Sixty Four

154 7 4

Surrounding the area we were walking where merchandise stalls and food with beverages
The smell of popcorn filled the air

We stopped at stall, this one had food and drinks with a short male with a long beard working it
"Four butterbeers " the male in front of us said "best betterbeers at the campground" he said turning around to look at us

"We're under age" Draco said annoyed at the male who looked at me up and down "pig"

The male looked at him and then grabbed his four drinks
"Don't be so uptight kid"

Draco looked at me
"Let's go to another food stall I know the one down the way has just food we should have gone there I'm sorry" he went to grab my hand but I shook my head

"I'm ok" I reassured him "it doesn't hurt me to be near alcohol anymore"

He smiled brightly at me
"Fred has helped you out so much"

"You have too"

"What about your dad? Did he ever reply to your letters?" He asked

I looked down at the ground

"I'm sorry" he said putting his hand on my shoulder "my dad's been awful this summer too. Mum has kept me sane, and your letters and our visits to Diagon Alley"

"I'm sorry too"

It was our turn to order food and Draco ordered us some treats and a few waters to wash everything down with

We began walking around again, I saw Seamus and Dean running around with drinks in their hand
I saw a few Professors here too
Everyone around us was in a good mood, laughter was heard everywhere

Draco and I walked over to a hill and sat at the top of it
We could see where the game was going to be tonight
The stadium was ginormous, the one we had at school couldn't even compare to this

  "Is Fred going to ask you out?" He asked taking a bit of his treat

I spit my water out
  "What??" I felt my cheeks heat up

  "You heard me" he said smirking "is he?"

I shrugged my shoulders and took a bit of my food
  "I'm not sure, I don't think he likes me like that"

Draco rolled his eyes

  "What?" I said pushing him

He laughed
  "He likes you, I can tell"

  "I like him too" I confessed

  "Don't wait around for him though" Draco took a sip of his water "if he's not going to ask you out then move on. You deserve someone who knows your worth. But If he breaks your heart...good luck to him" Draco said seriously

I raised my eyebrows
  "Oh yeah?"

  "Yeah. I'm being serious, anyone who hurts you is dead to me"

I smiled
  "Can we make a pack?"

He looked at me curiously

  "If we aren't with anyone after Hogwarts we live together...? Not because you have money that's not what I mean—"

Draco laughed
  "I know it's not because of the money my parents have, I would like that. Deal" he put his pinky out

I put my pinky out and we wrapped them together and kissed our hands to seal our deal

  "Let's get going I bet the Weasley's are looking for you" he said getting up and offering me his hand
I took it and he lifted me up from the ground

We walked together back to the tent where he picked me up from
I hugged him tightly
  "See you tonight"

  "See you tonight in all of your Bulgaria gear" he winked at me and then walked off

I opened the girl's tent and no one was in there
I placed my bag of things Draco got me on my bed and then I walked over to the guy's side of the tent

Everyone was in there hanging out with one another

I looked around the room and saw Fred was smiling my way
He got up from the chair he was in and walked over to me
  "Hi Corey, did you have fun with Draco?"

I hugged him
  "I did, he got me a lot of Bulgaria gear" I said smiling

George and Fred groaned

  "Bulgaria isn't going to win you know that right?" George said and Fred laughed

  "They have Viktor Krum, I wouldn't be so cocky about Ireland" I said back

  "Viktor Krum is incredible" Ron added

  "Why don't you marry him?" Fred said

  "I hear he's single" I said laughing

Fred laughed with me

It was later in the night now, I had my Bulgaria sweatshirt and pants on with the scarf and gloves that Draco bought me

  "It's summer you know that right?" George said poking fun at me

  "It might as well be winter to me" I said fixing my scarf but struggling because of my gloves
I went to take them off but Fred came over to me and helped tighten it around my neck and ears

  "Are you warm enough?" He asked

  "I think so, for now anyways" I said looking up at him

  "If you get cold let me know, we're going to be high up in the stadium so the wind might have a chill" he said grabbing another jacket "I'll bring this just in case"

  "Thank you" I said holding my scarf in my hands

  "If you love birds are done let's get going!! Charlie Bill and Percy are outside waiting for us" George said racing out of the tent

I felt my cheeks heat up and when I looked at Fred, his were red as well
I shook my head and tried to focus on something else but I couldn't
Draco said he likes me
But he hasn't asked me out, so he definitely doesn't right?
Think of something else he's looking at me

Fred was smiling softly
He took his hand and placed it on my face
"Your cheeks are warm but" he moved his fingers to my nose and then touched the tip of it "your nose is freezing"

"Yeah I'm weird" I said feeling my cheeks get warmer
His moved his fingers from my nose to my cheek, he used his hand to cup my face and I laid my head into the palm of his warm hand
I smiled deeply and closed my eyes

"Let's goooo" George said coming back into the tent to yell at us

Fred moved his hand from my face and then put it out for me to hold
I lightly grabbed his hand and we walked out of the tent together to go watch the game

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