Thirty Two

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He squeezed his hand around my throat
"Got it?"

I stayed silent but he took that as my answer
"Good" he brought my neck forward and then shoved it back into the wall "you're mine wolf"

He released my throat and winked at me
"See you tomorrow during breakfast"

Stand tall
Dont fall yet
Dont cry

I waited for him to leave the hallway, and then a few minutes extra before I let my body slide to the ground and breakdown

How does he know...was he the one who was impersonating Draco that day
What am I going to do...I don't want anyone else knowing, I'll be an outcast
I was just starting to feel...happy at school and that would ruin it

I let myself cry until the sun went down and the moon shined
Sitting under the full moon made my symptoms act worse
But I didn't care
I let my body ache
I let my head throb
I let my body heat up until my skin was burning
I let myself feel pain
The only thing I was left with at the end of the day

I stayed under the moonlight until I heard footsteps come my way
"There you are" George said with Fred beside him "we gave the map to Harry so it took us a while to find you, since we had to find him first" George said walking towards me

I didn't answer him

Fred and him walked up to my side and then both sat down on their knees
"What's wrong?" Fred asked "you're sitting in the moon, you've got to be in pain" he put his hand on my shoulder but I shrugged him off

Fred looked at his hand and then back at me
"Look Cora..." he looked at his brother who got up and walked back down the hallway "I'm sorry about this's just—"

I got up, stumbling from the pain I was in
Fred tried to help me but I pushed his hands off
I stayed silent as I walked away from him

"Cora please talk to me" he begged after he caught up to me "I'm sorry for how I've been acting"

I can't talk to him

"Are you mad at me?" He asked concerned "George gave me advice that was bad, please don't punish me"

I kept silent, wiping tears away from my cheek as we walked

He jumped in front of me, blocking my view
"Cora..." he placed his hand on my cheek and then pulled it away "you are burning up how long were you in the moon for?"

I let a few tears fall down my face but then I pushed the rest back and continued walking

"Want to go do some pranks?" He asked fake smiling "I have a few good ones to pull, maybe we can get back at those Hufflepuffs for winning the game"

We walked the whole way to the common room, I stayed silent the entire time
He stopped me before we entered
"Cora, I deserve this after how I treated you" he took my hand in his "I was...I am...afraid to hurt you more than you've already been hurt"

"Then leave me alone" I said ending my silence "you can't hurt me then"

"I can't do that"

"You did this entire week"

"Because of bad was the worst week of my life"

"I've had worse"

His cheeks fell and his eyebrows lowered being pulled together
He dropped my hand
"You have I know...I want to protect you from that happening again"

"Leave me alone"

The common room opened and out came Hermione
"Cora there you are, you have to help me please. I am having a hard time with potions"

I began walking towards her but Fred stopped me
"Granger since when do you need help with homework?"

I looked at him and raised my eyebrows
"Am I not smart enough to help her?"

"That's not what I meant"

I pushed passed him and walked towards Hermione's who took my hand
"You are're on fire" she said dropping my hand and then picking it back up "we should go to Madame Pomfrey"

I shook my head
"I just want to sleep"

I didn't sleep
I tossed and turned the entire night
I was just getting used to sleeping, but now I'm back to missing out

It didn't help that my body was extremely hot, I went into the shower to take a cold bath more times than I could count during the night
Hermione went with me every time, she dropped in pain relieving potion for me each time too
But the potion didn't help my chest
My heart was in pain

"Can you tell me what's wrong I know it's not just Fred" she asked

"It's nothing" I pulled my legs up to my chest in the bath tub

"Don't shut me out...please"

I looked at her
"Hermione I love you, but I can't tell you what it is...just know that I will handle it"

Hermione and I left our dorms to head down for breakfast
I saw Fred was sitting on a chair next to the spot I usually took over, but I ignored him as I made my way through the common room

"Cora" he said

But I closed the door and kept walking

We met with Ron and Harry on our way there
"Morning" Ron said to me and I nodded my head

Harry looked at Ron and then me
"Everything ok?"

"Yeah" I said
I can't believe I'm going to do this

We entered the Great Hall and I took a deep breath
"You sitting with Draco or us today?" Hermione asked

I ignored her and began walking towards the Slytherin's table
Draco saw me and waved, he moved over on his seat to make room for me but I kept walking
His face went from excited to concerned

I walked passed Draco, passed Goyle and Crabbe
I walked towards Adrian Graham and Marcus

"Good morning" Adrian winked at me and made room
I sat in between Graham and Adrian

"What do we owe this pleasure?" Graham said turning his head to me and smiling

"She's decided to be with me now, haven't you?" Adrian asked
I nodded my head

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