outside
The sky was completely clear, not a cloud in sight covering the moon

"Beautiful night isn't it" Moody said sarcastically "let's go"

I took a deep breath and began walking out of the castle and into the moonlight
I've been taking my wolfsbane, but even that couldn't keep the sting of the moonlight away
I felt my body tingle but it was manageable for now

"I heard that under a full moon your body burns up" he said to me as we walked towards the forest

I didn't answer him I just focused on keeping my body from shaking
The pain is temporary
The pain will go away

"Rumor has it this forest has werewolves in it, that's what we've investigating" he said to me

I didn't answer him

"I figured with you here they'd show up. Full blooded werewolves who transform hate ones that don't, they would be able to smell you and would come out of hiding"

"This sounds like a job that I shouldn't be involved in then"

He looked at me
"Oh but you should. Don't worry if you get bit you won't turn, you're already a half breed"

We walked around for hours, the moon stayed out the entire time but the forest gave me enough shade that I wasn't in pain for too long at a time
But when we exited the forest I felt my body sting again, it was worse this time
From being out in the moon for too long my body hasn't recovered yet
I looked down at my hands and they were shaking

"No werewolves tonight" Moody said stumbling towards the castle "get detention with me again and this is what we will do. Every time no matter the moon's pattern"

"You're psychotic" I said under my breath

He turned to me and grabbed my collar
"To deal with what I've dealt with you have to be" he looked into my eyes

I looked away from his contact and towards the castle
I could faintly see a body waiting in the doorway

He let me go and we continued walking until the body became a person and that person was Draco

He ran up to me and put his cloak over my head
"Are you in any pain?" He asked me gently

I shook my head no even though my body still stung
Draco knew I was lying, I could tell by the look on his face he knew I was covering up my pain because of Moody

"Both of you head to your dorms" Moody said

"How dare you bring her out during a clear sky" Draco said getting fired up

Moody turned to him
"What is she to you?"

"My best friend, someone you don't fuck with" he growled

"You've got a lot of nerve talking to a teacher like that" Moody said taking his cane and pointing it at Draco "nerve will get you killed"

"Fuck—" I stopped Draco before he could finish his sentence

"Draco let's go" I said to him
I felt weak from being in the moonlight for too long, I didn't want to pass out in front of Moody and give him the satisfaction of that

Moody looked at me and smirked
"Feeling the moons effects are you? I can see what it does to your body with my eye"

Draco looked back at me
"Yeah let's go" he said taking my hand and walking with me, ignoring Moody's taunting

When we got far enough away Draco turned to me
"We are going to Dumbledore now"

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