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Fred's POV

Classes were over finally, we have these last weeks off to hang around before we go back home
We won the quidditch cup and Gryffindor won the house cup as well
It was announced this morning by Dumbledore quickly and then he left
I didn't see Cora at breakfast, I didn't see her last night in the common room either
I wish I had the map so I could find her

Harry Hermione and Ron were missing as well as her dad
Snape wasn't at breakfast and neither was McGonagall
I looked at George and he was looking around too

  "I wonder where they went off to" Lee said watching us look around

I made eye contact with Draco who got up from his seat and walked over to me
  "Any idea where Cora is?" He asked

  "No I didn't see her last night either, but Harry Hermione Ron and her dad are gone. Maybe they are with him?" I said trying to not panic
She's ok she's ok she's ok

  "I have a bad feeling" he said

  "Me too"

An hour went by and I still hadn't been able to find her
But I found McGonagall outside of the common room when I went to go look for her there again

  "Mr.Weasley can you come with me, your twin and sister are waiting for us inside the common room we need to get them and go to the infirmary" she said

  "Is everyone alright?"

She looked at me and then opened the common room door
  "Come along"

Ginny was holding onto George's hand as they walked over to meet me
  "Any idea what this is about? Do you think it's Ron?" She asked

  "Probably, but if he's hurt then what about the others?" George asked

I didn't even want to think about Cora being hurt

We were lead to the infirmary silently by McGonagall
When we were brought inside I saw two beds with students on them
One had Ron who was awake, his leg was raised up and bandaged
The other had Cora, who was covered in bandages from her head to her legs

I ran over to Cora while George and Ginny went to Ron

  "What happened?" George asked the question I couldn't get out

I sat down in a vacant chair next to Cora, I saw Harry was on her other side and Hermione was next to Ron

  "Hermione come with me" Dumbledore said
I didn't even notice the Professors in the room with us

  "She hadn't taken her potion so she got severely damaged from the moonlight" Madame Pomfrey said coming over to give her more medicine
She unwrapped her head and I saw blisters all over her face and scalp
But the worst scar was on her neck, three giant lines were scarring her

  "What attacked her" I asked

Madame Pomfrey looked at Dumbledore who walked over to us
Hermione grabbed Harry and walked away with him

  "She was attacked by something" he said

Madame Pomfrey applied potion to her skin and then rewrapped her
She then unwrapped the rest of her body and did the same thing

  "Why didn't she take her potion?"

  "I wasn't around this week, I left it here for her but my message didn't get to her I suppose. She didn't know she could come and grab it" she said "she will heal, it will take about a week for her skin to reform"

  "What about her neck?"

She looked at me and then at her neck
  "Werewolf marks stay for life"

Her dad did that to her...

I put my hand on top of hers and rubbed it slowly
She was unconscious, her chest was falling slowly up and down
I couldn't hear anything else around me, I focused on her breathing
She's alive
She will recover

  "Fred" George said putting his hand on my shoulder

I looked up at him and then back at Ron who was complaining to Hermione about something
  "You were just there...and now you're here?? How did that happen?"

  "I have no idea what you're talking about Ron" she said smirked with Harry

  "Mum and dad are going to be here soon to see Ron" George said

I nodded my head and went back to looking at Cora

Mum and dad came by, they said hello to Ron while I stayed next to Cora
It's been hours since I've been sitting beside her and she hasn't moved an inch other than her chest

  "She's strong, she will recover" my mum said coming to sit with me

I noticed there was a black dog in the infirmary now, he stayed next to Harry but occasionally came over to Cora and licked her hand

  "Why do these things keep happening to her" I asked softly "she doesn't deserve this"

  "She doesn't" my mum said "I don't know why bad things happen to good people, but I know that with every obstacle she faces she's come out stronger. She'll wake soon Madame Pomfrey said"

  "I'm not going anywhere until she does" I said rubbing the back of her hand still

  "I didn't expect you to leave, Ron is getting discharged today so the rest of us can't stay with you. Is Remus not here?"

  "I don't know where he is"

  "Odd...well deary I will see you in a few weeks again. Letter me when she wakes please" my mum kissed my forehead and then left with the rest of the group

It was quiet now in the infirmary, she was the only patient

I looked at her wrapped face
She looked pained, I wonder if she hurts I should ask Madame Pomfrey about that

I took my hand and gently caressed her cheek
  "I'm sorry you keep getting hurt. You don't deserve this"

I stayed all night with her, I never slept
Even if she was awake I wouldn't have been able to, seeing her in so much bandages reminds me that I can't protect her from everything

The next morning she was still unconscious
I got up to stretch and use the bathroom
When I got back she was still in the same position I left her
I walked up to her side and kissed her forehead
  "Please wake up"

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