Seventy Four

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Classes began
First we had Herbology, this year we had it with Hufflepuffs
We learned how to harvest ingredients for a healing potion
I partnered up with Neville in this class, he was always so kind to me
Our next class of the day was Care Of Magical Creatures, with Slytherins
Hagrid was introducing us to Blast-Ended Skrewts
I was partnered with Draco for this class

  "These things are ugly" he said poking ours
It blasted fire from its body towards us

Draco and me ducked down to the ground and covered our heads

  "Bloody hell" I said getting back up

  "Fucking disgusting" Draco said
The creature crawled over to Draco and bit his leg
  "Get off" he said shaking it back and forth

It began licking him
  "What is wrong with this thing"

I laughed
  "I think it likes you now"

  "Great" he said grabbing it off his leg and throwing it back to where more of them laid

  "Are you excited that the other two schools are going to be visiting?"

  "No" he said walking with me to Hagrid's hut where the rest of the class was

  "Why not? I think it'll be fun to make new friends"

  "Beaubaxton is filled with students who are vain and Durmstrang is filled with students who have ego's bigger than—"

  "Than yours?" I laughed

  "Yes" he laughed back

  "Are you going to try to enter the tournament?"

  "It would be fun, but I'll just stay side lined. You're not thinking about it are you??"

  "What would you say if I was?"

He glared at me
  "I would say you've gone through enough in your life. You don't need this to be added onto it, stay safe this year and stay out of trouble. You're giving me early grays" he said plucking his hair and giving it to me

I laughed
  "But you love me"

  "I do, now try to not give me a heart attack this year ok?"

  "Ok" I said looping my arm in his "I'll try I can't promise anything though"

He sighed as we walked to meet the rest of the class

It was dinner now, we had a full day of classes and homework
Hermione and I used our free period to do homework, so we were caught up
Though she continued to write papers at the dining table

"What are you writing?" I asked

"Extra credit" she said "for potions"

Ron sighed
"Hermione you're head is going to explode why don't you just take it easy and have some fun with me"

"I'm good" she glared at him
I could have sworn she blushed but it might have been the lighting

"Did you see the daily prophet?" Fred said sitting beside me

"No, what's wrong?" I looked at his face and it was disappointed

"This writer, Rita Skeeter is ridiculing dad for helping Moody out before school started. She made them both look like idiots" he passed the paper to me but Ron grabbed it

"Great" he said after he read it

"It's ok Ron, Rita is awful. Everyone knows she's a liar" I said

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