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I looked up at the voice and saw Fred was staring at me, waiting for my response

I got up but stumbled back down, he caught my arm before I fell all the way
"You ok darling?" He asked helping me back up and steadying me

"I'm fine" I said getting dizzy, I held my head
I had more to drink than I thought

"You smell like whiskey, have you been drinking?" He scrunched his nose, I didn't know if he was judging me or upset that he wasn't included

"Noooo" I said then I started hiccuping

He stared at me concerned
"Why are you drinking so much? You shouldn't even be able to get liquor is the bartender below supplying it?"

"Why do you care?" I didn't mean to ask so aggressively

He saw my broken arm and looked at it deeply
"Because I care about you"

"You shouldn't. No one ever does" I turned around and stumbled my way up the stairs but he followed me

"How did you break your arm? My mum is here she can heal you"

I stumbled into an umbrella stand and fell over the table
Fred came behind me and picked me up gently

"I don't need pity. This is my punishment I have to keep it like this until school begins"
Fuck I said too much

"Let me help please" he begged "it's not pity...who punished you? Why would they do that?"

I made it to my door and opened it
I walked inside and then turned around to face Fred
"No one can help me"

I closed my door after I got in and listened for him leaving
He stayed though

"You shouldnt be drinking like this...I'm worried that you're over doing it"

"Please...leave me alone" I whispered

"Hey Fred let's go to our room" I heard George say
I listened for Fred's footsteps, I could hear when he reached whatever room his twin shared with him

For the first time I felt myself wishing for comfort. I wanted Fred to stay, I wanted him to plead with me to open the door.
I found my last bottle of whiskey and drank the rest of it to myself

I couldn't sleep, usual for me
So I went to go downstairs again, this time it was well past midnight I knew no one would be down there other than the nightly drunks

When I made it downstairs I was right, no one was there that I knew from school

The bartender looked at me and then brought out 4 bottles for me
"Yah go back to school tomorrow what's yer plan for when yer back?"

I shrugged my shoulders and grabbed the liquor
"Not sure thanks"

I walked up the stairs drinking through one of the bottles
When I opened my door i saw a letter on the ground addressed to me
I didn't recognize the handwriting but I opened it once I laid down on my bed

Dear Corey,

I care about you, I wish you would tell me what is wrong but when you are ready I will be there for you.
Sit with me during the train ride to Hogwarts? You looked like you could use some sleep, I'll rub your back the entire way there if that's what it takes for you to get some peace.
I know I have no right to say this, but I'm worried about how drunk I saw you...if I can help with that too let me know.


I felt my eyes sting so I drank the entire bottle and passed out for a few hours before the cleaning crew woke me
"Cleaning crew"

I had a massive headache but I got out of bed and opened the door
"Can you come by later it's my last day here"

She nodded and went on to different rooms

I manually packed what I brought with me and the extra bottles of liquor the bartender gave me, then I headed downstairs
I saw the Weasley's with Harry and Hermione again, so I ended up skipping breakfast and heading back to my room until it was time to leave

I used the floo network at the Leaky cauldron to transport myself to the crossing station
When I arrived I saw students saying goodbye to their parents
Most of them don't even know how lucky they are to have loving families

I saw Draco being dropped off by his parents, he saw me watching him and then started coming my way

"Hey" he said running up to me "sitting with me again?"

I looked over at the Weasley's who arrived after I did and saw Fred staring at me
"I think I'm going to sit with Fred this time"

Draco looked to where I was staring and he rolled his eyes
"Weasley's..." he said under his breath "you know they are known as blood traitors right?"

"What's wrong with that? Fred's nice and the rest of them seem to be too. I don't care that they are known for that"

Draco looked concerned
"When your father finds out...it'll be the worst punishment you've received" Draco looked at my sling around my arm and shoulder "Did he break your arm?"

"I fell" I said but Draco looked at me with sadness in his eyes

"Cora you don't have to lie to me" he glared at the red headed family again, his eyes landed on Fred the longest "Please be careful"

I nodded my head and hugged him tightly
I didn't want friends, but Draco had always been there for me even when I felt like I didn't deserve it
Maybe Fred and Hermione could be too

I walked up to where the twins were and Fred smiled
"I'm glad you're sitting with us this train ride"

George playfully pushed Fred
"Now we can stop hearing him worry over you" he said

I felt my palms sweat
"I should go" I began to turn but Fred gently put his hand on my working arm to stop me

"Please don't, my brother is an ass" he said glaring at George who laughed "sit with me and I will do what I promised"

I looked over at Draco who was glaring at Fred still
He started to walk towards us, strutting in a way that promised violence
"Hey Weasley" he said clearly agitated "take your hand off her"

Fred let go of my arm and stood tall
"Malfoy" he said with as much hate "she's safe with me I wouldn't do anything to harm her"

Draco stood almost as tall as Fred did, he grew a lot over the summer
"I'm only going to tell you this once" he looked at me "you hurt her you're dead"

Fred didn't show any emotion but his brother stood beside him with enough tension on his face for the both of them
"Got a problem?" He asked

"As long as you both don't hurt her I won't"

Everyone was quiet but I could hear the train blow its last whistle

Draco glared at Fred and Fred glared back
I watched as Crabbe and Goyle showed up for backup beside Draco

"What do you traitors want?" Goyle asked

I heard more footsteps coming from behind us
"Is there an issue?" Ron asked getting beside Fred "Goyle I think the snack cart is lonely without your dirty paws all over it"

"Why don't you lot leave" Harry said glaring at Draco

Draco stepped into Harry's face now
"I'm not leaving until I know Cora is safe"

"I promise you I would be the last one to hurt her" Fred said ending the argument

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