Eighty Seven

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Harry and I walked back to the Great Hall
Hermione ran up to us when we entered again
"What happened??" She asked

Harry looked around the room
"where is Ron?"

She looked disappointed
"He went back to the common room, I don't think he's handling this well. He's acting jealous"

Harry rolled his eyes

I saw in the corner of my eye Draco rush towards me
He pulled me into his chest and put his hand on my head
"They're not making you stay in are they??"

"They are, there isn't anything they can do to get us out. If they try we will die" I said to him and Hermione
She gasped

"That's bullshit you didn't enter yourself, right?" He asked

"Right, I didn't put my name in. Neither did Harry...but where is Fred?"

Draco let me out of his embrace
"He left with George and Lee, he didn't say anything after you left. I'm not sure what his issue is but we have bigger problems to worry about. I can't believe you have to stay in the competition"

My chest hurt from hearing Fred left
He didn't even bother to wait for me...

"Is he mad at me?" I asked out loud

Draco and Hermione shared a look
"He didn't say anything, I'm not sure" Hermione said sadly

"He doesn't have a reason to be. Even if you did enter on purpose he tried too as well" Draco said

"I know I said I wanted to enter but now that I am...I'm nervous"

"Me too it's ok" Harry said "we will figure it out together ok?"

I nodded my head

We entered the common room
Ron wasn't downstairs
He must have gone to bed already
He's definitely mad
I looked around the room and saw George with Lee
Where's Fred?

I walked up and they looked my direction
"Hey Corey" Lee said

George made room for me on the couch
"Did they yell at you?"

"No, they didn't really know what to say. Where's Fred?"

They both looked at each other
"Upstairs" Lee said

"He wasn't waiting for me after the meeting, I got worried...is he mad at me?"

George shifted uncomfortably
"He'll get over it"

"Get over what?"

"He thinks you did it on purpose and kept us out of the loop. I told him that was ridiculous but he didn't want to hear it. Heard Ron's mad at you both for the same reason"

I slouched in the couch
"I don't want either of them to be mad at me...can you grab Fred and bring him downstairs?"

"Let him be for tonight Corey" Lee said "he's stubborn, I don't want him saying anything he'd regret"

"Oh..." I felt my eyes sting "okay"

George pulled me in for a side hug
"It's ok, the smarter twin knows that you didn't put your name in. I also know you would have shared that information with us if you found a way"

"I would have...I know how you both wanted to enter"

Harry left to go up to his dorm and Hermione looked at me

"Later yeah" I said looking at the fire "I'm going to write to my dad"

She walked back to me and hugged me tightly
"It'll be ok"

I nodded my head on her shoulder, trying my best to keep my composure
She left, leaving George and Lee with me only

"My bags upstairs, do you two have parchment and a quill I could borrow?"

George took out from his bag the items I needed
I sat down next to the coffee table and began writing a letter

Hello Dad,

You told me to letter you if something happened...
Well in class today Moody used the imperius curse on all of us
I broke through it with no problems, but the thing he tried getting me to do was to scream
I don't understand why he wanted me to do that but I didn't oblige

Also Barty Crouch drew names today for the tournament...
My name and Harry's got drawn somehow...I promise you we didn't put our names in
My name was written as Cora Yaxley, I don't have any proof but I feel like Moody put at least my name in the goblet
Dad I'm lost
I don't know what to do
I wanted to be in the competition, but legally. When they said you had to be 17 I gave up on the idea of it
You should have seen the way everyone looked at me, they started yelling that I was a cheater and that it was bullshit that my name got drawn
I even think Fred hates me now...
Any advice I'm all ears
I love you


I closed the parchment and looked at the guys
"I'm going to mail this out"

I got up from the floor
"We will go with you" George said

"No, thank you but I-I want to be alone" I said gloomily

"Are you sure?" Lee asked concerned "I don't think it's a good idea to be alone"

I nodded my head and walked out of the common room
The moon wasn't out tonight, it was a new moon
What happens if we have to compete during a full moon...it'll severely hurt me

I walked slowly towards the owlery
It was passed curfew but I didn't care at this point if I got caught

I saw Hedwig with the rest of the owls, I gave her my note
"Harry said I could use you whenever I wanted...I hope tonight is an ok night"
I gave Hedwig a treat and off she went with my letter

I walked towards the astronomy tower instead of back to the common room
Rarely did I get to look at the star filled sky, tonight was a night I could use some serenity

Once I reached the tower I opened a window on the furthest corner and crawled through it
I sat on the roof and stared at the speckled sky
The stars reminded me of Fred's freckles

I curled my legs into my chest and let myself cry
After I let out all I could I walked back into the tower and fell asleep on the floor behind a few boxes
I'm so lost at what to do
Everyone hates me now...even Fred

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