Fifty Three

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The train ride was longer than usual
I sat with Draco for the beginning half, then Fred came by and picked me up for the remainder
Draco told me it was better I stayed with the Weasley's this summer, because they had more people to distract me
He thought I would be too much in my own head at his manor

I didn't tell either of them how badly I wanted to live at the leaky cauldron and drink all summer again

Fred held my hand the entire time we were on the train in his compartment , and when I pretended to sleep I felt him caress my hair
But I never went to sleep, my mind stayed awake

My potions were in my carry on bag, Fred and Draco made sure I took them every hour like I was instructed
If it wasn't for them I would have just suffered
I still had a few weeks before I needed my wolfsbane potion

We arrived at King's Crossing
I could tell Fred was on high guard
His body was stiff with tension, George was the same way
During the last holiday Corban was here looking for me, I'm sure he's here again

George walked out first, he was to look for my old guardian
Fred stayed by my side, he never let go of my hand
  "We're going to have a good summer" Fred said to me

I nodded my head
I couldn't even bring myself to fake a smile
He could tell it was faked anyways

George came back to our compartment
  "He's here"

Fred nodded his head and pulled out a potion
It looked like polyjuice

  "We had this made for you, you are a Hufflepuff who's name is Penelope. This will give you red hair and make you taller"

I nodded my head and drank the potion
I felt my body shake and when it stopped I was almost eye level with Fred

  "Stay close" he said to me

We walked off the train and I saw Corban confronting Arthur
  "I know she's here you blood traitor" he spit out at Arthur

  "I don't know what you're talking about, back off" Arthur threatened

I saw Ginny try to get in his face too but Ron held her back
George walked ahead of us, and Fred stayed in front of me

Seeing Corban after what I learned, made my body shiver
I knew I would end up with the same fate as my mother if I stayed with him
But my own dad doesn't care about me, how could I ever think I would have a parent that did

Corban looked at my direction
  "Are you the boy who's been hanging around my daughter?" He said going up to Fred
Fred was the same height as Corban

  "So what if I am" he said back

  "I bet you fucked her too didn't you?? Tainted her with your traitor—"

Arthur pushed Corban back off of Fred
  "Another word Corban, try me"

Corban looked at Fred and then behind him
I felt my heart beat quickly

  "Who's this?" He asked "what's your name"

  "Penelope" George answered

  "I don't think I asked you kid" he pushed passed Arthur "what's your name?"

He would recognize my voice the minute I spoke up


  "Corban back the hell away from my kids" Arthur put his wand up in front of us

Corban looked at me and then at Fred who pushed me behind him

He laughed
  "You think you can trick me??"

My body began to tremble
My damn body failed me

  "Penelope huh" he said laughing again
Then he disappeared

Fred grabbed my hand and pulled out his wand
It was forbidden for us to use magic underaged but Fred didn't care

We all looked around the station for Corban but couldn't see him
Everyone made a circle around me, Fred was in the middle with me clutched to his body

I looked around and saw Draco coming over with his mother who came to get him

But then I heard a crack of apparation
And I felt a spell fly passed my head and hit Fred
He went flying into Ron's back, knocked unconscious

Corban grabbed me and pulled me into his side
  "You're not getting away"

I saw the Weasley's all turn around
I saw Draco now sprinting towards me
I saw Fred knocked out on the ground

Then I felt my body get squeezed into a small tub
I felt the air around me become tight, and the station disappear

Then I was on the ground
The dead, cold ground

I looked up and saw the manor that haunted my nightmares
I never realized how dark it truly was here, I never had light to compare it to
Now I tasted happiness, I knew this place was as far away from that as it could be
The air smelt like death, like it always did

I felt two hands grab my neck and throw me into the manor
  "Did you think you could escape me??"

His foot raised above my body and came slamming down onto my stomach
He then grabbed me by my throat and threw me into a wall
"You know what kind of FOOL YOU MADE ME LOOK AT CHRISTMAS?!" he took his fist and pounded the side of my head again and again

"Fuck you" I said

He pulled back his fist and smirked at me
"Oh brave are you?" He dropped me and then kicked me repeatedly "think you can talk back to me??"

This was my nightmare
I'm still dreaming on the train
I must have actually fallen asleep
There's no way I'm back here

But I could feel the cold tile under my broken body
I could feel warm fluid leaking down my face
I could smell alcohol on his breath
This was real

He's going to kill me

He took out his wand and pointed it to me
"Crucio" he said

My body twitched up and down
I've never felt pain like this
"STOP" I yelled through my pain "PLEASE"

I've never begged him to stop hurting me
I couldn't bare to feel this way anymore
Kill me already

Every joint in my body screamed in pain
I heard things snapping, I knew they were my ribs breaking
My mind was flooded with memories of how badly he's beaten me
But he's never used the torture curse on me

Then it all stopped
I looked up and saw Corban walk away from me and go upstairs to his room
I heard his door slam shut

Get up
I have to escape
Get up

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