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I walked halfway through the train ride to the restroom to change into my uniform

On my way back I searched for an empty compartment to sit in, but all were filled

I sighed deeply and turned around to go back to the one I was originally in
It was better than meeting anyone new, I planned to not make friends and to stick by myself

I wonder if I can have my own dorm, or maybe I can find a place in the Forbidden Forest to sleep in, away from everyone
I need to be in Slytherin, I'm a disgrace to my father in every way, I just want to hear him say something nice to me for once

I was too deep in my own thoughts that I didn't notice I walked right into two people

"Sorry" I said softly

"It was an accident" one said
  "we don't mind" the pair said together
I looked up and saw they were twins
The same ones I used to watch

I nodded and then walked my back up to the wall
"You can go pass" I suggested

They put their hands out
"Fred" the first one said
He looked the same as his twin except he had a scar above his lip
"George" the other said

They were both covered in freckles but the one named Fred had more prominent ones around his nose

I nodded my head and stayed quiet
I didn't reach for their hand I just waited

"Your name is...?" Fred said smiling
He smiled so easily, I bet his face was only used to that motion

"I'm no one" I said back and got off the wall
I began walking passed them but Fred put his hand on my shoulder
I flinched and he pulled it back

"I didn't hurt you did I?" He asked concerned, he looked at his hand back and forth as if looking for invisible spikes "I was just going to stop you and ask for you to come to our compartment, you look like you need some fun"

"You didn't hurt me" truly he didn't, contact isn't something I'm used to "I should go"

George looked at Fred
"If you change your mind...our compartment is the one on the right over there" he pointed

"It'll be the loudest one" Fred said laughing

I nodded my head and continued walking back to my compartment
Draco was deep in conversation with Vincent and Gregory, no one cared that I entered the compartment but Draco nodded his head when I sat down again

I closed my eyes but never slept
Sleep always escaped me, but having my eyes closed meant no one would bother me

The train ride ended earlier than I wanted
I grabbed my small suitcase and walked behind Draco
I saw in front of us the twins I meant earlier with two other redheads, a brunette and a boy with black hair
They were laughing like they did at their home

We were all led into the school on enchanted boats
I was in a boat alone, I was the last one to board
I waited til everyone left and then got on

  "The last one" a large man said "I'm Hagrid" he said enchanting the boat forward

I nodded my head

  "You've got a name?" He asked

  "It's nothing" I answered back

He looked saddened by my response
  "Being away from home is hard I know, this will be your new home before you know it!" He said excited

I stayed silent through the boat ride and when we arrived at the castle he offered his hand to help me out
I noticed my sleeve began to shift up, so I pushed it back down and struggled on my own to get out of the boat
Even when he offered help countless times, I told him off
He even went as far as to grab my arms and help but when he touched me I flinched and almost fell into the water

He led me to the rest of the first years and I stayed in the back of the crowd
I watched Draco confront the black haired boy and the red headed kid with him, I watched as the Headmistress yelled at another boy who kept losing his pet frog while we walked on
I wish I had been able to bring a pet

We walked into a place I learned was the Great hall, a spot we would eat breakfast lunch and dinner in and a spot we could use for studying
There were four long tables already filled with students
Gryffindor was the first table, I noticed the Lion Banner hanging above it
Hufflepuff was the second one, a large Badger banner was with that one
Ravenclaw was next with their Eagle banner
And finally was Slytherin with their Snake banner above them
I need to be in Slytherin

Professor McGonagall who I learned is the headmistress, called to the students silencing them all
She then placed a raggedy hat on the stool we were instructed to sit on

  "Let the sorting began" the Headmaster Dumbledore said
My dad gave me a book on Hogwarts so I knew about a little of it from that
He didn't teach me anything of it though, he didn't care to and I didn't expect him to

I watched as the small red headed boy went to Gryffindor along with the brunette and the black haired boy
I watched as Draco went to Slytherin with Gregory and Vincent
They did I just need to

  "Cora Yaxley" my name was called and I began feeling anxious
If I didn't get into Slytherin I would be in so much trouble

I walked slowly to the sorting hat that the Head mistress held
She had a warm smile while I walked up but I reminded myself to not make friends and to not like anyone here
No one would like me back anyways

I sat down on the tall stool and waited for the hat to speak
I looked at the Gryffindor table and saw the twins looking strangely at me and then the smaller one, I learned was Ronald, was whispering to them
I learned their last name was Weasley and I know my dad talks about an Arthur Weasley a lot and how much he hates him
Maybe his dad talks about mine too, maybe they hate me now

  "Hello Cora Yaxley" the hat said in my mind

  "Slytherin please" I begged

  "Slytherin? But you don't possess the qualities of that house"

I could feel my eyes burning so I closed them
"Please put me where I belong"

  "Very well..."

I sighed, feeling relief shutter through me


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