Ninety Three

130 7 14

I woke up and Hermione was still beside me sleeping
But in the room now was my dad and a large black dog

I put my hand down and reached over to pet him
When he noticed he licked my hand and moved closer to me

"Good morning Cora" my dad said sitting beside me

I stretched and opened my mouth to say good morning back
But my voice was still gone
I placed my hand on my throat and looked at him
His face dropped, he took my hand away from my throat and held it tightly
"I'm sorry about what happened to you..."

I blinked back tears
My dad isn't the best with words of comfort usually, but he does his best with not parenting someone for years
But I could feel his sorrow right now for me

I grabbed my parchment and quill

Madame Pomfrey said it'll only be a few days so it's ok

My dad read my note
Instead of agreeing with me he just looked...sad
"Cora...I talked to Madame Pomfrey this morning. She says there is a possibility that it might take longer. She isn't sure. A few days was a good estimate but when she examined your throat box again yesterday well...she said it's more damaged than she thought. Growing back bones and healing wounds is easy, fixing a voice is complex. She has potions that she wants you to take daily, they might help"

I looked down at my parchment and it had wet spots on it
I wiped my face of tears and wrote another note

Another potion to take...if it'll help ok
I hope you haven't been here too long while I slept, I would feel bad if you have been

"Cora, it's ok really. As your father I want to be here for you. Padfoot too" he said pointing to the dog now chasing its tail, trying to lighten the mood
I smiled brightly at him but still couldn't laugh

I'm glad you both are here

"I'll close the curtain to give you some privacy" Madame Pomfrey said coming over "take this deary, it's for your voice"

I nodded my head
She closed the curtains and Sirius transformed back into himself
He came over and hugged me tightly
"Cora I'm so sorry this happened"

I shrugged my shoulders but gave him a smile
It's all I could do to keep from crying

"Tell us about the tournament, do you know any details yet? Are they still expecting you to compete?"

As far as I know they plan to keep me in. I don't think they can take me out honestly, it's magically binded

"I'm surprised no one else is here with you" my dad said "I'd like to talk to Fred and Draco about what happened"

"Me too" Sirius said in a strict tone

They didn't mean too hurt me, I jumped in the way

"They shouldn't have gotten to that level" Sirius said, my dad snickered "what Moony?"

"That's comical coming from you, who was it again who jinxed that Ravenclaw boy in our year so badly he quit mid semester?"

Sirius smirked
"We're not talking about me right now"

I smiled again

Do you think my voice will come back? What if I can't sing was all I had

Sirius and my dad held my hands
"No matter what happens we will help you through it" Sirius said

"I know how much you loved to sing, but it's not the only thing you're good at remember that ok? You have quidditch, your studies, I hear you're good at cooking now from watching Molly do so much last summer" my dad said

Memories of the summer before the Quidditch cup filled my head
I smiled again at those memories
Fred was so different back then

Should I forgive Fred? I won't lie he's ass recently

"If you want to, do what's best for you" my dad said

"Boys this age are asses, I know I was. Your dad might not have been but James was too. Want me to talk to him? I'll set him straight" Sirius said getting up and stretching

I started to shake my hands

No no it's ok, thank you both really

Hermione began waking up
She stretched and then looked around us
"Oh hello Professor Lupin, Sirius" she said

"Hello Hermione" Sirius said

"Good morning dear" my dad said

I heard footsteps pacing back and forth outside of the hospital wing
And then another set of footsteps entering
"Hello Minister" Madame Pomfrey said loud enough for us to hear
Sirius transformed back into his dog form and hid under the bed

"May I speak to you Cora?" Cornelius Fudge said over the curtains

I nodded my head to my dad and he opened the blinds
Standing behind them was Fudge and Ludo Bagman

"Good morning, how are you feeling?" He asked

I showed him my parchment

Fine how are you sir?

"Doing alright, I'm sorry to hear about your voice. I am here to let you know that the first challenge is happening in two weeks. Unfortunately no matter if your voice is back or not you still have to compete, magic binds you" Fudge said

"There isn't any way to get her or Harry out? They're not old enough" my dad said

"We've tried, we can't I'm sorry. Next time they won't be so...irresponsible I hope" he said raising his eyebrows at me

I scrunched my own
My dad got up from his seat and stood in front of the minister
"It sounds to me as if you are accusing them of entering themselves?"

I heard Sirius growling from under my bed
Fudge looked around for him but then refocused to my dad
"Well I don't see any proof otherwise, plenty of students tried to enter. What makes them any different?"

"Because they didn't enter themselves" my dad said agitated

"We all want to believe the best in our kids I know" he put his hand on my dad's shoulder
He shrugged him off

"Good day Minister" my dad said ending the conversation
My dad wasn't a confrontation person, but I could feel the bed vibrate from someone in the room who was

The minister nodded his head at my dad, with one more look at me he left the room

My dad closed the curtains again
Sirius transformed after we heard the door close
"What an asshole. I'm going to go bite his—"

"Sirius, don't get yourself into trouble" my dad said

I heard footsteps come into the room again
Whoever it was didn't say anything but I heard two chairs pull up to the curtains, and sit on the opposite side

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