Fifty One

180 7 3

Fred's POV

The hospital doors slammed open
  "Cora??" Yelled Draco

He ran over to her bed and sat down on her other side
  "What happened to her??" He asked me

I filled him in on what I knew, I left out that a werewolf attacked her. I knew it wasn't Remus' fault but Draco wasn't as understanding as I was with those things. She can tell him if she's comfortable with it later

  "She hasn't woken up yet?" Madame Pomfrey asked coming over to her to change her bandages

  "No" I said

Draco held onto her other hand until Madame Pomfrey needed to change those bandages as well
  "She should be up by now...her physical wounds aren't keeping her asleep. I think it's her mental" she said

I looked at her and then at Draco
He was wiping his face from tears, I felt my own eyes welt hearing Madame Pomfrey say that too

  "Mental wounds..." Draco said "Cora, we are here for you. Please wake up" Draco got up and kissed her forehead "please, we need you"

  "Cora, please" I wiped more tears away "I know how hard things are right now, but you have people here who love you. We need you to wake up"

Draco and I spent the next hour talking to Cora, reminding her on how much we loved her and how much she impacted our lives

  "I never wanted a best friend" Draco confessed to me "I didn't want to get attached to anyone here. I have Crabbe and Goyle, but they aren't Cora. She's different" he wiped more tears away "the first day I met her, I knew we would be close and that terrified me. But I wanted to be her friend, I wanted her in my life"

  "She's different I agree. No one I know is as brave as she is, or has been through as much as her. It hurts me when she thinks she isn't wanted, or a burden. That's the last thing any of us think"

Cora's hand tightened around mine
I looked at Draco and she did the same to his

  "Cora" I said gently

  "Mmm" she murmured

Draco jumped up and kissed her forehead

She flickered her eyes and then tried to get up, I lightly pressed her back down
  "Don't move, your body is recovering"

"I'm in so much pain" she got out

Draco let her hand go lightly and ran for Madame Pomfrey

"Cora I was so worried about you" I said getting up to kiss her forehead

"Fred I want to die" she confessed

That was it
My heart shattered
She's never told me that
She's been through so much in her life, but she's never confessed that she wanted to die

"Please don't" I said feeling my eyes swell "I need you"

"No one life is filled with pain I'm not meant to be alive"

"Yes you are" i said shaking

"No im not" she said closing her eyes "Fred, I was hoping no one would find me. I wanted to bleed out, I wanted the moon to finish me off I wanted my dad to come back and kill me"

Draco came back with Madame Pomfrey
She gave Cora a potion but she denied it

"Cora you need it to get better" Draco said holding her hand

She shook her head

"Cora" I said pained

She looked at me and then at Draco
"I'm completely burnt all over my body, and I have this UGLY scar now on my neck" she began ripping off her bandages

Madame Pomfrey ran to get her wand, she was going to put her back to an unconscious state

"Cora" Draco said grabbing her hand while I took her other "your scar isn't ugly, you're body will recover"

"Not this" she pointed to her neck "werewolf scars don't heal"

Draco looked like he got punched in his face
"Werewolf?? Did your dad do that?!" He asked getting fired up

"He transformed and attacked me. Too bad he didn't finish me off, I wish he had"

Draco kissed her hand
"Why would you say that?"

"Because I want to die"

"Well I don't want you to" he said back

I stayed silent, I wasn't sure how I could add to this conversation, they were both getting fired up

"Maybe for once I should do what I want to do"

"Fuck that shit Cora. If you died I would lose one of the ONLY two people I truly care about. Would you really want Fred and I to go through that heart break??" He demanded

She started to sob
She couldn't hide her face, we had her hands

Madame Pomfrey came over

"Give us time" I said looking at her

"I'll be close by" she said before walking away

"Why me" she said hyperventilating "why me"

"I don't know. But I will be here for you, through everything" I said

"Me too. Cora you have friends who love you, any one of us would put our lives on the line for you" Draco said

"Will I turn into a werewolf now" she sobbed out

"No" Madame Pomfrey said from across the room "you have werewolf genetics in your blood already, you can't transform"

"He's never going to let me live with him now" she sobbed again "he was actually going to let dad a dad who wants me was going to let me live with him. But now he won't I just know it"

"Cora come live with me" I said

"Or me" Draco said "please, if he doesn't let you then you have options"

"I just want to be alone" she said sobbing more "leave me alone"

"No" Draco said firmly

"Please" she begged "please I can't do this anymore"

"And that's why we won't leave you alone" I said using my hand to cup her face "you can't, but we can. We will hold you when you aren't strong, we are here for you and we aren't leaving"

Draco picked up the potion Madame Pomfrey left for her
"Drink and recover" he said firmly to her

And she did
She drank all of her potion and then laid back down

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