Thirty Four

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The week ended meaning it was the weekend again, Hogsmeade weekend to be exact

I told Fred I would go with him this time, we took the underground passage with Harry who needed to use them as well

After the situation with Adrian, Fred has been glued to my side

We left Dumbledore's office together
I told them how I ended up next to Adrian, what happened the day before and that I found out he was the one who transformed into Draco weeks ago
Thats the only way he could have known that I'm part werewolf

Draco looked at Fred and grabbed him by the collar, throwing him into the wall that was behind us
Draco was shorter than Fred and he was definitely stronger but he let him throw him into the wall

  "Draco!" I yelled

  "Listen here" Draco said holding Fred's shirt "I don't know what happened with you and Cora, but she's been miserable all week because of you. Do you know what it feels like to see your best friend fall into a hole again?!"

Fred stayed silent
Hermione and I were too

  "She deserves the world and if you aren't going to give that to her, leave her the fuck alone" he let go of his collar "she's been through enough in her life, she doesn't need more piling on. She shouldn't have even been put in this situation and if it wasn't for you being an ass she wouldn't have been. You know they're going to use that against her during matches right?!" He yelled "and whenever they damn well feel like it"

Hermione hugged me, sensing that I needed comfort still

  "I will never forgive myself for letting her down" Fred said looking at me "I'm so sorry"
Fred could have retaliated but he didn't fight back

  "Cora is the only person I give a shit about in this school, and I will do anything to protect her" Draco threatened

  "I will too" Fred said lifting his head

  "Will you?!" Draco stared at him and then turned around to look at me
He opens his arms for me and I walked over to let him hold me
He placed his hand in my hair and the other on my back

  "If they cause you issues, any of those gits come to me first ok? Please?"

I nodded my head
Draco left me with Hermione and Fred
He was sure to glare at Fred another time before leaving

"Fred" I said walking around Hogsmeade with him
He bought me candy from Honeydukes, even though I told him I didn't need any
I just liked being here and spending time with everyone

"Yes Corey?"

"You're not...sticking by me because of pity right?"

He stopped walking and turned to me
"I was a git, an ass, every name in the book last week. You were already hurting because of your condition and I made it worse, I will never forgive myself for that. But I'm not hanging out with you because of pity or because I'm afraid Draco will kill me" he said pointing to the Three Broomsticks where Draco was glaring at him "I'm with you because I want to be, because I missed you during that week, you're my best friend"

"You're mine too"

"Dont tell Draco" he smirked

"Sorry did you think you were above him?" I smirked back

He laughed
"I deserve to be lower"

"I don't rank my friends" I said opening up a giant lollipop

"Want to go to get nonalcoholic butter beer?"

I nodded my head
I didn't need alcohol anymore
The last time I drank, I made myself sick and since then I haven't wanted to touch it

I sat down at a table with Draco and Fred
Draco kept glaring at Fred whenever he had the chance
Fred got up to get us another round of drinks

"Draco" I said getting his attention


"Are you ever going to forgive him? I have"

"No" he drank the last of his drink "if you can't hold grudges I'll hold them for you"

I laughed which made Draco laugh too
"I love you, thank you"

He smiled
"I love you too, have you talked to Professor Lupin yet?"

"No, is he back?"

Draco turned his head to the front of the bar
Professor Lupin was on his way out of the door with Professor McGonagall

"I need to talk to him" I said getting up

"Do it later, find him in his office and then you can ask him where he can't avoid you"

I nodded my head
Fred came back with the drinks

"Bartender said these were paid for already" Fred passed one over to each of us

I looked around the room and saw Professor Lupin look at me and wink before he exited completely

Later that night I walked with Fred to go to Professor Lupin's office
"I'll wait in the classroom for you" Fred said sitting down at a desk

I took a deep breath and walked up his office stairs and knocked lightly
He didn't answer

"Maybe he's out" I turned to Fred
The door opened behind me

"Cora Yaxley, everything alright?" Lupin said

I looked at Fred and he nodded his head

I turned around
"No I need to talk to you"

Professor Lupin looked worried but let me into his office
He shut the door and then sat down at his desk

"What is troubling you?"

I sat down at the only available seat
"I'm part werewolf"

He looked at me
"I heard that you found out, I would be happy to help you with advice on living with this condition but you aren't like me. You don't transform is what I heard, so I don't know how much help I can be"

I started to play with my fingers on my lap
"That's not why I'm here"

He placed his hands under his chin
"Then why are you here?"

I looked up at him
His eyes held pain, so similar to my own
Beneath the scars his face bore, I could see more similarities
He had high cheek bones like I did
We had the same eye shape
The way he scrunched his face was the same way I did

"You're my father"

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