Forty Eight

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  "Harry" Hermione said but Harry shushed Hermione

  "Well done Harry" Sirius said untying my dad's hands "I recognized Peter in a newspaper one morning, I saw him with you kid" Sirius pointed to Ron "I knew where to find him after that"

  "You're sure it's him?" Hermione asked

Sirius nodded his head
  "The only thing left of Peter that day I tried to kill him was a finger, he left that piece at the scene for me to believe he was dead. You're rat is missing a toe isn't it boy?"

Ron nodded his head, holding his grip on the rat

  "I went to Azkaban for the murder of your parents Harry but believe me I wouldn't have done that. James was my best friend. Peter disappeared that day because he knew I was going to kill him. I wanted him dead, I still do" he pointed his wand at the rat "Hermione your cat has been helping me try to kill him too"

  "I knew it" Ron said and Hermione rolled her eyes

  "Prove it" Harry said

Sirius walked over to Ron and grabbed the rat
He held it up into the air for my dad to transform it back
When he was hit with the spell, he transformed into a balding short and stubby man. His face was all mangled, but unlike Sirius's dirty appearance, Peter was as disgusting in person as he was a rat

  "Remus...Sirius my old friends" he said twitching his fingers nervously "Harry, I loved your dad I wouldn't have killed him"

  "Don't you dare talk about James" Sirius barked

  "Cora! I knew you as a child do you remember me??" He walked over to me but Harry blocked his path

  "Don't go near my daughter" my dad threatened pointing his wand at him "you killed Coral, James and Lily"

Peter started twitching again
  "I didn't mean to, the dark lord wanted their location what was I supposed to do?!"

Sirius pointed his wand at Peter and walked towards him, pushing him up against the wall
  "I would have DIED. I would have died rather than give up my best friend's location. You killed three people that night you deserve what Remus and I are going to do to you. I just wish I had the patience to torture you the whole night. Lucky for you I've waited too long for that kind of ending"

My dad walked over to Sirius
He backed away from the wall and together they pointed their wands at Peter
  "Ready?" Sirius asked my dad who nodded

  "Wait" Harry said

  "For what?" I demanded "let them kill him"
I was letting in the reality that my mother's death was due to the fact that Peter gave away the Potter's location. She was there that night and was recaptured by Corban.
She'd be alive if it wasn't for Peter...
My body began shaking with anger, I wanted him dead
  "If it wasn't for him we'd have all our parents alive Harry"

  "My dad wouldn't have wanted his best friends to become murderers" he said

Peter began wheeping
  "I always liked you better Harry, Cora never liked me" he said glaring at me

My dad pointed his wand at his throat
  "Dont you dare look at her like that, she deserves to hate you. I should have known when she didn't want to be around you when she was younger"

  "Harry he deserves this" Sirius said

  "He deserves worse, but let the ministry take him. If they do they can clear your name Sirius, then the Dementors can have at him" Harry said glaring at Peter who began to shake again

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