One Hundred Twenty Six

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I felt a spike enter my body and when I looked down I was impaled by the spider's leg
I saw blood coming from my hip
So much blood

The spider shook me off and I went flying into the serpent once more
The creature took its tail and flung me back towards the spider
They were toying with me

I fell onto the ground near the spider
I tried searching for my wand but it wasn't anywhere near me
I'm so screwed

"Confringo!" Harry yelled

I saw a blast of red light hit the spider before it could attack me again
The spider went flying backwards through the bushes of the maze, setting a blaze to its surroundings

I looked at the serpent and it had began to crawl towards me but Harry used his spell again to save my life
The snake slithered away from us, knowing it's defeat
For now

I heard footsteps rushing towards me and felt Harry's hand on my back
"You're bleeding a lot, we need to signal you out" he said

I turned my body over and stopped his wand from motioning the emergency call
"No please I don't want to"

Fred's POV

This was unbearable
"Where is Harry? Someone?" George said next to me "she's getting tossed around like a rag doll"

Hermione was silent as were the rest of us
I saw she had grabbed a hold of Ron's hand for comfort during this
I looked around and saw Draco was silent in his spot too
He had been pacing but when he heard her scream he stopped moving
Her scream stopped my heart too

Sirius was whining beside me
He started pacing around
I should have found a way for her to get out of this
I should have stopped her
I couldn't
I know I couldn't
But Merlin I wish I could have

"Fuck" Lee said beside me

She was searching for her wand but she couldn't find it
I wanted to close my eyes, but I kept them open
She was going through this, if I closed my eyes during her hard trials what use would I be?
I have to be strong, she's going to need me when she gets out of this
If she even wants me still

  "There goes Harry" Ron said pointing to his screen
I looked to the top left and saw he was sprinting through the maze, I knew he was searching for her
Fleur was on the bottom right, slowly moving through each direction
Viktor was battling a blast ended skrewt, I recognized the creature from taking care of magical creatures. Our class didn't deal with them but I know Cora's did

"Harry!!" Hermione yelled

Harry finally showed up
He sent the spider and snake away with a spell and was tending to her now
"Thank Merlin" I said sitting back in my seat further

"He's going to call for her to get help, she's done" George said

"She did well though" Ron said

Sirius was back to pacing but soon she would be out and I could hold her again

But Harry stopped
He didn't send the signal
She had her hand on his wand, forcing him to stop

"She's bleeding she needs to get out" I said

"She's refusing help" Hermione said in disbelief

"Of course she is she's stubborn" George said

Cora's POV

"Please Harry don't do it"

"We need to stop your bleeding then" he said putting his wand back down "do you know any spells that can help?"

"I know no healing spells but you could burn it shut" I suggested

His eyes widened
"One more time??"

"Burn it shut" I said "stop the bleeding that way"

"You're insane" he said to me "but if this is what you want..."

He took his wand and pointed it to my hip
I grabbed his other hand, readying myself for more pain
"Incendio" he said softly

I felt it then
Burning pain on my hip
I felt my body twitching under but he moved his hand from mine and placed it on my stomach to steady me
I grabbed his arm and held tightly as he burned my bleeding hole shut

"You're not going to like this" he said to me

"What?" I said between breaths

"We have to do both sides..." he said lightly moving me onto my back

I took a deep breath
"Do it"

And he did
Without a second thought he began burning my other hole shut
The pain was unlike anything I've felt before
The air smelt of burning flesh, it's all I could smell
I began gagging
I couldn't help it the smell was making its way through my throat

"Almost done" Harry said "focus on something else"

  "Like what?" I barked out
I focused on Harry's emotions as he helped me
He was going through a mix of them, normally that would overwhelm me but this time I could actually focus on each one instead of my own pain
Metallic, he was sad
Bitter, he was angry
Itchy, he was anxious
And a bit of sweet...he was happy

"Why are you happy?" I asked him softly

He placed his wand down and I felt no more burning
"Because I found you"

"Thank you"
It's all I could say
He could have left me, but Harry would never do that to me
We were supposed to grow up together
Be siblings to each other
He would never leave me behind
The others might have
No matter how much Viktor liked me, he might have left
Fleur avoided me this entire time, I know she would have left me
But Harry didn't

"I'd be dead without your help" I confessed

"I know" he said

I turned back onto my back and saw him smirking
"Ass" I said jokingly

He chuckled and gave me his hand
"Let's go before they come back, or something bigger does"

I grabbed his hand and let him help me up
My side hurt, a lot
But it wasn't bleeding, I could go on
With Harry beside me, we could win this
We would do it together and split the prize money

"Harry what are you going to do with the prize money?" I asked him as I limped down the path he came from

"I don't want it, it's all yours if we win" he said

I stopped moving
"Why?" I asked

"Because I don't need it, I don't care about money. My parents left me plenty, why would I take what you need?"

I felt my eyes stinging
"But you deserve it"

"You deserve it more"

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