One Hundred Fourty Nine

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I waited
And waited
And waited

Because that's all I could do
Everytime I began walking away from our location, Cor would block me
  "Please let's go find him...I'm begging you"

I saw in the distance a globe coming towards us
A patronus
I ran to meet it halfway, Cor following me closely
  "Cora, I got your message" the large Dragon said
Is my Patronus matching his? No he has a Ridgeback mine was different
  "I left to go find Nico and Kai with a few others. I need you to listen to me, don't go looking for us. Go to the campsite where Alec is waiting for you, he's going to stay with you until we get back. Don't come this way, you've never experienced the brutality they bring. I can't protect you and worry about the dragons. If you care for our safety you will go to the campsite. I'm sorry"

His Patronus disappeared and I fell to the ground
Cor came up to me and curled her body around mine
  "We have to go to the campsite...I feel like that's the wrong thing to do but I have to listen to Charlie. He knows what he's doing right...?"

I knew Cor couldn't understand me but the look she gave me said otherwise
She looked at me with such sadness, she wanted to go help too I knew she did
But I mounted her, and we flew off together
Leaving behind Nico and Charlie, in hopes that everyone will be ok

The campsite was closing in, I could see the remnants of our fire pit from this height
The area was almost emptied except for Alec who was waiting with Shilo and their dragons
"Cora!!" Alec yelled to me

Cor flew us down to meet them, when I landed both Alec and Shilo ran for me
"We're so happy you're ok!" Shilo said hugging me after Alec finished "what happened?"

I explained to them all that went on, and how I called Charlie

"We were here when your Patronus arrived...Charlie doesn't panic often, rarely does he, but he did when your message ended. He gathered up most of our crew and took off following your Patronus. Did it lead back to you?" Alec asked

"No, I got his you think they found him while coming to me?"

"It's possible. Gotta say Im surprised you came here" Shilo said

"I didn't want to, I want to be there helping but I'm useless. I don't know how to fight against them"

Shilo squeezed my hand tightly
"You're doing the right thing. If you don't know how to fight it's better to not, we will train you on that next time you're here ok?"

"But next time doesn't help me now, train me while we wait please? I can't sit here and do nothing"

They both looked at each other and then back at me
Alec sighed
"Ok, we will. Listen to everything we tell you, and don't let Nico kill us for the bruises you're going to have"


An hour went by
An hour of training my body and mind for poachers
I learned that not only do they have arrows dipped in poisons for dragons, but they did for humans too. They used their wands but rarely, they preferred to handle things with weapons. I've never used a weapon, other than my wand of course
I was trained with defensive moves and offensive just in case I ended up face to face with one of them

Shilo told me they cared about dragons and that was all, if we handled them over they wouldn't bother us but that was the last thing we would do
We all loved our dragons, the breed itself as well
We would rather die than hurt one or let it get hurt
Which brought my mind back to Nico and Kai

Charlie and Norbert

All the others who tagged along

And how I was safe with my dragon and the other two tamers

I got lost in my own head, enough so that Alec punched me in the face
"Cora! Duck not take it on" Alec said pulling back his hand

Shilo ran over to me with a towel for my nose
"Great she's bleeding...he's going to kill us"

"I don't think he will" I said taking the towel from Shilo "he doesn't seem violent enough for that"

They both laughed
"You haven't seen that side of him yet that's why"

I raised my eyebrows at them
"What do you mean?"

"Nothing bad, really it's not a bad thing" Alec said seeing where my mind was going "he's very protective of who he cares about, and loves. He would do anything for them, he's as dedicated to his loved ones as his dragon is. If he found out something happened to you, he'd create a worse punishment for whoever caused it"

"But he wouldn't do that to you two right?"

"No were only joking around, but he's a great guy" Shilo said "he's even gotten into fights with people who have tried harassing us in public" Alec walked over and placed his hand into Shilo's
Warm cookies

"I miss him...I'm worried" I confessed "it's been too long"

"It's been a while yea" Alec said looking at the sky
The once bright day has turned twilight
Still no word from the rescue team

"I'm sure they found him and everything is ok, they're probably coming back now" Shilo said

I heard wings flapping in the distance
Cor's wings picked off the ground and she lifted her head to the noise as well

The first dragon I noticed was Norbert
Charlie's ok

The rest followed suit
But I didn't see Kai

Charlie flew towards us, landing a little ways from me and the two guys
I began walking over to him
"Charlie did you find Nico?"

But I found my answer myself
I looked on Norbert and saw a limp body
One that belonged to the male I discovered when I ventured to Romania, the one who found me again
One that belonged to the other half of my heart

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