One Hundred Three

119 5 1

I heard some voices around me but I didn't open my eyes
I wanted to savor the peace I felt currently

I was laying on someone, it felt warm
Not warm like how I felt on the outside but someone who made me feel warm on the inside
I knew it was Fred without even looking

"Charlie thinks she has the gift for dragons like he does" George said

"Does she even want to work with them?" Hermione asked

"She likes creatures, I feel like she would" Fred answered "of course it would be dragons, why can't she have the gift for mooncalves"

I heard laughter
"Because she's too strong willed for those" Ron said "you know as well as I do mate that Dragon was the only reason she got out alive. You should be thankful that she has that gift"

"Shut up Ron" Fred said

I wanted to agree with Ron but I stayed still
So still I ended up falling back to sleep
I did feel Fred rubbing my back soothingly before I passed out again, as if he knew I had reawoken

I could tell it was the next morning because I was back to feeling cold

I slightly opened my eyes and saw that I was in the common room still
The sun was shining and it was completely empty
Saturday's are for Hogsmeade so I'm sure everyone is there already

I stretched out my arms but winced when I felt my stomach pull at my wound
My head wasn't hurting as much, Madame Pomfrey is good at making potions for that problem for me

I looked at where I was laying and Fred was underneath me
He had me laying on his chest with a few blankets over us

I knew he must have felt my temperature change during the night
He's so thoughtful

I reached over to his face and kissed his lips softly
He opened his eyes and put his hand behind my neck, to pull my into the kiss more

"Good morning" he said softly

I still couldn't speak
I felt my cheeks lower and my lips form a frown

Fred put his hand on my face and then placed his forehead on mine
He didn't say anything
We both knew at this point it was just a waiting game for when it would show back, if at all
I knew he felt more guilt daily from the situation

I kissed his lips again and then got up from the couch slowly
He watched me as I fixed his sweater that he put on me during the night and pull down my sweatpants that bunched up during my sleep
I'm in a different outfit, did he change me?

"Hermione did" he said getting up and stretching

I raised my eyebrows at him
Can he read my thoughts?

"I can tell by your expression what you're thinking, I wish I could read your thoughts" he said smiling "I'd love to know what you truly thought of me"

I looked at the coffee table and found a parchment with my quill

You know how I feel about you, I love you

He smiled brightly
"I love you too"

But I don't love when you fight with my best friend

His face dropped
"You remember that?"

I do, please don't argue it hurts me

"He doesn't like me, it's hard"

I know...try please

He put his hand out and lightly grabbed my arm
"I promise I will try, how are you feeling? Do you want to lay down for the rest of the day?"

I shook my head
No I want to move around, I feel like it's not good to rest too long

"Its always good to rest" he said smiling and pulling me back to the couch "how about a few more hours?"

I smiled and rested my head on his chest again

I looked up at the window and saw a note tapping on it
I got up from Fred's chest and walked over to the window to let it in
A dove letter, it's from Draco

I walked back over to Fred and opened the letter

Dear Cora,

I hope you are feeling better, I wasn't able to be there when you woke so I'm writing to you now
You did incredible yesterday, truly you did I'm so proud of you
I'm at Hogsmeade today, if you feel up to it we can meet up and go shopping for a congratulations gift
If not I'm getting you one anyways, every successful or not successful trial you're getting something from me
I love you I hope to see you today but I understand if you rest instead
If I don't see you by late afternoon I'll assume you are staying in, I expect you to meet me tonight so I can check on you and give you your gift


I smiled at his letter and then looked at Fred
He read my letter but it didn't bring a smile to his face
Instead it made him look...sad

I put my hand on his cheek and he rested his head onto my palm
"I'm glad you have a friend like him" he said solemnly

Are you ok?

He read my letter and then pulled me back onto his chest
He kissed the top of my head and began rubbing my back after pulling the three blankets back onto us
"I am, I have you so I am ok"

I wanted to press him more on the subject but I felt that I knew what he was upset about already
Draco could buy me gift and he couldn't
Gifts don't buy my love, Draco knows that but that's how he shows his
Fred shows me his love in physical touch
I would never fault Fred for not having money but I know he does
I felt him kiss my head lovingly before I let my mind drift off into sleep again

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