One Hundred Fifteen

103 5 2

I brought Draco up to the surface
We both breached at the same time
Right when we did I looked around and heard loads of cheering for me

I smiled and felt two arms go around my neck
  "You did it I knew you would!!" Draco said

I smiled even harder as we both swam to the platform I was originally on
Draco tried to help me up first but I noticed that I still had my gills and tail
I took my wand and transformed back into my regular body
Draco then helped me up the stairs

Waiting for me at the top was Dumbledore and McGonagall
  "You're already back?" She said

  "It was easy, how long was I down there for?"

Dumbledore pointed to the giant clock on the platform
  "5 minutes, impressive" he winked at me

  "5 minutes??" I said excited "well this was definitely easier than my first challenge that's for sure"

McGonagall passed me a towel and then passed one over to Draco too
  "You did great, Professor McGonagall came by and asked me to participate with the others for this round. I knew when she told me what it was you'd have no problem getting me out within the hour but within the first 10 minutes is better than I thought"

I heard my name being cheered and when I looked at the source I saw both Fred and George yelling my name loudly
  "Good show!!" They yelled

  "Oh so he's done being a prick?" Draco said scoffing

  "For now anyways" I said watching him smile at me
What is his issue
He was just pissy with me and now he's back to being normal?

  "Well dear you can wait here if you'd like or sit down on the chairs that way" the Professor pointed to a spot that looked quiet

I began shaking
The adrenaline from my swim was wearing off and now my uncomfortable body temperature was back
Draco took his towel off and gave it to me
  "Can I get a few more dry towels?"

Crew members of the tournament handed Draco two more towels that he wrapped me in
I felt like I was in a warm cocoon
He then pulled me into his side
  "I'm going to stay here and wait for everyone else, I'm too excited to sit down"

The Professor nodded her head and we all waited patiently for the next champion to breach

  "Who do you think it'll be?" Draco asked

  "I love Harry but it'll be Viktor. I hesitated for a moment when I was down there, I didn't like leaving my friends behind but I knew that others were coming for them. Harry won't leave them behind, I wouldn't be surprised if he shows up last because of it"

Just then I saw a shark head and Hermione's come through the water
Draco let go of me so I could walk towards the edge of the platform to help Hermione up

I heard footsteps walking over and someone had given her a towel to wrap herself in as well
She chuckled
  "Of course you'd be the first back, I knew your mermaid transformation would work" she opened her towel and I went in to hug her
I felt my body shaking still but I didn't care, I was so glad to see my best friend safe

  "I didn't want to leave you down there but I knew youd be ok" I said walking away from the platform with her

  "How long did it take you?" She asked

  "5 minutes" I smirked
  "Incredible" she said laughing "Viktor finished at..." she looked at the clock "12 minutes. Good show"

I went back to where Draco was and stayed holding Hermione in my towels
We both pulled ours around our bodies as we waited for the next champion

Fleur came next, but alone
  "Where's her sister?" I asked softly

Fleur was panicking
She began yelling French and showing her arms
They were covered in scratches
She looked beat up, something attacked her under the water

  "Grindylows" Hermione said "she was attacked by them it seems"

  "I didn't see any when I was down there"

  "You were a mermaid, they probably didn't see you as a threat. Same with Viktor, she was just human down there"

  "Makes sense I suppose, what happens to her sister though?"

  "Someone will rescue her I'm sure" Draco said chiming in

  "Harry..." Hermione said "he's not back yet"

We both looked at the clock
Over an hour
The challenge ended

We both heard a noise come from the lake and saw Ron and Fleur's sister swimming towards us
Hermione let me go and rushed over to see them
I tagged along too, wondering where Harry was

  "My sister you saved her" Fleur said going to help the small blonde girl out of the water

  "Well yeah" Ron said coming onto the platform too

Fleur smiled and kissed both of his cheeks
Ron touched the spot she kissed, both Hermione and I rolled our eyes at his reaction

Harry then flew out of the water, literally
He must have used a spell to send himself through the water at a high speed
He landed right in front of Fleur who helped him up
  "Thank you thank you" she said again and again
She kissed Harry on the cheeks as well

Hermione ran over to Harry
She placed her towel on him and helped him to stand again
  "Harry you saved both of them" she said

  "But I didn't make it back in time" he said sadly

  "I'm sure they'll forgive you, you saved both Ron and her sister" I said going to hug Harry too
I offered him a towel but he declined it knowing I needed them more

Dumbledore walked over to us
  "After speaking to the ministry and Ludo Bagman, we have determined the order of winners"

I felt myself getting excited
Finally I would be first

  "In first place, Cora Lupin with an outstanding time of just 5 minutes" he said

I heard my name being cheered again
I looked at my friend and they were all excited for me

  "Cheater" I heard someone say behind me
When I looked the only person there was Moody
I raised my eyebrows and he just glared at me with such...hatred

I ignored him the best I could as I listened to the rest of the order
They gave Harry second place for saving Fleur's sister, he would have been second anyways if he didn't wait around for everyone to get saved
Typical Harry

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